Digital technology has provided new ways of communicating – and even flirting – with other people. Text messaging, also known as texting, has quickly become a fun new way for people everywhere to make flirting. Sending a flirty message in the form of a kiss is quick and easy, and can be a relatively casual way to express your feelings.
Method 1 of 2: Sending a Kiss Image in the Form of a Text Message

Step 1. Use emojis
If you have a smartphone (smartphone), use an emoji to send a kiss. Emoji which in Japanese means "picture letters" are images used to convey messages. Almost all smartphones provide a free emoji keyboard that you can install to send a virtual kiss.
- You can use emoji on your Android smartphone by downloading and installing the emoji keyboard app. From the home menu, go to Settings then Language & Input, then check the box next to emoji keyboard. When you send a text message and want to enter an emoji, click the button to change the keyboard language to the emoji option. Select the kissing or puckered lips emoji you want to send.
- You can use emoji on your iPhone smartphone by downloading and installing the emoji keyboard app. From the General Settings menu, select Keyboard then International Keyboard. Select "Add New Keyboard" and select the emoji options you want. When you're texting and want to enter an emoji, press the little "globe" button next to the space bar to activate the keyboard in a different language, including emoji. Select the kissing and puckering lips emoji you want to send.

Step 2. Submit the Bitmoji
One of the newest ways that can be used to send kisses to others is with Bitmoji. This use of emoji, a photo of yourself and an avatar can be a slightly more personal way to send a kiss in a text message.
- Get the Bitmoji app on iTunes or Google Play.
- Once the app is installed, design your Bitmoji the way you want it to look. There are many looks to choose from so that your avatar is the best reflection of you.
- Make sure that you have activated the Bitmoji app through your keyboard settings so that you can access the avatar you have set up and send someone a kiss via Bitmoji text message.

Step 3. Submit a photo of you pursing your lips
If you don't like sending out a digital avatar to convey a kiss, just go the traditional way of taking a photo of your pursed lips, or making a "kiss face". If you have a smartphone, the best way to do this is to take a selfie.
- Use the camera on your smartphone to take a photo of yourself pursing your lips. Most smartphones allow you to reorient the camera lens towards yourself so that you can see your view when the picture is taken.
- Some smartphones even have a timer (timer) so you can adjust the position for shooting properly.
- It's a good idea to take several photos so you can choose the best photo of yourself to send as a kiss.
Method 2 of 2: Sending a Text in the Form of a Kiss in a Text Message

Step 1. Use emoticons
One of the easiest and most used ways to send a kiss via text message is to use emoticons. An emoticon is a series of keyboard characters used to convey an action or emotion. There are many options when you want to send a kiss with an emoticon.
- The character symbols:-)* or:-* or:-^ or ^>^ are emoticons that can be used to send someone a kiss.
- The character symbols:-x or:x are emoticons that can be used to send someone a "lick of lips" message.
- The character symbol:*) also means pursed lips.

Step 2. Use "xoxo"
Before texting was introduced, people used to use the letter "xo" to symbolize hugs (x) and kisses (o). You can use this simple, universally acclaimed traditional message to send someone a kiss.
People usually use "xoxo" at the end of messages, but you can use it anywhere you like in a text message

Step 3. You can use kissing onomatopoeia
Onomatopoeia is a word that imitates the sound it describes. There are various ways to send a kiss via text message using onomatopoeia.