Dragon City is a great game app with the feature of breeding dragons in a magical world. The Cool Fire Dragon, as the name suggests, is an Ice and Fire type dragon - two elements in one dragon! This blue dragon is beautiful and easy to breed.

Step 1. Open the Dragon City app
Find the app on your tablet or smartphone, then press to open it. If you're playing it via Facebook, go to the app in the side menu.

Step 2. Tap "Breeding Mountain"
Breeding Mountain is a place to breed dragons to produce more variety of other types of dragons.

Step 3. Press the "Breed" icon
You can find it on the bottom right side of the screen.

Step 4. Select two dragons to mate
Tap one dragon on the left side of the screen and another dragon on the right side of the screen. To create a Cool Fire dragon, you must choose one of the following combinations:
- Dragon Pearl and Dragon Flaming Rock
- Laser Dragon and Dandelion dragon
- Firebird dragon and Ice dragon
- Lava dragon and Alpine dragon
- Flame dragon and Ice dragon
- Dragon Soccer and Dragon Socer

Step 5. Start breeding dragons
Press "Start Breeding!".

Step 6. Wait for the breeding to finish
The time required for the breeding process depends on the dragon's rarity.
You can speed up the breeding process by paying for gems

Step 7. Hit Hatchery
You will see an egg in the Hatchery section; Wait until the eggs are ready to hatch.

Step 8. Press "Hatch" when the egg is ready
Now you have the Cool Fire dragon.
When you are asked “What would you like to do with your new Cool Fire dragon?”, press "Place."
Step 9. If your update is different, try the same combination
However, if you can't get a cool fire dragon with this combination, try a new combination. Comment on this article, which combination you have used successfully, or whether this combination has been used successfully.
- Only use hybrid dragons to get Cool Fire dragons.
- Breed and sell unnecessary dragons.
- The easiest way to get Cool Fire dragons is to breed fluorescent dragons with laser dragons.