Are you planning to publish your personal work in public? If so, one of the steps that should be taken afterwards is to thank everyone in writing who has contributed their help and support until you have reached that point. Unfortunately, writing a thank you note is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. Some things you should think about: What is the appropriate tone of the sentence? How formal is the ideal thank you? Who should you thank? To find out the answer, try reading the various tips summarized in this article!
Method 1 of 3: Writing Acknowledgments for Academic Purposes

Step 1. Use the right tone and formatting of the writing
A thank-you note is a section commonly used to conclude official dissertations or academic theses. Because both are formal writings, many people find it difficult to choose the right format and tone of writing to represent their thanks, which of course is personal. For example, it might seem odd to end your thesis on a recent cancer study with an informal sentence like, “Thank you so much D-Nuts! The risol you brought to the lab that time was super delicious! That's why, thank you sheets should be arranged in a more professional format, even if it seems more casual than the content of your thesis. Also, thank you sheets shouldn't be too long, but must be able to summarize the names of people who have contributed in the process of preparing your thesis.
- Thank you sheets are arranged in the form of lists or paragraphs that are more fluid. For example, you might write, “I want to thank Professor Hendra, Dr. Grace, etc." until all the names listed in the list have been mentioned.
- If you wish, you can also thank one name more specifically and personally: “I would like to thank Professor Hendra for his help and support for me in completing this difficult project. In addition, I would also like to thank Pak Rahmat for his extraordinary skills while teaching in the laboratory."
- Some people are reluctant to highlight the help of one party over the other. That's why the alphabetical thank-you method is generally preferred and recommended.

Step 2. Begin by naming the educator who has the most important role
In general, the person who should be thanked is your academic advisor or supervisor, followed by the names of the thesis examiner and other academic supervisors who were directly involved in the process of working on your thesis.
- In general, you can thank several people in one sentence at a time, such as, “I want to thank Dr. Faithful, Dr. Badrul, and Professor Kasman for providing tremendous support in the process of completing this thesis."
- If you work in a small team, don't forget to thank each team member for the specific contribution they have made.

Step 3. List the names of other parties who helped launch your project
For example, you can include the names of laboratory assistants or others who have made contributions in any way. If any of your classmates have provided moral or material support for your accomplishments, don't hesitate to mention their names.

Step 4. Say thank you for the financial assistance you received
If the project you are working on receives financial support from certain organizations or research groups, such as in the form of grants, scholarships, or cooperative relationships, do not forget to include their names on the thank you sheet, as well as the names of the parties in it who have personal contact with You.
If the scholarship you are receiving is awarded by a specific organization, remember to include your name in this section, such as: “This project would not have been possible without the support of the Katarina G. Foundation, stakeholders from Reese's Peanut Butter, and the Guggenheim Group."

Step 5. Write a more personal and emotional thank-you note at the end
Many people want to personally thank their parents, friends, relatives, spouse, or other close people for taking care of your emotional state during the process. However, there's no need to thank irrelevant people, such as the school basketball team, unless your experiences with them have had a specific impact on your accomplishments.
- Remember, your romantic relationships and friendships can change at any time. That's why it's best not to include a romantic thank-you note or even a confession of love on your thank-you note! That way, if one day the situation in your relationship changes, the traces will not be left in your academic work.
- It's best to avoid using anecdotes or internal jokes in thank you sheets for academic purposes. For example, if you want to thank a classmate who always jokes with you in the lab, try writing, "Thanks to Jul and Katarina for making my lab days more enjoyable" instead of "Thanks to Jul. and Katarina for putting my mica plastic in the jelly when I was still dizzy from drunkenness."
Method 2 of 3: Compose a Speech With Acknowledgments

Step 1. Make a speech for only one to two minutes
If you have to give a speech as a recipient of an award or at another event filled with an audience, don't forget to thank the people who contributed to your success. However, always remember that you have a large audience who don't want to hear names that are unfamiliar to them, nor do they want to hear a lengthy thank-you note. Therefore, keep your thank-you note short and humble.

Step 2. Prioritize your time for the people present at the venue
Chances are, not everyone who has played an important role in your accomplishments will be able to attend to hear your speech live. Therefore, if you have limited time, try to put the people present first so that the results can feel more significant and emotional.

Step 3. Use short anecdotes to thank those who matter
Try telling a short story that relates to your accomplishments. However, instead of telling a story that is too long, try to choose one short anecdote that can summarize the support and help of many people. As a result, you can fill the available time with speeches that are not only meaningful, but also efficient.

Step 4. Accentuate sincerity instead of humor
No matter how tempting it may be to lighten the mood by making the other person the object of a joke, don't do it! If you are a professional comedian, this method may still be safe to use. However, it's much safer to use the time in your speech to express a sincere and straightforward thank you. Trust me, a sincere, humble thank you will sound much more pleasant than sarcastic humor.
Michael Jordan's speech when he was inducted into the Hall of Fame received very sharp criticism for being considered insulting to many of his previous opponents and sounding like he was bragging about his achievements. Don't let you fall in the same hole, okay
Method 3 of 3: Writing A Different Form of Thank You

Step 1. Get creative on a work of fiction thank you sheet
If you're publishing a book of poetry, short story anthologies, or novels, don't forget to thank any media that first introduced your work to the public in alphabetical order. After that, you can include a more personal thank you after formally thanking these media.
- As in academic publications, don't forget to thank those who have provided financial support for the production of your book. If you have participated in a residency program (a type of writing quarantine that generally takes place abroad), received a grant, or received a scholarship during the book writing process, make sure you include the names of parties relevant to these programs on the receipt sheet. love.
- Use your creative writing skills to craft thank you notes in a creative format. In fact, great writers like Lemony Snicket, Neil Gaiman, and J. D. Salinger often expresses gratitude in the form of humorous anecdotes about those closest to him.

Step 2. Thank the people closest to you when your album is released
A thank you note, which is usually written on the back of an album jacket, is one of the most fun parts to make! If your band is still physically producing albums, don't forget to make one. After all, thanks in general, this kind of thank you can be written in an informal style and tends to be casual. In particular, those who generally need to be thanked are:
- Friends and relatives
- Other musical groups that have contributed to the development process of your band, and/or who have lent their musical instruments to your band
- The label and the people who help streamline your recording process
- Your inspiration in music

Step 3. Ask the person concerned for permission by letter
In fact, not everyone is willing to accept a public thank you, such as at a book launch event. To people with these characteristics, you can first ask for their permission through a more personal letter. By doing so, you have the freedom to write out as many thanks as you can, before publicly publishing or reading the edited version.
In the letter, state your desire to publicly thank them. Also explain the details of the event that you will use as a medium for conveying the thank you. Don't forget to express your gratitude for the help they have provided, and encourage them to respond to the letter and give their permission. Supposedly, they will not mind and can actually feel flattered afterwards

Step 4. Always double-check the finished thank you note to make sure there are no name, spelling, or punctuation errors in it
Miswriting the name of the person and/or organization that was instrumental in your success is a fatal flaw! Since your thank you note is such an important document, don't be lazy to spend more time reviewing it and making revisions, if needed.