3 Ways to Remove Dead Skin Cells from Feet

3 Ways to Remove Dead Skin Cells from Feet
3 Ways to Remove Dead Skin Cells from Feet

Table of contents:


The buildup of dead skin cells on the feet is usually difficult to avoid in dry, dry seasons, or for people who often walk. Fortunately, there are various ways that can be followed to remove dead skin cells from the feet. Most foot treatments require you to scrub your feet with a special brush or pumice stone after the skin has been smoothed. You can learn how to use mashed bananas, oatmeal and almond paste, vinegar or lemon juice, or vaseline to remove dead skin cells from your feet.


Method 1 of 3: Using Foot Paste

Remove Dead Skin from Feet Step 1
Remove Dead Skin from Feet Step 1

Step 1. Mash a banana and apply it on the feet

Make sure you use the ripest bananas (perhaps almost too ripe to eat). Put a banana or two in a bowl. Use a fork or pestle to smooth the bananas into a soft paste. Apply this paste on the feet and leave it on for about 20 minutes. After that, rinse your feet thoroughly.

Make sure you keep your feet off the floor and furniture. Try holding your foot on a support or foot rest while you wait. It's also a good idea to keep a small bucket nearby so you can rinse your feet easily when you're done

Remove Dead Skin from Feet Step 2
Remove Dead Skin from Feet Step 2

Step 2. Combine lemon juice, olive oil and brown sugar

Take 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of lemon juice (about half a fruit) and mix it with 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of olive oil and 2 tablespoons (30 grams) of brown sugar. Mix all ingredients until it forms a paste. Massage the mixture on your feet for 2-3 minutes, then let it sit for 15 minutes. Rinse your feet thoroughly afterward.

  • To keep your feet smooth, do this treatment every week.
  • Make sure you sit in a comfortable place and support your feet with support throughout the process.
Remove Dead Skin from Feet Step 3
Remove Dead Skin from Feet Step 3

Step 3. Apply the powdered aspirin mixture on the feet

Crush 5-6 uncoated aspirin using a pestle (if available), or in a small sealed plastic bag using the back of a spoon. Pour the aspirin powder into a bowl and add teaspoon (3 ml) of water and teaspoon (3 ml) of lemon juice. Mix all ingredients. Apply the paste on the feet and leave it on for about 10 minutes. After that, rinse your feet thoroughly.

  • The paste may fall off or drip off your feet when you let it sit. Therefore, try wrapping each foot in a warm towel so that the paste doesn't get on the floor or spill.
  • After the feet are rinsed thoroughly, you can rub them with a pumice stone to remove dead skin cells.

Method 2 of 3: Soaking Feet

Remove Dead Skin from Feet Step 4
Remove Dead Skin from Feet Step 4

Step 1. Soak feet in warm water before scrubbing

One of the most basic solutions is to soak your feet long enough to remove dead skin cells, then scrub them with a pumice stone or foot brush. Fill a small bucket or with enough water to cover the tops of the feet, then soak both feet for 20 minutes. Carefully brush off the dead skin cells from your feet.

It is better to scrub gently so that the new skin does not look too much. Otherwise, your feet will hurt when you put your shoes on. Brush the feet little by little and repeat the treatment for a few days

Remove Dead Skin from Feet Step 5
Remove Dead Skin from Feet Step 5

Step 2. Prepare the lemon juice marinade

Pour enough lemon juice into a small bucket to cover the soles and the bottoms of the feet. If you don't have enough lemon juice, you can dissolve the juice in an equivalent amount of warm water. Soak the feet for 10 minutes, then rinse and pat dry with a towel.

  • Undiluted lemon juice can be a more effective ingredient in removing dead skin cells than lemon juice diluted in water.
  • Make sure there are no open cuts or bruises on your feet as the acid in lemon juice can cause stinging in the area.
Remove Dead Skin from Feet Step 6
Remove Dead Skin from Feet Step 6

Step 3. Make a foot bath mixture from Epsom salt

Fill a small bucket with warm (towards hot) water until it is half full. Add 120 grams of Epsom salt to the water. Soak your feet for 10 minutes. Carefully rub your feet with a pumice stone to remove dead skin cells that have been removed by the soaking water.

This method is more effective if followed every two to three days to prevent the feet from drying out again. Maybe you can only see major changes in the skin of your feet after undergoing this treatment for a few days

Remove Dead Skin from Feet Step 7
Remove Dead Skin from Feet Step 7

Step 4. Take advantage of the power of vinegar

The acid content in white vinegar and apple cider vinegar can effectively remove dead skin cells. Combine vinegar and hot water (not too high a temperature) in a small bucket. For best results, soak your feet for about 45 minutes, then scrub them gently with a pumice stone.

Another way to use vinegar is to soak your feet in a mixture of vinegar and water for about 5 minutes, then soak your feet in pure apple cider vinegar for 15 minutes. This method is more effective than simply soaking your feet in vinegar that has been diluted/dissolved in water

Method 3 of 3: Using Night Treatment

Remove Dead Skin from Feet Step 8
Remove Dead Skin from Feet Step 8

Step 1. Coat each leg with paraffin wax

This wax is often used in beauty products to moisturize the skin. Heat the wax in a microwave-safe bowl. Once heated, carefully pour the wax into a plate, pan, or face large enough to accommodate your feet. Carefully insert each leg into the wax. Let the wax harden, then put a sock on each leg. Leave the foot waxed overnight, then peel off the wax in the morning.

  • The number of candles needed depends on the size of the foot. Use about 120 grams of wax first. If not enough, you can add more wax in the next treatment.
  • When you peel off the wax in the morning, throw it in the trash immediately. Try not to shatter the wax and fall on the carpet.
  • You can buy special socks designed for this type of night care if you don't want the wax to stick to and stain your regular socks.
Remove Dead Skin from Feet Step 9
Remove Dead Skin from Feet Step 9

Step 2. Apply Vaseline and lime juice on the feet

Mix 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of Vaseline with 2-3 drops of lime juice in a small bowl. Massage this mixture into your feet before you don't, then put on socks so the mixture doesn't get on your sheets.

  • For repeated treatments, you can prepare one or two pairs of special socks.
  • You can replace lime juice with lemon juice because both contain acids that can remove dead skin cells.
Remove Dead Skin from Feet Step 10
Remove Dead Skin from Feet Step 10

Step 3. Smooth the feet with oatmeal and almonds

Prepare 60 grams of oatmeal and puree until powder and feels soft. Do the same for 60 grams of almonds. Pour both powders into a bowl and add 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of honey and 3 tablespoons (45 grams) of food grade cocoa butter. Stir all ingredients until it becomes a thick mixture. Apply the mixture to each foot, then put on socks before going to bed. Rinse your feet in the morning.

  • This treatment can be done once or several times a week to gradually remove dead skin cells and make your feet feel softer.
  • If you don't have a blender, you can grind the oatmeal and almonds in a plastic bag with a wooden beater. Use whatever you can to smooth the two ingredients as smooth as possible.


  • These treatments don't remove dead skin cells right away on the first try. If your feet have a lot of dead skin cells attached, it may take 2-3 treatments to clean your feet.
  • Periodic removal of dead skin cells is a better method of reducing the sensitivity of the feet to sores when new, fresh skin is exposed.
