Not only after eating Chinese food -- but also after eating “anything”, an hour later, you're hungry again! Why? Well, with a few handy tricks and filling your cupboard with the right products, you'll never feel hungry again! Keep reading.
Part 1 of 3: Basic Ways to Feel Full

Step 1. Drink water
To get your stomach working with the "Oh, I'm eating!" hormone, prep your meal with a glass or two of water. Then, when you eat, your stomach will tell you more quickly that you are full. Keep in mind that water has no calories at all. So, it worked!
- In fact, drinking more water will accelerate weight loss. Research shows that water increases metabolism by up to 30% (that's for two glasses of cold water) for about an hour immediately after drinking. If done regularly, it means losing weight approximately 2.25 kg a year "only by drinking water".
- Drink it while you're eating too! This will increase the level of satiety your body feels and you will want to stop sooner. Not to mention the fact that water is great for your hair, nails and skin!

Step 2. Eat fruits or vegetables
A glass of water doesn't make you feel full? So choose fruits or vegetables that contain lots of water. Apples or vegetables are green or orange, really. The slightly more appealing texture and taste (at least when compared to plain, boring plain water) will suppress your appetite while also not giving you too many extra calories. Snack is good for you if it's just a snack!
Hard, not runny food can be more satisfying. Apples are much more satisfying than applesauce or apple juice. So if you eat something, choose something you have to chew (like carrots). But research shows that grapefruit is also an appetite reducer

Step 3. Rely on protein
That's because protein can actually tell the brain that you're full. What happens if you eat two donuts for breakfast? An hour later, your brain will wonder where the "real" food is -- the protein-rich food. Although fat can eliminate the urge to eat, protein is better than carbs and fat in terms of keeping you feeling full longer.
- Eggs, beans, nuts and fish are all great sources of protein. If you're craving a snack, just make sure the handful of nuts you eat isn't sugar-coated and doesn't add up to a full jar!
- A protein-packed breakfast can keep you from eating less throughout the day. You may think you're cutting calories by skipping breakfast, but your body subconsciously compensates for it by eating more in the hours that follow. Many studies have shown that people who habitually eat breakfast weigh significantly less!

Step 4. Choose fiber foods
Fiber is also great for making you feel full before you take another meal. Fiber has only 1.5 - 2.5 calories per gram (compared to carbohydrates and fat, which have 4 and 9 calories, respectively) "and", most importantly, most fiber-rich foods need to be chewed and slow down the food in the digestive tract. your digestion. Foods rich in fiber do not trigger an increase in insulin levels, so you can avoid eating ice cream at night.
Eat more legumes, whole grains, oats, and fruits and vegetables with the skin on as just the extra 6 grams of fiber can make you feel as if you've consumed 260 calories more

Step 5. Eat less fat
Yes, yes, yes, you probably don't want to be told “eat fat to feel full.” And even though that's not what we said, it…is what we meant. More or less. You "do" need a little "good" fat to feel full -- otherwise, you'll keep craving it until the next Tuesday. So instead of buying a dozen Krispy Kreme donuts for your “coworkers,” eat some good fat and that's enough.
What are good fats, you ask? Avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil are all good choices when it comes to fat. Olive oil isn't a great reason to eat a whole long baguette, but olive oil (and everything else) is a great, filling substitute for other less filling ingredients

Step 6. Choose foods that are filling
Science is amazing in many ways: it has shown us a large number of foods that work mysteriously in our brains. Here are some foods, just the start:
- Potato. When cooked healthily, potatoes can fill you up for the rest of the day. This is because potatoes contain hunger-fighting starch. Choose potatoes with the skin on!
- Vinegar (or vinaigrette/lettuce sauce) and cinnamon have been shown to regulate blood sugar levels long after eating, preventing you from feeling hungry more often.
- Blueberries. Apparently, blueberries have been reported to reduce fat and also tell the body that you are full. If you can't get your hands on fresh blueberries, frozen ones are great too.
- Pomelo. Grapefruit lowers your insulin levels (thus lowering your fat metabolism!) and helps your body burn calories. This explains why people suddenly became crazy about eating grapefruit in the 1980s.
- Almonds. As we discussed earlier, almonds are a great source of healthy fats. Almonds do take about half an hour for your body to feel the effects, but after that, you will feel full. Just take care not to exceed 85 grams a day.
- Greek yogurt. The super-thick consistency of this yogurt fools your brain, but it's also so full of nutrients that our bodies love and enjoy, making us feel full. Try using this yogurt instead of sour cream!

Step 7. Do the work
Recent studies have shown that if you have to cook your food first, you will eat less afterwards. For example, peeling pistachios or peeling the skin of a pomegranate seed. You'll feel full with just a smaller portion!
There has also been research on “seeing” the results of your work. So if you leave a pile of pistachio skins or chicken bones next to you, you'll stop eating sooner than if you removed the skins or bones earlier. Same goes for candy wrappers

Step 8. Eat thick foods
It turns out that food texture plays a key role in how the stomach knows that we are full. Foods that are very thick -- or sticky -- will prevent the urge to eat more. Basically the opposite of chips!
Porridge, oatmeal, and soup are all great choices. Studies have shown that the same ingredients “but in soup form” result in longer periods of satiety or satiety. So get your pot ready now
Part 2 of 3: Cheats the Brain

Step 1. Use aromatherapy
Smelling scented candles can really keep you from eating? Yes. Peppermint, bananas, green apples, and vanilla have all been shown to greatly suppress appetite. Weird, right? If you want to be serious, keep a few candles close by. Yes, that's right!
The same goes for spicy-flavored dishes. When your food has a strong aroma, you usually eat less each time and end up eating less. Anyone want tuna with garlic sauce?

Step 2. Chew gum
Chewing gum not only limits your appetite, it also works your jaw muscles! So, in addition to avoiding excess calories, chewing gum also burns 11 extra calories every hour. Hey, the longer it takes, the more calories you burn!
By the way, it turns out that chewing gum can relax you, reduce stress levels, and make you more able to concentrate. Just don't taste it too hard

Step 3. Use a smaller plate
Let's use a little science: there's such a thing as "trained gratification." It basically means that we know that we are full in our “mind”, and not in our stomach. What is one big key in knowing that we are full? When our plates are empty. Use a smaller plate, put less food on it, and you're done. You will feel full even though the portion is smaller.
- Blue and small plates have a double benefit. Blue can suppress appetite. That's why most restaurants don't use that color for their decor theme!
- This general idea also applies to eating straight out of the bag or the fridge. When there's no end, your mouth will just keep chewing and chewing and chewing. So make sure to limit your food! When you see that you're done, your stomach will feel like it's done too.

Step 4. Eat alone
This requires almost no explanation. How often are you home alone and just surfing the internet all day, maybe leaving just to make a bowl of Top ramen? And then your friends come along and suddenly you're eating chips, pizza, beer and then off to Taco Bell. If you want to eat less, eat alone, without friends. It's "far" less fun.
A recent Dutch study found that people generally eat at the same time as the people they are with. If the person sitting across from them eats, they will eat too. Sometimes, it doesn't matter if they're hungry or not
Part 3 of 3: Good Habits

Step 1. When you eat, “eat”
Doing two things at the same time reduces your awareness of what you are doing and how much you can focus on. Eating while on the phone or watching TV can increase your food intake by about 20%! Concentrating on just eating also helps you really enjoy the taste of your food. Enjoying the taste of food can also make you feel full!
Sit down. Don't eat standing up. There is a very telling idea of “going to the next place” as you stand. You don't relax, you don't focus, and you'll end up pacing -- so satisfy your appetite; while you are eating, relax and sit down. Sit comfortably. Enjoy your meal

Step 2. While eating, chew slowly and take small bites of food at a time
It takes your body about 20 to 30 minutes to tell you, "Stop -- I'm full!" To prevent you from eating too much before your body realizes that you are eating too much, eat slowly and take small bites. If you're eating with friends, pay attention to your friend who eats the slowest and try to match them.
Also try to purposely stop in the middle of a meal, especially if your food doesn't have to be at a certain temperature to be enjoyed. You may notice that you are no longer hungry after only half a serving

Step 3. Eat often
You know those days when you skip lunch because you don't have time and you shout, “Hurray! I didn't eat lunch! I'm on a diet today!” and then because you were so hungry you ended up eating the whole pizza yourself? That's the worst. Instead of making yourself eat a lot in one meal, eat more often. 5 small meals a day can keep you from feeling hungry and wanting to eat a whole pizza. Phew! Dodge bullets everywhere.
For the record, this does not mean eating more. Instead of eating a very large dinner, have a snack at 3pm and a small dinner at 7pm. Because of your afternoon snack, you won't feel like eating much at dinner

Step 4. Turn your fork over
Remember what we discussed about work? You can make yourself work with your cutlery. Try these three tricks to slow you down and make you concentrate more on your food:
- Flip your fork. If you can't scoop food with a fork, you'll be forced to stab everything. One. Seed. Per. One. Seed.
- Use your other hand. Using your non-dominant hand will slow you down considerably. It will also help you concentrate on your food!
- Use chopsticks. Unless, of course, you're an expert with chopsticks when eating pasta, peas, and other small meals.
- Never try to replace a meal with just drinking water or juice.
- Never exercise after you feel full; wait 20-30 minutes, then start with light exercise.