5 Ways to Tweet Someone

5 Ways to Tweet Someone
5 Ways to Tweet Someone

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Tweeting each other and interacting with others on Twitter can spark lively and enjoyable discussions, which can enhance your experience as a Twitter user. There are five ways to tweet someone: reply to someone's post, mention someone's Twitter account name in one of your publications, retweet, quote a tweet with a comment, and send a direct message.


Method 1 of 5: Replying to a Tweet

Tweet Someone Step 1
Tweet Someone Step 1

Step 1. Find the tweet you want to reply to

Tweet Someone Step 2
Tweet Someone Step 2

Step 2. Tap the “answer” sign located below the tweet

The answer mark on Twitter resembles an arrow pointing to the left. This sign will bring up a dialog box with the name of the Twitter account of the person you are referring to is located at the beginning of the tweet.

Tweet Someone Step 3
Tweet Someone Step 3

Step 3. Type your reply in the dialog box, then press “Tweet

Your Tweet will now be published and will appear in the Twitter notification box of the person you are referring to.

If you want everyone who follows you on Twitter to see your replies to an issue, type a period in front of the Twitter account name of the person you're referring to. For example, if you want to reply to a tweet published by wikiHow, write “.@wikiHow.”

Method 2 of 5: Publishing Posts That Mention Someone's Twitter

Tweet Someone Step 4
Tweet Someone Step 4

Step 1. Go to your Twitter and make a tweet like you normally do

Tweet Someone Step 5
Tweet Someone Step 5

Step 2. Replace the name of the person you want to mention with their Twitter account name

For example, if you want to mention wikiHow in your tweet, replace the name “wikiHow” with “@wikiHow” which is wikiHow's official Twitter account.

Tweet Someone Step 6
Tweet Someone Step 6

Step 3. Press “Tweet.” Your Tweet will now be published, and the Twitter account name of the person you mentioned will appear in the form of a link to the person's own Twitter profile.

Method 3 of 5: Retweeting

Tweet Someone Step 7
Tweet Someone Step 7

Step 1. Find the tweet you want to retweet

A retweet is a tweet that you forward to all of your Twitter followers, and can be useful when you want to share interesting or important information with your Twitter followers.

Tweet Someone Step 8
Tweet Someone Step 8

Step 2. Press the “retweet” symbol which is represented by two arrows forming a circle

A dialog box will pop up the tweet you want to send to your Twitter followers.

Tweet Someone Step 9
Tweet Someone Step 9

Step 3. Press “Retweet

The Tweet you selected will now be shared with all of your Twitter followers, and will be marked as a retweet.

Method 4 of 5: Quoting a Tweet with an Included Comment

Tweet Someone Step 10
Tweet Someone Step 10

Step 1. Find the tweet you want to retweet then hit the retweet symbol

The retweet symbol is represented by two arrows forming a circle. A dialog box will bring up the original tweet along with a comment box.

Tweet Someone Step 11
Tweet Someone Step 11

Step 2. Type your comment in the “Add a comment” box, then press “Tweet”

The tweet you commented on will now be shared with all of your Twitter followers.

If you are using the Twitter app on your electronic device (mobile phone, tablet, etc.), tap with your finger on “Quote Tweet”, add your comment, then tap on “Tweet” again

Method 5 of 5: Sending A Direct Message

Tweet Someone Step 12
Tweet Someone Step 12

Step 1. Tap the words “Messages” in the upper left corner of your Twitter page

If you're using the Twitter for mobile app, tap the envelope symbol to access the message section

Tweet Someone Step 13
Tweet Someone Step 13

Step 2. Tap “Send a direct message” or “New message. (new message) . Direct messages are confidential and can only be seen by the recipient of the message, unless you or the recipient of the message have enabled a feature in Settings that allows them to receive messages from other users.

Tweet Someone Step 14
Tweet Someone Step 14

Step 3. Enter the Twitter account name of the person you want to send the message to

You can send a direct message to up to 50 Twitter users at the same time.

Tweet Someone Step 15
Tweet Someone Step 15

Step 4. Type your message into the text box provided, then press “Send message

Direct messages that you send will now be saved in the “Messages” (“Messages”) box of your intended recipient.


When tweeting to others, try to minimize self-promoting publications. If you send a very large number of self-promoting publications to one or more users, your account may be marked as spam and then blocked. For each self-promotional issue you share, try to publish two or three other tweets that are useful to your Twitter followers, but not related to yourself or your own business
