How to Light a Bunsen Burner (with Pictures)

How to Light a Bunsen Burner (with Pictures)
How to Light a Bunsen Burner (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


You are in a chemistry laboratory and you have to carry out distillation. You will likely need to use a Bunsen burner to heat the liquid mixture to a boil. In fact, the Bunsen burner is the heat source that will be used most often in your chemistry lab introduction, be it organic or inorganic. But turning it on and adjusting it doesn't have to be a racket, even if you're inexperienced.


Part 1 of 5: Ensuring Security

Light a Bunsen Burner Step 1
Light a Bunsen Burner Step 1

Step 1. Make sure that you have a clean and tidy work area

making sure you work on a fireproof bench or at least a fireproof mat is a good idea.

Light a Bunsen Burner Step 2
Light a Bunsen Burner Step 2

Step 2. Check to make sure that all your equipment is clean and in good working order

Light a Bunsen Burner Step 3
Light a Bunsen Burner Step 3

Step 3. Know where the safety equipment is and how to use it

It is best to survey the site before you begin any laboratory procedure. In particular, you should ensure that you are able to obtain the following items unhindered:

  • Fire blanket.

    Use this as a wrap in case your clothes catch fire. The blanket will extinguish the fire by shutting off the oxygen supply.

  • Firefighter.

    Know each other's location. It never hurts to make sure the inspections are up to date. At the same time you can determine the types available and draw up an action plan in case of an emergency. There are several types of fire extinguishers and each (in the United States) must be marked with a colored ring near the top of the extinguisher.

    • Dry powder retardants can be used on any type of fire except for oil. This means that extinguishers containing dry powder can be used on solids, liquids, gases and electrical equipment. Extinguishers contain a solid flame retardant (dry powder) which in the United States is marked with a blue line.
    • Foam (yellow line, USA) or CO2 (black line, USA) is for oil."'
    • CO. extinguisher2 can also be used on electrical equipment and flammable liquids.
    • Foam extinguishers can also be used on flammable liquids and flammable solids (paper, wood, others).
    • Know how to use a fire extinguisher.

      Use the TARS abbreviation: Tpull out the pin and, with the nozzle pointed away from you, release the locking mechanism. Aaim low (to the base of the fire). Rtrigger gold slowly and evenly. Sspread the extinguishing chemical from side to side.

  • Fire hose.

    These are for large fires and should be used by trained individuals. Spray the base of the fire to cool the burning material. Water should be used on solids--wood, paper, clothing, furniture, etc., but not on flammable liquids, gas, oil or electrical equipment. Do not use water on a liquid that is less dense than water (1.0 g/cm3). The liquid as it floats on the surface and spraying with water causes the fire to spread.

  • Safety shower.

    If your clothes are on fire and are not saturated with flammable liquids, this may be a good choice. The Safety Shower is primarily for flushing acid from your body, but can be useful in the event of a fire.

Light a Bunsen Burner Step 4
Light a Bunsen Burner Step 4

Step 4. Dress appropriately for safety

Wear safety glasses and use other protective equipment when dealing with Bunsen burners.

Be sure to tie back long hair and tuck loose clothing into your pants (or take them off). also tuck your tie and remove jewelry. Think ahead and eliminate hazards before they become a problem. You don't want a fire

Light a Bunsen Burner Step 5
Light a Bunsen Burner Step 5

Step 5. Make sure there are no cracks in the gas supply line, which is usually a rubber hose/pipe

Gently squeeze along the tube and bend at several points along the tube as you carefully look for any visible cracks. If you see cracks, replace the pipe.

Light a Bunsen Burner Step 6
Light a Bunsen Burner Step 6

Step 6. Connect the hoses to the main gas supply and to the Bunsen burner

Make sure the hose is pushed well all the way to the ribs and so that it is secure at both ends. There should be no way for any gas to escape into the air except through the burner.

Light a Bunsen Burner Step 7
Light a Bunsen Burner Step 7

Step 7. Make it a habit to hold the burner only by the bottom

Hold the Bunser burner only by the base or the collar at the bottom of the barrel. Once the burner is on the barrel will get very hot and you will burn yourself if you hold the burner by the top of the barrel before allowing the burner to cool.

Part 2 of 5: Learning the Burn Tool

Light a Bunsen Burner Step 8
Light a Bunsen Burner Step 8

Step 1. Study the nomenclature for the parts of a Bunsen burner

  • The lower part of the burner located above the bench is called the base. The base provides stability and helps to keep the burner from tipping over.
  • The upright part of the burner is called the barrel.
  • At the bottom of the barrel is an outer sleeve (collar) that can be rotated to expose a slot in the barrel, called an air door. This allows air to enter the barrel where it is mixed with the gas to produce a highly flammable gas mixture.
  • Gas enters the barrel through an adjustable needle valve to control gas flow.
Light a Bunsen Burner Step 9
Light a Bunsen Burner Step 9

Step 2. Learn the parts of fire

In fire there really is fire again. The inner fire is a reducing flame and the outer fire is an oxidizing fire. The hottest part of the flame is the reducing tip of the inner flame.

Light a Bunsen Burner Step 10
Light a Bunsen Burner Step 10

Step 3. Learn the details of the process of mixing and burning gases

  • air and gas mix in the barrel. If the collar is turned so that the air door is closed, then no air is introduced into the barrel. All the oxygen (necessary for combustion) is supplied from the top of the barrel from the surrounding air. This flame is yellow in color and is the coldest flame, often called safe fire." When the burner is not in use the collar must be turned to close the air door and produce a cold safe fire.
  • The needle valve and the collar are used together to control the volume and ratio of the gas to air mixture. The ratio of gas to air largely determines the heat generated. Equal molar amounts of gas and air produce the hottest fire. The total volume of the gas mixture rising through the barrel determines the height of the flame.

    You can slightly open the needle valve and air door to get a small, hot flame or you can increase both currents at the same time to create a high heat flame

Part 3 of 5: Turning on the Burner

Light a Bunsen Burner Step 11
Light a Bunsen Burner Step 11

Step 1. Make sure that the collar near the bottom of the barrel is positioned so that the air door is almost closed

Find the opening in the bottom of the chimney and turn the outer metal shell (collar) until the hole is closed. This will ensure that the fire is the coldest when the gas is ignited (fire is safe).

Light a Bunsen Burner Step 12
Light a Bunsen Burner Step 12

Step 2. Ensure that your local supply valve is closed and the main laboratory gas line is active

The handle should be parallel to the axis of the gas line and perpendicular to the gas outlet.

Light a Bunsen Burner Step 13
Light a Bunsen Burner Step 13

Step 3. Close the needle valve at the bottom of the burner

Make sure that it is tightly closed perfectly.

  • You should light a match or have your striker ready and only then open the gas flow (handle aligned with the gas line) and open the needle valve slightly. This ensures that, initially, the fire will be small.
  • The best way to light a burner is with a striker. This device uses a lighter in steel to create a fire.
  • Practice sparking until you can produce a powerful spark with each stroke. Push the rock along the "washboard" while pushing up. It will empower you to make a powerful splash. Practice until you are able to make a powerful splash with each try. You are now ready to turn on the burner.
Light a Bunsen Burner Step 14
Light a Bunsen Burner Step 14

Step 4. Open the local gas valve by turning the handle so that it is aligned (parallel) to the outlet

You shouldn't have heard the hissing of gas at this point. If you hear it, turn off the gas immediately and close the needle valve by turning it clockwise. Open the local gas valve again and make sure your striker is ready.

Light a Bunsen Burner Step 15
Light a Bunsen Burner Step 15

Step 5. Open the needle valve at the bottom of the burner until you hear the hissing of gas coming out

Light a Bunsen Burner Step 16
Light a Bunsen Burner Step 16

Step 6. Hold your striker slightly (1-2" or 3-5cm) above the top of the barrel and squeeze the striker to create a spark

Once the burner is on, save the striker.

If you don't have a striker, you can use matches or lighters (which are disposable). Before draining the gas, light your lighter and hold it away from the burner, slightly to the side. Turn on the gas, then bring the spark source to the side of the gas stream/column. Once the fire is on, put out your matches/lighters. Let the matches cool completely, then you can put them on the bench

Part 4 of 5: Regulating the Fire

Light a Bunsen Burner Step 17
Light a Bunsen Burner Step 17

Step 1. The needle valve on the bottom of the Bunser burner adjusts the gas flow rate and, ultimately, determines the flame height

Open or close the needle valve to get the flame the right size for the task at hand. Note: The needle valve is the one used to increase or decrease the gas flow, not the valve to close the local line.

To adjust the flame height, control the amount of gas flow by opening or closing the needle valve. More gas will give a bigger flame; less gas, low heat

Light a Bunsen Burner Step 18
Light a Bunsen Burner Step 18

Step 2. The collar controls the amount of air entering the barrel (mixing chamber) and, ultimately, determines the flame temperature

Adjust the collar so no air enters the barrel for the coldest, safest fire or "wait" fire. When you're ready to heat something up, open the air door until the flames are the right color. The cool, blue and almost transparent yellow is the hottest.

For hot fires, turn the collar at the bottom until the opening (air door) is more open. Adjust until you have reached the desired heat

Light a Bunsen Burner Step 19
Light a Bunsen Burner Step 19

Step 3. Adjust to achieve the proper operating temperature for your application

  • When at the peak of the heat, the fire is sometimes called a "banana fire" or a "work fire". To make a blue fire (the hottest fire), open the collar hole to let additional oxygen into the combustion chamber. The holes should be completely open, or almost fully open.
  • The blue flame is very hot (around 1500 C) and not easily visible. This can be almost invisible against some backgrounds.
Light a Bunsen Burner Step 20
Light a Bunsen Burner Step 20

Step 4. Use different parts of the fire to better adjust the temperature

If you tilt the glass jar, for example, you'll try to reach the hottest flame and, at the same time, get a medium flame, then position the jar near or right at the end of the reducing flame. If it gets too hot, lift the jar slightly over the cooler oxidizing heat.

There's a lot of customization that you'll learn through trial and error, but none more important than security. Soon you will learn which colors correspond to certain temperatures, at least in a relative and qualitative way

Part 5 of 5: Monitoring and Cleaning

Light a Bunsen Burner Step 21
Light a Bunsen Burner Step 21

Step 1. Never leave a Bunsen burner on unattended

Keep your eyes on him at all times. If you're working on something that doesn't involve fire, change it to the coldest, yellowest fire (safe fire) by turning the collar until the hole is completely covered.

Light a Bunsen Burner Step 22
Light a Bunsen Burner Step 22

Step 2. Turn off the gas

Turn off the local supply with the valve handle position perpendicular to the gas line.

Light a Bunsen Burner Step 23
Light a Bunsen Burner Step 23

Step 3. Wait until the burner cools down

Five minutes is more than enough, but keep the burner only on the underside. Strengthen this habit.

Light a Bunsen Burner Step 24
Light a Bunsen Burner Step 24

Step 4. Close the needle valve by turning it clockwise

The valve will then be ready for the next use.

Light a Bunsen Burner Step 25
Light a Bunsen Burner Step 25

Step 5. Make sure that your burners and ducts are clean and in good working order before you place them in the drawer

When your burner is clean and the needle valve is closed, the risk of unexpected events is reduced. Remember this important step.


  • Use safe fire or switch off burners when not in use.
  • Be sure to turn off the gas flow when you are finished using the burner.
  • Watch out for anything that can smudge the burner or catch fire.
  • never ever touch the flame or the top of the barrel. Serious burns can occur.
