Did you buy a new pair of Nike sneakers a few months ago but now they look worn out? Do not worry. Even if your Nike shoes are discolored and look worn, you can restore them to like new in just a few easy steps.
Method 1 of 3: Cleaning Shoes

Step 1. Get rid of the dirt
To prevent stains from forming, this step should be done as soon as possible after the shoes have been exposed to dirt. Use a clean, soft-bristled toothbrush to gently clean the outside of the shoe.
If you want to clean down to the crevices and crevices of your shoes, try using a small brush, screwdriver, awl, or a cell phone and eyeglass cleaning kit that can reach those areas

Step 2. Prepare the soap foam
Fill the sink with warm water, then pour a little laundry detergent into it. Don't give too much soap. You only need a slightly bubbly liquid.
If you clean Nike Flyknits shoes, use cold water as hot water will damage the fabric. You should also use a mild soap such as Jergens Mild or Purpose, rather than laundry detergent. Laundry detergent contains chemicals that can affect the color of Nike Flyknit fabric shoes

Step 3. Clean the soap with a sponge
Use a sponge, microfiber cloth, or washcloth to scrub the dirty parts of the shoe. Don't use too much liquid. Don't wet your shoes more than necessary. Rinse the soap off the sponge, microfiber cloth, or washcloth with warm water, and use it to wash off any soap residue from the shoes.

Step 4. Let the shoes dry
Place the shoes in a well-ventilated area to dry. You can also hang your shoes in the sun to speed up the drying process a bit, or use a hairdryer on a low setting. Just never put your shoes in the clothes dryer.
- It's okay to put a tissue inside the shoe to keep it in shape. However, keep in mind that this will take longer for your shoes to dry if they are not exposed to airflow.
- Inserting a dryer sheet into each shoe can help speed drying while also refreshing the scent a bit.
Method 2 of 3: Cleaning the Insoles of Shoes

Step 1. Wet the insole of the shoe
Flush the sole of the shoe with hot water until it is completely wet. Handle these soles with care, especially if any of them are peeling or damaged.

Step 2. Rub the sole of the shoe
Pour a small amount of liquid dish soap or laundry detergent onto the sole of the shoe. Scrub the soles of the shoes gently with a toothbrush or other small brush. If the shoe label is still visible on the sole, be careful when scrubbing the area around it.

Step 3. Rinse the sole of the shoe
This time, use cold water. However, keep doing it gently while making sure all the soap on the sole of the shoe has been removed successfully.

Step 4. Dry the sole
Spread out a towel and place the sole of the shoe on it. Fold the remaining towel over the sole of the shoe and press it to dry. Remove as much water as possible from the sole of the shoe. Next, place the soles in a wide ventilated room or in front of a fan to dry.
Method 3 of 3: Cleaning Shoes When Wearing

Step 1. Bring baby wipes
If you want to keep your shoes looking like new, try to get the dirt off your shoes as soon as the problem occurs. Baby wet wipes are very soft and will help remove dirt from shoes quickly and easily.

Step 2. Bring a pencil
A pencil eraser is very useful for cleaning scratches and scuffs on the rubber parts of shoes. Just rub an eraser on a scratch on a shoe like you'd erase a typo on paper.

Step 3. Purchase shoe inserts
There are inserts of stiff paper and cardboard that you can buy to tuck into your shoes when you're not wearing them. These inserts will ensure that the shoe doesn't deform and bend when worn. These inserts are especially useful when your shoes are wet.

Step 4. Replace shoelaces
There's no way more refreshing to a shoe than a new laces. Replacing worn-out shoelaces with new laces can make shoes that have been treated look like they were freshly bought from the store.