It is undeniable, your parents are probably the most instrumental in maintaining the cleanliness of the house and the welfare of the people who live in it. Want to repay them? No need to think too much! In fact, simply helping them complete various household chores is a form of positive return. Even if you are not yet an adult, there are many things you can do to make life easier for your parents and keep your home clean and comfortable to live in.
Method 1 of 3: Cleaning the Room

Step 1. Get rid of the trash in your room
Sometimes, laziness will prevent you from getting rid of things you no longer need from the room. From now on, make it a habit to clean your room regularly, and put things you no longer need in a trash bag and throw it away.
- If possible, place a small trash can in the room so that you get used to throwing away objects after each use. Don't forget to empty the full trash can!
- In addition to making the room feel more spacious and spacious, doing so is also effective in preventing insects or other pests from entering your room. After all, piles of garbage can make the room smell less pleasant, you know!

Step 2. Clean the dust in the room
You can use an old rag or other tool to clean the dust that sticks all over the bedroom furniture. Most likely, you will find the greatest quantity of dust on the surface of table lamps, cabinets, and study tables.

Step 3. Make your bed
Return objects other than sheets and blankets to their places. If necessary, tuck every corner of the sheets under the bed to make it look tidier like a hospital or hotel bed. Spread out the blanket, smooth the surface, then fold it until it's really neat. Also tidy up the position of your pillows, bolsters, and other bedding.
- The best time to make your bed is after you wake up in the morning. That way, you'll remember and get used to making your bed every time you wake up in the morning. In addition, you will also get used to thinking that the state of the bed should only fall apart when you sleep on it.
- All bedding should be washed every few weeks. Therefore, immediately put it in the washing machine whenever your parents ask to keep it clean!

Step 4. Sort your clothes
Make sure all the clothes you have are in a clean and tidy condition. Besides being easier to find when needed, clothes that are neatly folded will not look wrinkled when worn. If your clothes are scattered all over the room, try sorting them into two categories: clean clothes and clothes that need washing.
- If you find clothes that are still clean, immediately fold them or hang them on hangers, then store them in the closet.
- Collect dirty clothes and put them in the washing machine immediately. If your parents allow it, you can even wash, dry and iron it yourself. After all the clothes are clean and dry, fold them neatly and arrange them in your closet.

Step 5. Organize the books and toys that are scattered in your room
If you see books, toys, or other objects scattered on the floor of your room, immediately pick them up and tidy them up. After all, you want to be more free to move without having to worry about hurting yourself due to stepping on an object or ending up damaging your favorite item, right?
Don't just pile up all the stuff in the closet! In other words, don't just move a cluttered area to another corner of your room. Before tidying the room, make sure you have a cupboard or special container that can accommodate these items. If you don't have enough space or space, try asking your parents for advice or throwing away items you don't really use anymore
Method 2 of 3: Doing Housework

Step 1. Offer help to others in need
Parents or relatives will not always ask for your help. Therefore, keep a close eye to understand if they are in need of help. For example, if your dad comes home with bags of groceries, offer to help him carry some of the bags into the house. If your mother is cooking, ask if there is anything you can do to help her.
Chances are, they will refuse your help. If that's the case, don't worry too much. Trust me, your willingness to offer help will definitely be appreciated

Step 2. Arrange the dining table
Place all necessary plates, glasses, and other cutlery on the table. If you want, you can even learn creative and interesting ways to set the table or fold napkins.
After eating, also help your parents to tidy up the dining table. Remove all dirty dishes and place them in the sink or dishwasher

Step 3. Wash the dishes after eating
After eating, put all the dirty dishes in the sink and wash them thoroughly immediately. Remember, your parents have worked hard to cook the food you eat. There's nothing wrong with lightening their load by always washing the dishes after eating, right?
- First of all, first clean the scale or food residue that is attached so that the dishes can be washed more easily. If possible, always use warm water and soap to wash dishes, glasses, and other utensils that you and your family use to eat.
- Make sure you also clean up any food residue that has accumulated in the drain hole after washing all the utensils. Do this so that the sink drain doesn't get clogged!
- Empty the dishwasher. If you have a dishwasher at home, empty the contents after use! However, let the machine cool down first so you don't hurt your hands doing this.
- Be careful using sharp objects such as knives so you don't get hurt. If you must use a knife, make sure you only grip the handle. Also observe the position of the blade and the object you are cutting.

Step 4. Clean the floor of the house
Dust, dirt, food spills and other objects on the floor can attract insects or other animals! Therefore, always sweep the floor after eating, both under the dining table and near the kitchen table where your parents cook.
If you're old enough, and if your parents allow it, try using a vacuum cleaner to keep the floor clean

Step 5. Dispose of trash in the space provided
If the trash can in the kitchen or bathroom is full, immediately take it outside and put it in the provided container so that it is easier for the cleaners to pick up. This job is very easy, even for small children! After the old trash is thrown outside, make sure you re-line the empty trash can with a new plastic bag.

Step 6. Take newspapers and letters on the porch of the house
Newspapers, letters, or parcels can come at any time. Don't be lazy to get out of the house for a moment and help your parents pick it up.
Never hide information or bad test scores in one corner of the house. Trust me, sooner or later your parents will find it

Step 7. Clean or tidy up the things that are related to you
If you accidentally mess something up or have just practiced a new recipe, make sure you always take the time to get the kitchen and/or other rooms back to their original state. In other words, throw away all forms of trash, dirt, and spills where it belongs. Also wash all the tools you use! Believe me, doing it is effective in showing parents that you are a mature and responsible person.
Also help your parents to tidy up things that are scattered all over the house, such as piles of books, papers, toys, or dirty dishes

Step 8. Have your parents assign you daily responsibilities
Admit it, there will always be household chores that need to be done every day, including things you may not have imagined before. Therefore, try asking your parents to make a list of daily responsibilities. After the list is made, make sure you remember it so that parents don't have to feel burdened by always reminding you.
- Having daily responsibilities will also have a positive impact on you. Besides being able to increase your sense of responsibility, it will help you to be more independent when you grow up and no longer live with your parents.
- If you want, try recommending things you want to do to your parents. For example, if there's a job that you seem to be good at or that you can do well, try volunteering to do it. Also discuss whether you should have a specific daily to-do list or if you can take turns doing each job with your siblings.
- Create a table or graph listing the work that needs to be done. Trust me, this is a powerful method to help everyone remember their responsibilities. In the table or graph, list the work that needs to be completed along with the frequency with which it is done. For example, setting the dining table should be done every day, but taking out the trash only needs to be done once a week. Want to create a table or graphic design to make it look more attractive? Feel free to do this, but make sure the design you choose is easy for everyone to understand.
- Sometimes, the portion of each person's responsibility will be different. If your sister is very young, of course there are many things she can do when she is older. If the gap should occur, don't complain and keep doing your job well.
Method 3 of 3: Keeping Pets

Step 1. Feed your pet regularly
Like their owners, all pets also need regular food intake. Therefore, make sure they always eat at the right time; Also make sure you know the types, portions and times of feeding all your pets.
- Provide proper food for your pet. In other words, don't give them your and your family's leftovers!
- Make sure you always provide them with clean drinking water. If the water in the container looks dirty, throw it away immediately and refill it.
- Discuss this desire with all family members. At the very least, make sure everyone knows who is in charge so that your pet doesn't eat too much or too little.

Step 2. Clean the cage
If your pet has a cage or other "house," make sure you clean it regularly. Don't be lazy to replace sheets of newspaper that become the base of your bird, rodent, or reptile cage. Make sure you also change the lights in the reptile cage regularly, and drain the water in the aquarium so that your favorite fish have a more comfortable home to live in.
If your pet has a special litter box, make sure you clean the container regularly as well

Step 3. Invite your pet to play
Remember, pets are part of the family so they deserve some of your free time. This method should not only be applied to active animals such as dogs, but also to smaller animals such as mice or hamsters.
- Even an animal as lazy as a cat wants to spend time with you, you know! Therefore, pet him periodically or let him take a nap beside you.
- Always supervise your pet, especially if it is very small. Don't let your favorite gerbil or lizard get lost in the house!
- Treat pets well and friendly. Trust me, pets will actually be aggressive towards their owners if they are treated harshly or cruelly. For example, they will constantly try to bite or scratch you. In addition, they will always look scared and reluctant to play with you.

Step 4. Take your pet for a walk
In addition to spending more time with pets, you can also exercise at the same time and reduce a parent's burden, right? Just make sure you first put a special leash around the dog or cat's neck so they don't run around aimlessly and cause trouble.
If you have a dog or other pet that needs to poop in public, make sure you always carry a plastic bag to catch the dirt and throw it in the trash

Step 5. Tidy up your pet's appearance
Generally, furry pets will require extra care. For example, you should brush their coats every day to remove any loose hairs and make them look good.
- When combing his fur, also clean the fleas and insects attached to your pet's fur. If you find fleas, try to clean them yourself or ask your parents for help; most importantly, make sure you report the finding to your parents so they can contact the vet immediately if needed.
- If necessary, also bathe your dog or cat. Usually, bathing a pet is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand because often times, the dog or cat will refuse to do so or prefer to play in the water when bathed. But if you are interested in doing so, make sure your parents know about it. Also, understand that dogs only need to be bathed once a month, while cats even only need to be bathed once every few months.
- Keeping reptiles, rodents, or other animals kept in cages? If so, you just need to clean the cage and don't need to bathe it.
- If your parents ask you to do something, do it right away without complaining or arguing.
- If you're not sure what to do, don't be afraid to ask your parents. Most likely, they will be able to provide recommendations regarding the assistance you can provide.
- Don't hesitate to help your sibling with his academic assignments or projects. In addition to adding to the list of positive actions you have taken, you have actually freed your parents from this burden and given them space to do other things.
- Take the initiative to do homework without being asked.