When you really like a guy, it's only natural that you want to talk to him all the time. There are many ways to start and strengthen your relationship with him so you can talk more the way you want. At first, you can approach her using social media to like her posts and get to know her interests and style better. Then, you can open a fun topic to start a conversation. A good way to pique his interest is to find out more about him by asking his opinion, doing small activities with him, and having deep conversations. In essence, getting him talking to you all the time is learning how to treat him like a friend and tease him while getting to know each other better.
Method 1 of 3: Establishing the First Connection

Step 1. Observe what is interesting or fun to open the topic
One way to open a topic is to pay attention to the circumstances around you. Look for something around you where you can make a funny comment. For example, at lunch and your food hasn't arrived while you're waiting for it to get hot outside, you might say something silly like, "Do you think he'll give us water while we wait or do they want to watch us die?" Men find cute girls attractive and will attract them.
- Even if you don't find yourself funny, you are still fun.
- Pleasant nature can make conversation enjoyable without pressure.
- Remember that it's important to start a conversation. Don't think too much about how your topic opens. Focus on continuing the conversation.

Step 2. Show that you enjoy engaging in the conversation
One way to make a guy enjoy talking to you is to show him that you enjoy spending time chatting with him. Some ways to show this include maintaining eye contact, smiling often, laughing sincerely, and getting a little closer when you talk. When you talk, tilt your head, smile and touch your hair, neck or clothes. However, don't think too much about these things, just do what you feel is natural. Nonverbal signs will show that you are happy.
If you text him more often, say that you enjoy texting him. For example, you might say something like, "I think you're fun to text with."

Step 3. Be confident and enjoy yourself when you are with him
Write down your good sides. People are attracted to you if you know your good sides and aren't afraid to show them.
- Don't be afraid to err around him. Be who you really are, with all your quirks. Relax and laugh when you make mistakes, everyone does.
- Don't pretend to be the person you think he's going to like instead of being yourself. Imagine if someone did this to please you, would you like it? Probably not.

Step 4. Invite the people who show your best side when you go out with them
Laugh and travel with other people with him. It is important to show him that you are fun, independent, and have friends.
- This will show him that your friends are important to you and will help him see how you feel when you're around other people.
- This can make him jealous (with good intentions) and he may want to go out with you more than ever.

Step 5. Follow him on social media
If you don't have a social media account while he's active on social media, create one. Like or retweet the post. If you are active on social media, you can start the conversation. By liking and retweeting posts on his social media you can build friendships and get to know what he likes. In addition, you also become aware of what is going on around him.
- Once you've liked some of his posts, it's a good idea to also comment on them or send them a message.
- Don't like all the posts. Pick one or two things you really like, and give it a few days before you start liking them again. If you pay too much attention, you will appear too trying or scary.

Step 6. Post something on your social media
If you've liked or commented on the post, post something that shows what you like. He will see your interests just as you see his. For example, submit a beautiful or interesting picture that you have taken or find funny moving pictures, pictures and quotes from the internet that you can post while commenting on why you like it.
- For example, if he writes a lot of posts about bands he likes and there's a band that you both like, you can post one of the video clips from that group or lyrics from their song with a comment on why you like it.
- Be yourself. Send only the things you really like and the part of who you really are. If you post things you weren't interested in before, you'll look fake.

Step 7. Comment on the posts
You can comment on his post after he just sent it. If you leave a comment quickly, he'll be quicker to reply. Try complimenting the post, asking a question, or commenting on something you find interesting. For example, if he writes that he's going to a concert of a band you like, you can reply, “I'm so jealous that you can see it! Do they play well when they go live?”
Don't comment too often. Make sure you give a time lapse each time you make a comment

Step 8. Forget him if he doesn't seem interested in you
If he seems distant or detached from you and doesn't reply to your comments very often, he may not be interested. Luckily, there will be a few other guys who will be interested in talking to you and who will be on good terms with you. Instead of treating your relationship with this guy as a failure, remember all the interactions you've had with him as practice talking to another guy waiting for you.
Method 2 of 3: Strengthening Your Connection

Step 1. Ask her opinion about the things you like
Once you've made your first connection with him, continue to text him and chat to strengthen the connection you've made with him. One way to strengthen your connection and keep your conversation interesting is to ask his opinion on a lot of things.
- Whatever you're passionate about, be it books, movies, food, etc., try asking interesting questions that are open-ended and can start an interesting conversation. For example, if you like Harry Potter, you might ask, "So which Harry Potter book is the best for you?" And you can agree or disagree with it. Differences of opinion like this can start a joke and are fun to do.
- You can start by stating your opinion and then ask his opinion about it. This question can depend on the context of where you are or what you are doing. For example, if you're eating apples for lunch, you might say, "I think Granny Smith apples are definitely the best apples, but I wonder, which apple do you like the most?" Again, a good way to make your conversation more enjoyable is to take it in a fun direction, especially when you're talking about a simple topic and you can continue the conversation.
- Ask different questions before you start a conversation because the topic of conversation can change quickly unconsciously.

Step 2. Dispute by joking with him
He will still want to talk to you if you are having fun while talking. An example of a joke you can do is raise your eyebrows when he says that his favorite apple is Red Delicious, you can say something silly like, “You think the best apple is Red Delicious? It turns out that not everyone is perfect.” Men like silly jokes like this because it's stress-free and fun. It's good for joking because you don't have to say anything else but you can still connect well.
Practice joking with your friends and relatives. Find silly things to talk about. By fighting playfully, your relationships with other people can also develop

Step 3. Avoid asking questions that he already knows the answers to
Don't mince words or ask introductory questions like "What's the news?" or “Where are you from?”. These questions are very uninteresting and you won't learn much about them because they can provide answers that they often give before. You should take him away from this kind of conversation so that he is happy to talk to you again, so avoid small talk.

Step 4. Boost his confidence
Everyone wants to feel good about themselves, and if you can make him feel that way he will want to keep talking to you. So let him know why you like him by giving him small, heartfelt compliments. Don't think about it too much - you can casually say why you think he's good. In fact, do not be too obvious praise him. For example, when you're walking somewhere and you notice that he knows the way, you might say "I'm glad you always know where we're going."

Step 5. Learn how and when to end the conversation
One way to make a guy want to talk to you more is to end the conversation at the right time. The best way to end a conversation is when you've established a good connection and before the conversation starts to become uninteresting. After that, think about your reasons for coming home and tell them that you should leave after you laugh together or have made a connection. Make sure you tell him that you really enjoyed talking to him and are looking forward to doing it again.
- Be casual and relaxed when you end the conversation. Say something like, “Hey, it was great talking to you. I have to go home to do my homework, but I want to spend more time with you.”
- Maintain eye contact with him when you are away. Don't let go of eye contact for a second and smile a little cheerfully or teasingly when you leave.

Step 6. Keep up to date with written messages
Depending on your speaking style and the guy you like, regularly means different things. Start texting him every few days, and if he's slow to respond, you can message him as often as possible. Post funny comments or questions to seduce her.
- For example, ask him about the latest things or how he is. You can ask, “Hey, how was the midterm paper?”.
- Or tell him about something interesting you've experienced or that relates to him. You could say things like, “Remember the time we had our peanut butter sandwich because the food truck was so late? I'm currently watching B eat all the food in the cafeteria."
- Try varying the messages you send. Don't just ask how you're doing or post funny things. Try a combination of funny questions and comments.
Method 3 of 3: Deepening the Connection

Step 1. Do side activities with him
Some people get closer to others by doing activities together rather than talking. He will feel closer to you if you do side activities together. Side activities together such as exercising, playing, or working on a project together. Pay attention to the activities he enjoys and do them with him. For example, if he likes outdoor activities like shooting, ask him to teach you how to use a gun. Plus, if there's a game he likes, learn how to play it too.
- Even if you don't know how to do an activity he enjoys, even trying to learn is meaningful to him.
- Relax when you are with him. Laugh when you make mistakes, ask questions, and talk to other people who are doing the activity.
- If he's a talkative guy, you can still build relationships in new ways by doing side activities together.

Step 2. Find out the important interests and relationships in his life
Some guys feel attached to women based on how they feel and how they talk and even guys who might not seem like they want to talk to you about the things they care about once they're very comfortable with you. Once you've spent some time getting to know him, you should start getting to know him more. He will feel closer to you and more dependent on you if you know more about the things he cares about and the intricacies of his life.
- This kind of conversation is best done at night. Ask questions about important things in his past, important relationships in his past, and things he cares about.
- For example, you might ask, “Which hobby shows you the most and why do you like it so much?” Or ask, “Who is the closest family member to you and why?”. Questions like these are simple, but by listening carefully, you can have a deep conversation with them.

Step 3. Find a quiet place to spend time so no one will disturb you
For conversation, sit across from him or in a position where you can easily see his face and hear him. Ask questions about him and use these listening skills to have a good conversation with him.
- Show that you are listening with your posture. Maintain eye contact, nod your head and react with small voices or movements when speaking.
- Give it the right distance. If you are too close, you will appear too interested, but if you are too far away, you will appear too distant. Give him some distance so he can talk but make sure you can see and hear him well in your position.
- Repeat the gist of what he said. With this, he will see that you really understand what you are saying. If he's telling you about his tiring day, for example, you can abbreviate the most important points from what he's telling you. For example, you might say, "So you don't understand why your sister is pretending until you see her at school yourself."
- Empathize with her feelings. Empathy means that you can understand his feelings even if you don't feel the same way. For example, you might combine repeating his statement with empathy by saying something like, "You must be frustrated about repeating an exam, even though you've been studying hard." It's important to say that you understand his feelings and the reasons why he feels that way.

Step 4. Express yourself to him too
Don't forget to show yourself anyway. If you really like him, you may feel shy about telling him about yourself, but he can build a better connection with you if you tell him things you care about. Tell me about important relationships in your life, great experiences you've had, and good things you've enjoyed in your life. As before, maintain eye contact with him when speaking, use posture to express how you feel, and let your tone of voice make your point. He will connect better and care about you if he can understand the important things that are happening to you.

Step 5. Stay by his side in difficult times as his confidant
Everyone needs someone else to lean on during difficult times. If you can be this kind of person to him, you will form a strong bond until he feels close to you. There are many things you can do for him during a difficult time. For example, if he is struggling with his grades and is afraid to discuss it with his teacher, send him an encouraging message before he speaks. You can say things like, "Good luck - I know you can straighten this out because you always can." Then, after he has spoken to his teacher, ask him how he is and show that you are there for him if he wants to talk.
- Usually people prefer to be distracted when going through a difficult time. If so, send him a funny textual message so he laughs.
- If he says he's having trouble with something, ask him if he wants to talk to you about it. Or you can show that you are there for him if he just wants to kill time and relax.
- If you can be by his side during difficult times, your connection with him will deepen and he will want to turn to you even more if something good or bad happens to him.

Step 6. Ask for his help
Men love to feel needed. If something happens and you need help, tell him, and ask for help well in advance. For example, if you need help painting a poster at the club after school, ask him when he can help you. When he arrives, make sure you give him something to work with. Completing tasks together is a great way to tie people together.
- Think of him as someone you want to be friends with. With this, you will feel less tense and he will accept you better.
- Don't think too much about him. He's just a man and human like you, and he's probably given up on attracting women too.
- Don't talk too much about yourself. When tense, usually people will talk more. Keep that in mind and make sure you always ask questions if you start to notice you're talking too much.