When someone you care about is facing a challenge or problem, it's only natural that you wish them the best. If you think the words "Good luck!" alone is not enough, there are plenty of options inspired by the world's cultures to consider. Throughout human history, every culture has had different ways of wishing success, from words and symbols to spells, tokens, and gestures, all of which can help you convey and wish someone your best wishes and sincere prayers for success.
Method 1 of 3: Saying Words of Encouragement

Step 1. Express your wishes by saying “Good luck
"One of the best and simplest ways to wish someone good luck is to tell them the way they are. "Good luck!" is frank, honest, and almost infallible.
- Make sure you sound sincere. If it's said in the wrong tone, "Good luck!" can be interpreted as sarcasm. So, make sure the recipient knows your sincerity when delivering it.
- Some people don't like these words because they feel there is negativity in them. To them, “Good luck!” implies that success is not only achieved by effort. Use these words wisely.

Step 2. Use other words
If you run into people who don't like “Good luck!” or if you want more creative language, there are a few sayings that basically mean the same thing. Try these words:
- “May luck be on your side!” or “I wish you all the best!” are variations with the same meaning.
- Crossing the middle and index fingers is often done to express hope. So you can also convey good luck by saying “Cross my fingers”.
- Some actors in the West assume that the saying "Good luck!" before going to the theater stage brought bad luck. Therefore, they say “Break a leg!” with the literal meaning of “bend legs” which refers to paying homage to the audience at the end of a performance.
- Even though it seems inappropriate, some people sometimes quote the phrase "May the force be with you" from the Star Wars films to wish good luck to those who face challenging assignments.
- Some other variations are "Smack!", "You'll make it!", or "Bring them to their knees!".

Step 3. Express your expectations in another language
Wishing luck can certainly not only be expressed in Indonesian or English. One way to keep your speech from going stale is to use another foreign language. This method is very effective when spoken to people who understand the language or have a cultural connection with the language used.
- In Spanish, say “¡Buena suerte! " In German, say “Viel Glück!” and “Alles Gute! " While in French say “Bonne chance!”.
- Try the Italian greeting, “Buona fortuna!” or “In bocca al lupo!”
- “Jūk néih hóuwahn” (祝你好運) is Chinese Cantonese for wishing success. “Gokoūn o inorimasu” (ご幸運を祈ります) is a formal way of saying good luck in Japanese, while an informal expression is “Ganbatte ne” (頑張ってね)
- Wish someone good luck in Greek with “Kalí tíhi” (Καλή). In Turkish, “Iyi anslar” or “Bol ans!"
- " Saubhāgya " () is Indian for wishing success. In Arabic, try “Bi't-tawfiq!”
Method 2 of 3: Using Amulets, Gifts, and Charms

Step 1. Choose a talisman from nature
Most amulets and symbols of good luck are taken from objects found in nature. Provide a real amulet or symbol if possible, or use a visual representation if you can't provide a physical form.
- 4-leaf clover is very rare to find because most of the number of leaves is only three, so the 4-leaf is considered to bring good luck. The first leaf represents “faith”, the second leaf represents “hope”, the third leaf represents “love”, and the fourth symbolizes “luck”.
- The acorn symbolizes good fortune, youth, prosperity and spiritual growth. In ancient times the Scandinavians placed acorns on windowsills to protect their homes from lightning.
- The rainbow is considered a symbol of good luck for several reasons. Many cultures think of rainbows as bridges or paths through which spirits travel. In the Judeo-Christian tradition, God created the rainbow as a promise to never again destroy the world with a flood.
- Some people believe that amber-fossilized tree sap-brings good luck, balances emotions, and dispels fear.
- Stars are often symbolized as good luck because many ancient cultures believed that a person's fate could be predicted and governed by the stars. However, the stars that are considered to bring the most luck are shooting stars.
- Small bamboos, otherwise known as “lucky bamboos”, are usually kept because they are believed to bring longevity and strength. Bamboo grows very quickly and can return to its original shape after receiving pressure, thus becoming a symbol of strength in Chinese culture.

Step 2. Choose a symbol from the animal
There are several animals that are associated with the assumption of bringing various variations of luck. Try using one of these to wish someone good luck. In addition, there are some animal body parts that are considered to bring good luck.
- For example, rabbit's feet are a popular choice. Rabbits are considered to bring good luck because they are associated with spring, the season for new life. Because rabbits put their hind legs first before their front legs, it is the hind legs that are considered to be the most lucky.
- Some people believe that a turkey or chicken breastbone can grant a wish when it is broken in half. The person who gets the bigger share will have their wish granted-but don't tell anyone. The request will not be granted if told.
- The gold fish is a symbol of prosperity, wealth, wisdom, power, longevity and peace. The golden fish is also one of the eight Buddhist symbols, thus symbolizing fertility and harmony.
- Dolphins are also a symbol of good luck and protection. This stems from the belief that sailors would see dolphins swimming near ships when land was near.
- The maneki-neko or "calling cat" is a specific cat figure in Japan that is believed to bring good fortune and wealth.

Step 3. Use a talisman made by man
Not all lucky charms come from nature. There are several amulets made by humans themselves. Most of these amulets are easier to obtain than natural amulets, so consider using one if you wish someone good luck.
- For example, horseshoes are sometimes hung inside the house to protect the occupants and invite good fortune. Horseshoes were originally made by blacksmiths, which used to be considered a very profitable occupation.
- In many cultures, coins are considered to bring good luck. However, the types of coins needed for good luck vary. In the United States, a lucky coin is one you find with your head up, called a lucky penny. In England, the lucky coin is the ancient sixpence.
- Three keys strung together symbolize the keys to health, wealth and love.

Step 4. Think from the context of religion and belief
Some religions and beliefs also have some symbols associated with good luck. Religious symbols carry greater significance than other amulets, and are sometimes used to wish good luck. If you or the person you're greeting are attached to a religion or belief, a religious symbol might be a good idea.
- For example, dream netters originating from Native Americans are believed to be able to trap evil spirits from entering dreams while sleeping.
- The "laughing Buddha" or Pu-Tai statue is used in Chinese culture to symbolize happiness, health, abundance, and contentment.
- Although the cross primarily served as a symbol of the Christian faith, in ancient times it was considered a symbol of good luck and protection. Today, some Christians use medals, statues, and other symbols of saints to express their earnest hope for protection or guidance in various aspects of life (usually the protected aspect of the saint whose symbol is used).
- Remember to always be careful when giving religious symbols. Some people have very strong feelings for their faith and can be offended if they are symbolized in the wrong way. For example, a Christian might be happy to receive a cross with the words "God bless." However, he might be offended if told that the cross is for "luck".

Step 5. Cast a lucky spell
Some religious traditions believe that spells and incantations can bring good luck. For example, there are a number of Wicca-belief magic spells that are still considered appropriate today, originating in European pagan beliefs. If the idea doesn't matter to you as well as the recipient, you can try one of these spells.
- Lucky spells in the Wicca belief involve oil and black candles. Move a finger that has been dripped with oil up and down the candle while visualizing the luck and good fortune of the recipient, while chanting the mantra, "Black candle, change fortune X, let prosperity and joy abound to him."
- Another mantra can be said before going to sleep. Prepare candles, pens and paper. Write your wishes clearly on paper and then place the paper under the candle. Then clear your mind. Light a candle and concentrate on what you want-luck for a friend-and visualize it.

Step 6. Give a gift in the form of food
There are several types of food that can be used to wish good luck. Give one of these foods to the person concerned or cook a dish using one or more of the following food ingredients:
- In many Asian countries long noodles are eaten to bring longevity, but you shouldn't break them halfway until they're all in your mouth.
- In the southern United States, tolo beans are traditionally eaten as the first food of the New Year to wish good luck.
- Green cabbage is associated with good luck especially with money, as green is the color used in banknotes. This belief is widely found in Germany, Ireland, and parts of the United States.
- Lentils are round like coins and are eaten for good luck in some areas of Italy.
- Pomegranates are associated with abundance and fertility in Mediterranean countries, such as Turkey.
- Fish are thought to bring good luck in some areas of North America, Asia, and Europe because they "swim forward" toward new destinations. Fish also swim in large groups, thus symbolizing abundance.
Method 3 of 3: Wishing Good Luck with Other Signs

Step 1. Send a greeting card
One of the easiest ways to convey your wishes is to give the person a greeting card. Cards for this purpose are usually printed with a greeting on them, but you can write a more personal greeting on a blank card.
- Give a personal touch in more specific details by wishing you good luck in another sentence or language.
- If words don't feel like enough, consider sticking a small lucky charm inside the card, such as a coin, four-leaf clover, and so on.

Step 2. Give a lucky box or jar
Some people fill boxes or jars with herbs, plants, or symbols that can "attract" good luck. Fill the container with small and inexpensive tokens and give it to the recipient. By giving the container, you are essentially giving away a valuable fortune package.
- The package can contain one type of symbol in large quantities or several symbols totaling one each. For example, you can give a jar of some sparkling lucky coins to wish someone good luck. Or, you can pack a small box containing a tiny bamboo plant, three bone rings held together in a key ring, a plush dolphin display, some star stickers, an acorn, or other auspicious symbols.
- Plants suitable for placing in jars include chamomile, clover, dandelion, mistletoe, rose, sandalwood, peppermint, fennel, and thyme.
- If you don't like the idea of giving little eyes or plants, write your wishes on a few scraps of paper and put them in a jar. You can give the jar to someone who needs extra luck. Tell him to open the jar and pick up a piece of paper whenever he needs some extra luck. Write your hopes and prayers with different expressions.
- In addition, you can write specific wishes on each slip of paper. The expression must be written in a variety of ways.

Step 3. Use products that have been packaged with the concept of luck
Another funny and unique way is to give products with the word "luck" element.
One of the easiest and cheapest examples is the “Lucky Charms” cereal

Step 4. Purchase an amulet bracelet or other form of jewelry
Because many auspicious symbols are difficult to render in their original form, jewelry manufacturers often use these symbols to make custom jewelry. You can give jewelry with amulet symbols or bracelets with pendants that symbolize good luck.
- Zodiac gemstones are also considered to bring good luck, so giving them the accessory means you wish them luck.
- For those who are not used to wearing jewelry, you can still give accessories-such as key chains-decorated with symbols of good luck.

Step 5. Resist bad luck
Some gestures, although not specifically intended to invite good luck, are made to ward off bad luck. This movement is called “rejecting reinforcements” and some consider it an effective way to ensure neutrality or good fortune. The results show that such movements bring peace to the person who performs them.
- One of the movements to reject reinforcements is "knock on wood". Knocking on the nearest wood at that time was meant to avoid “threatening bad luck”, to keep away bad luck or risk that was seen or predicted.
- Throwing salt over the left shoulder has to do with salt which is associated with lies and betrayal. The salt is meant to “blind” the demons waiting behind.
- Crossing the middle and index fingers, as said earlier, is another way to “avoid” unwanted results.