How to Be a Cynic: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Be a Cynic: 11 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Be a Cynic: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Some people are born cynical, and are able to quell optimism and reject the idea of selfless action. However, the term cynicism emerged from ancient Greek philosophy and can be studied even in its modern form. Cynics can help highlight the hypocrisy in life, even if they can ruin the fun of you and your friends. If you can hold on to past frustrations as a model for future hope, doubt the sincerity of others (and express them), and enjoy the dark humor that comes with seeing a world without optimism, you too can become a cynic. However, for the sake of your health and happiness, keep your cynicism to a minimum.


Part 1 of 2: Adopting Cynicism

Be a Cynic Step 1
Be a Cynic Step 1

Step 1. Focus on the frustration

Remember the person who borrowed your cell phone, but took it running. Or, the boyfriend who received your gift while having an affair. Or, the uncle who tricked your grandmother and stole all of her inheritance. Or, politicians who got scandalized when you started to believe them. We have all been cheated, lied to, toyed with, and disappointed in our lives. It's the way you respond to all of that that breeds cynicism.

  • Optimism discards all these disappointments as deviations. A Realist accepts it as an inevitable part of life. Cynics tend to see it as evidence that everyone is always acting selfishly.
  • A cynic need not support “fatalistic pessimism,” the view that everyone is bound to act selfishly, cheat, and lie. Cynics rely solely on evidence that this is the nature of all people.
Be a Cynic Step 2
Be a Cynic Step 2

Step 2. Expect more or less the same

Whatever the true origins of “Murphy's Law,” the idea of “everything that goes bad, goes bad” sounds like a true cynic.

  • By holding on to past frustrations as evidence of true human motives and behavior, the cynic will form his assumptions until proven otherwise.
  • Talking about the famous saying, a cynic will surely live up to the saying “only goats fall in the same hole.” Humans have proven themselves to be selfish and ambiguous creatures so often cynics think all humans are the same.
Be a Cynic Step 3
Be a Cynic Step 3

Step 3. Doubt all other people's motives

Cynicism started long ago as a quest for a true philosophy of virtue, and cynics today still believe that everyone is a liar and a fraudulent charlatan who thinks only of himself. It makes sense for cynics to start from that assumption.

  • If you want to train yourself to be a cynic, you need to practice looking for the selfish motives that can (and certainly are in a cynic's mind) hiding behind selfless actions.
  • It's easy to assume that politicians claim to care about the poor just to get votes, then sell their interests to the rich and powerful.
  • However, you need to practice thinking (perhaps through brainstorming) about ways to cover up selfless actions, such as running an animal shelter or fundraising for charity, from the original motive. Over time, you will begin to think that these people are doing good because they are seeking attention on television or are carrying out money-laundering plans, and won't be surprised if your assumptions are proven correct.
Be a Cynic Step 4
Be a Cynic Step 4

Step 4. Speak your thoughts

After all, what's the point of seeing hypocrisy and cheating if it's not told to others. Deep down, the cynic wants a better world. It's just that they don't know what to do other than point out their endless mistakes.

  • If, as the saying goes, the first step towards a solution is identifying the problem, then a cynic can rest easy on having played an important role by revealing an apparent problem. The rest is someone else's job to carry on.
  • Many comedians, talk show hosts, and writers earn their living by expressing their inner cynicism.
  • Typical sentences of a cynic include "That's right"; "Come on"; and "I told you." Cynics will also usually grunt, roll their eyes, shrug, smile mockingly, and wave their hands.
  • If you're worried that your cynicism is being too mean or makes you seem like a bitch, try to think more calmly and with a reason to bring up the problem. Others may still not like what you're saying, but they'll respond better if the arguments are justified
Be a Cynic Step 5
Be a Cynic Step 5

Step 5. See the humorous side

Dark humor is a central element of a cynic's view of the world. Comedians and some artists play cynicism as a joke. You can too.

  • Cynics have been known to have a side-by-side humor from the start. It is said that when Diogenes (a famous Greek cynic who enjoyed his rough and poor days) was asked what he wanted from Alexander the Great, Diogenes replied, "Please don't block his sunshine."
  • In modern times, your cynical humor might sound like, "At least the political gridlock in Washington will prevent our taxes from going up or the start of a new war." To be honest, many great comics and comedians have an element of cynicism. they.
  • When you see the world like a cynic, your choice may be to laugh at it, or cry at it. Most people prefer the first option.
Be a Cynic Step 6
Be a Cynic Step 6

Step 6. Know that you are not alone

The concept of cynicism has existed since humans were first born, from when Eve doubted God's motive for forbidding the khuldi fruit to be eaten, to early humans who thought their friends stood on two legs just to look taller.

  • The cynic in ancient Greece was a philosophical point of view championed by someone like Diogenes (c. 412 BC - c. 323 BC). Cynics steer clear of materialism, superficiality, and disdain as symptoms of human selfishness and focus on finding true wisdom through simple living and telling the truth, regardless of whether other people want to hear it or not.
  • Modern cynics claim that humans, from Friedrich Nietzsche to David Letterman, belong to a club. You don't have to live like a dog anymore and treat others like a dog (the root of the word "cynical" from the Greek) to be a cynic, just expect, pay attention, and express the superficiality and pretension that surrounds you.

Part 2 of 2: Weighing the Good and the Bad

Be a Cynic Step 7
Be a Cynic Step 7

Step 1. Reduce disappointing experiences

While cynicism is in many ways born of disappointment, sometimes this experience needs to be avoided. The bottom line is, if you always assume the worst, it's hard to be disappointed.

  • Few experiences can be more upsetting than having a hero exposed for his depravity, or finding someone trusted turn out to be a fraud. By getting rid of the expectation that someone is acting honestly and respectfully, the risk of disappointment is also reduced.
  • This is similar to the idea that to stay away from heartbreak, never let yourself fall in love, and is a great way to live life.
Be a Cynic Step 8
Be a Cynic Step 8

Step 2. Live with someone who questions everything

As many TV shows have proven, cynics make great detectives or investigators. By assuming ulterior motives and pursuing hypocrisy, the cynic will discover things the common man misses.

  • Cynics are known to question everything from religious beliefs to, in the case of Diogenes, the need to carry a glass if a mere fistful of hands suffices. bad..
  • However, living without trust is like navigating the ocean without a lifeboat.
Be a Cynic Step 9
Be a Cynic Step 9

Step 3. Let go of the potential loss of optimism

Some cynics think of themselves as idealists who are “deeply disillusioned” with their “love of deadly virtue.” Replacing hope with doubt can clear up your view of the world, but a loss of optimism can make it harder for you to see the world.

From Diogenes' lifetime to the present day, no one said being a cynic would make your life easier. Reality hurts

Be a Cynic Step 10
Be a Cynic Step 10

Step 4. Take the risk of opposition from others

Expressing the truth sometimes hurts other people's feelings, and not everyone is ready to hear cynical criticism nor is everyone cynical able to express opinions without hurting other people's feelings.

  • While cynics love to point out faults, reveal con artists, and sneer at shallow-mouthed people, awkward confrontations will arise and relationships may crack.
  • Cynics can still live a happy life, with friendships often limited to like-minded people. Your small group may not be invited to the party.
Be a Cynic Step 11
Be a Cynic Step 11

Step 5. Determine whether cynicism is helping or harming you

Some would say that cynicism is a lot worse because it impairs the ability to believe in something and constantly talks about negativity. Others will say that they contribute to making the world a better place by expressing the difficulty and importance of making progress.

  • The words of cynics are often unpleasant to hear, but that does not mean that their words are no more meaningful than the typical "Come on you can" typical of optimists.
  • Research shows that cynics tend to have poor physical and mental health, relationships, and even socioeconomic status. Therefore, make sure you are always aware of the repercussions of being a cynic.
  • Cynics may see themselves as selfless in a selfish world for sacrificing personal happiness to expose the faults of others. Whether you believe this statement or not depends on your level of cynicism.
