Everyone has their first kiss experience, and everyone gets nervous about it. Do not worry. There are lots of tips to help make that first kiss beautiful, interesting, and memorable for you and your partner!
Part 1 of 3: Prepare for the Early Stage of Kissing

Step 1. Choose the right place
All you need to impress a first kiss is the right time and the right location. If you don't want to be watched, or aren't a person who likes to show affection in the open, then you shouldn't choose to have fun kissing in public.
- A good time to kiss someone is near the end of a first or second date, but it depends on the relationship between you and the person you want to kiss (after all, the first kiss doesn't have to just happen on a date.)
- There are dates- which are considered romantic occasions, such as prom, movies, the beach that you can use to make memories of your first kiss. As long as you make sure that it's something good, both for you and your date (or potential kissing partner).

Step 2. Dress appropriately
This means dressing specifically not only for the occasion, but also dressing for your own comfort. Having a truly amazing and memorable first kiss is as much about your comfort as it is about the right place and time and being a good kisser.
- Try to avoid wearing lip gloss that is super sticky. It's hard to enjoy kissing people if you're afraid your lips will stick to them.
- If you're worried about sweating too much, or smelling bad at the right time, put on some deodorant and have a little perfume/cologne handy. Pay attention to the aroma, just a little can have a lot of impact. You don't want to bother your potential kissing partner with smells

Step 3. Make sure your oral hygiene is proper
Avoiding bad breath is important for having a first impression, and making a kiss memorable (unless you want to make your kiss memorable the wrong way). Provide mints or chewing gum after you eat or drink or brush your teeth before meeting the person who is going to be your first kiss.
- Women, in particular, tend to be more sensitive to smells than men, so this step is especially important if you're a guy who wants to kiss a woman.
- You don't have to make it super obvious that you're getting ready to show it a little bit by popping a mint out of your mouth. Keep the atmosphere calm and not heavy to offer some to your potential kissing partner.
- Try and avoid really spicy foods, fish, garlic and onions, anything that has a really strong taste and a lingering smell.

Step 4. Build tension at the right time
Part of making a first kiss memorable and enjoyable is building anticipation for the moment itself on both sides. It also builds a level of comfort between you and the person you want to kiss.
- Touch is a great way to show interest in other people: touching your finger or arm when you're talking to them. Touch your hand or arm against them if you are walking.
- Lean close to him to talk so that you both feel comfortable in each other's space. Obviously, if they lean back or cross their arms trying to protect themselves, back off immediately.
- Anticipation means that fantasizing about previous moments can make them more romantic when they actually happen, due to dopamine, which strengthens the nervous system's signaling function.

Step 5. Find the right moment
Don't wait to decide when you're going to kiss someone until you're standing in the doorway at the end of the date. You want to be comfortable and have trust between the two of you.
- Try initiating a kiss in the car on your way home after the date, or while you're hanging out playing video games, or when you're out for a walk after dinner or coffee.
- Be aware: kissing can trigger the release of the chemicals dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin (all fun, pleasurable, and healthy chemicals!). Alcohol can prevent you from getting the experience of releasing the chemical.
- Avoid distractions like having to pee, or your cell phone ringing (if you're on a date, your phone should be off).

Step 6. Lean tight
Once the two of you have built up tension and are enjoying yourself and getting comfortable, lean in close and let your potential partner close the remaining distance. If they don't lean back too, the best way is to back off.
- You can also ask "Can I kiss you?" because many people want to give their consent before someone directly invades their personal space.
- Make eye contact as you do this. Eye contact elevates the level of intimacy of the kiss.
Part 2 of 3: Making the First Kiss

Step 1. Tilt your head in the opposite direction of your partner
This is to avoid you who tend to collide with your teeth or nose bumps. So, if your partner tilts their head to the right, tilt your head to the left.

Step 2. Slowly
If all goes well and your potential partner has given their consent to kissing, gently touch the lips. This can create some calm in your kiss, so make sure you pay attention to what the other person's lips are doing.
- Excessive kissing is generally discouraged. This usually feels too sudden and aggressive for your partner. Let your aggressiveness wait until you know each other and can kiss with style and preference.
- Aggressiveness can also be seen as hopelessness, which most people find very unattractive.

Step 3. Calm down
Seriously, this is going to be hard to do, because you expect to kiss just right and you want everything to go well, but staying relaxed and comfortable will make the kiss better for you and your partner.
The best thing to do is to be completely yourself in the present moment. Really feel the touch of the other person's lips, the way they smell (smell is very important in a kiss), how they respond to you

Step 4. Make it feel interesting
If you feel relaxed and comfortable, try varying your kisses. A memorable kiss is an unusual kiss (in a good way), so try a few different romantic techniques.
- Trying to kiss somewhere other than the lips. You can start with your partner's neck and work your way up to their lips from there.
- Or you can use your index finger on their chin to guide their mouth forward for kissing purposes.
- Remember: don't do things like lick someone's face unless they have expressly agreed to it. A good rule of thumb is that the first kiss doesn't have to get someone's face wet.

Step 5. Do something with your hands
It is better not to let your hands lie by your side. Why can't they join in the fun? Of course, you want to make sure you don't move too fast, or put your hands in too many places on the first kiss.
- Good places for hands are: your partner's hair, on their cheek, holding their side or behind them.
- Being too agile in using your hands can really detract from the quality of the kiss, so don't put them all over the place on the first kiss.

Step 6. Don't use your tongue right away
The first kiss is usually considered a gentle, lip touch, a signal that you both like each other. A French kiss, only if the first kiss goes well, and comes from mutual desire.
Most people don't enjoy having someone's tongue stuck into their throat on the first kiss

Step 7. Stop after a few seconds
It's a good idea to stop the kiss after a while. This will build tension and it will give you a chance to check in with your partner to make sure all is well with him or her.
- Slowly move your face back, even just a few inches so as to maintain the intimacy of the moment. See how they look. Are they happy? Are they trying to break away? Are they uncomfortable.
- Verbal check: "Is this okay? Do you like this?"
Part 3 of 3: Dealing with the Impact After Kissing

Step 1. Don't rush
Now that you've cleared the first hurdle to making a kiss truly memorable, don't be in a rush to demand more. Now it's time for a few more kisses; as long as your partner is okay with it, it will be great fun.
Now if you both want to go further, go for it. You'll be fine if you want to do that

Step 2. Make eye contact
Making eye contact before and after a kiss increases your level of intimacy exponentially and allows you to get into your partner's feelings and make sure that they're okay with everything.

Step 3. Smile
Even if you're too mesmerized by the first kiss to say anything, smiling can have the same effect. It shows that you are on top of the situation, that you are enjoying it, and that you are happy.
Make sure that your partner is smiling too and doesn't look uncomfortable, or upset

Step 4. Have some form of communication
You don't have to say anything, because it can be hard to think of something to say after the first kiss that isn't totally tacky or clichéd. Sometimes non-verbal communication can be just as important and not prohibited at this point.
- The key is not to stress about what you have to say. Just allow whatever happens, to happen naturally (except something like "I really need to pee," which is sure to spoil your feelings).
- You can indulge in some physical contact like a hug.
- However, you can also say something like "I've been wanting to do that all night long," or "I never wanted to stop kissing you" or even something as simple as "You're amazing." You want to make your partner feel good.

Step 5. Move to more advanced "secret" plans
This can mean something more like having sex or making plans for the next date. You don't have to have sex just because you kissed and had a great night and your kissing won't diminish just because you don't have sex.
- Go in with your partner. See how they do and what they want to do. The key is communication.
- You can always, if you both want, to keep kissing.
- The key is not to think too much about the kiss. The more you obsess over how "perfect" your kiss will be, the more nervous you will be when it comes to actually kissing.
- Even if you mess up during the first kiss, it doesn't mean that you've messed up the chance with that person completely.