"Being humble is hard," an old country music quote, "when you feel perfect in every way." Of course, only a few people think that they are absolutely perfect in every way. But being humble is really hard, if you live in a competitive and individualistic environment.
Even in such a culture, humility is paramount. Humility is a very important learning process in spiritual traditions, and humility can help you develop more complete and diverse relationships with others, create opportunities and earn you respect.
Part 1 of 3: Accepting Weaknesses

Step 1. Admit that you are not the best at everything
Because there must be someone who can do something better than you. Look for people who are better and have the potential for improvement. No one can be the best at everything.
- Even if you're the “best” in the world at something, there's always something else you can't do, and probably never can.
- Knowing your flaws doesn't mean giving up your dreams, and it doesn't mean giving up on learning new things or improving existing skills. As humans we are not perfect and we cannot do everything alone.

Step 2. Understand your mistake
We blame others because it is easier than blaming ourselves. Blaming others is fruitless and painful. Blaming others causes discord in relationships, and prevents new relationships from forming. Perhaps worse, it prevents us from improving ourselves. Everyone has made mistakes.
- All the time we make judgments about other people, without realizing it. As an exercise, imagine that you are in the act of judging another person or group of people, judging yourself each time you do it. Think about how you can improve yourself instead of thinking about what other people should be doing. After all, you can't control other people's behavior and decisions – but you can control yourself.
- Try to cover your shortcomings. Remember that the process of growth and improvement is always there and will not stop, even when you are very skilled at something.

Step 3. Be grateful for what you have
Suppose you graduated from an excellent University with a top ranking in the class. You deserve to be rewarded for the results of your diligent study. Consider that there are still people who are smarter and more hardworking than you who lacked the support of their parents, grew up in a different environment, or chose the wrong path in life. You can be one of them.
- Remember even though yesterday you may have chosen the wrong path, your life can change today, and furthermore that today may be a good choice to change your life.
- Even though you've worked hard for what you already have, you can't do it without the help of others. As human beings, everything we do is the result of other people who have supported and made us better in some ways so that we can achieve our goals.

Step 4. Don't be afraid to make mistakes
Part of being humble is understanding that you will make mistakes. Understand, and understand that other people have made mistakes, and a heavy burden will be lifted from you. It's not that you're being careless – try to avoid obvious mistakes, but don't be afraid to try new ways to achieve your goals.
Everyone experiences only a small part of life. There are always people who are older and wiser than you. Older opinions are worth listening to, although you should make a decision based on your knowledge of them

Step 5. Admit your mistakes
Even if you're worried that people will get angry and resent you, it's better to admit it than to cover it up. no matter you make mistakes as a boss, parent, or friend, people will appreciate the fact that you are not perfect and you work hard to prove it. Admitting your mistakes shows that you're not stubborn, selfish, or don't want to not look perfect.
Admitting mistakes makes people respect you more, whether it's your own children or your coworkers

Step 6. Avoid bragging
It is okay to be proud of oneself for the achievements that have been achieved, but no one likes people who like to seek attention and pride themselves on themselves. If you feel like you've done something great, chances are people are starting to notice it, they'll come to respect you even more for your humility.
It's not that you have to lie to achieve something; If someone asks you if you've run a marathon then it's acceptable to say 'yes'. But don't always say how great you were when you ran a marathon, or achieved some other goal

Step 7. Be careful in your speech
A person who is humble doesn't have to be meek - being humble doesn't mean having no self-respect. However, a humble person should keep the words in a conversation and not be condescending or distracting when talking to other people. As a humble person, you need to recognize that everyone, including yourself, has goals and dreams and they may want to talk about their accomplishments and their opinion on things.

Step 8. Give credit to others
We are human and who we are today has a lot to do with the influence and guidance of others. Countless people have supported you and helped you become the person you want to be so that you can make your dreams come true. It doesn't matter if you are proud of your accomplishments, but please remember that no one person does everything in its entirety, and as that person, we all help each other to achieve our goals.
Acknowledge the help of others who have helped you become successful
Part 2 of 3: Respecting Others

Step 1. Appreciate the talents and qualities of others
Challenge yourself by seeing what others have done and appreciate what they can do, and in general, respect who they are. Understand that everyone is different and use the opportunities you have to have experiences with different people. You'll still have your own tastes, likes and dislikes, but train yourself to distinguish between opinions and fears and you'll have more respect for others – you'll also be more humble.
Being able to appreciate the talents and qualities of others can also allow you to recognize the qualities you want to improve or achieve in yourself

Step 2. Stop comparing yourself to others
As long as competition is good and uplifting, it's almost impossible to be humble when we're always trying to be the "best" or trying to be better than the rest. Instead, try to see yourself more. Remember, the ultimate goal is not to be better than other people, but to be a better person than before. When you focus your energies on improving yourself instead of comparing yourself to others, you will find that it is much easier to make yourself better because you don't have to worry about whether you are better or worse than other people.
Every individual is unique. Appreciate them as human beings, not for their skills and appearance as it relates to yours

Step 3. Don't be afraid of other people's judgments
While it's ultimately up to you to decide whether you're right or wrong, admitting that you made a mistake and that you weren't always right are completely different things. Even more difficult is the ability to admit that in many situations - the people you disagree with - may be right. Going against your partner's wishes, for rules you don't agree with, or even, at times, for your child's opinions, requires being able to recognize your limitations to a different degree.
Instead of just saying you are humble and that as a person you will make mistakes, you should also concentrate on living with a mindset - being humble is a way of life, not just a one-time act

Step 4. Seek guidance from specific posts
This is another way to respect other people. Read moral writings and proverbs about humility. Pray for it, meditate on it, do whatever it takes to get your attention from yourself and your perception of your own worth (especially compared to others). You can read inspiring biographies, memoirs, the Bible, writings about how to improve your life, or whatever it is that makes you humble and appreciate the insights of others.
If you are not a fan of spiritual writing, consider using the scientific method. Science requires humility. Science requires you to let go of presumptions and judgments and understand that you don't know as much as you think you can

Step 5. Accept the guidance of others
No one is perfect or the best at anything. There will always be people who are better than you at something, and therein lies the opportunity to learn from them. Find people who inspire you in certain areas, and ask them to be your mentor. Under the guidance of; Good boundary setting, confidentiality, and discretion are required. As soon as you cross the 'unteachable' boundary, bring yourself back to earth again. Being a teachable person means that you acknowledge that you still have more to learn about life.
You can become more humble by taking a class on something you didn't know before, such as pottery or scriptwriting, and knowing that you will allow others to teach and show you how. It can help you realize that everyone is good at different things and that we all need to help each other to become better people

Step 6. Help others
One of the biggest parts of being humble is respecting others, and part of respecting others is helping them. Treat others the same and help them because it is the right thing to do. Some say that when you can help others who are unlikely to help you back, you have learned humility. Helping people in need will also make you appreciate what you already have.
Needless to say: don't brag about the volunteer work you've done. It's good to be proud of your work, but remember: volunteering isn't about you, it's about the people you've helped

Step 7. Put others first
If you're always in a hurry to get work done first and get to the front, challenge yourself to allow others to go before you - for example, the elderly, the disabled, children, or people in a hurry.
Ask yourself, "Do I really have to do this first?" The answer is almost always no

Step 8. Compliment others
Give someone you love, or even someone you don't know, a compliment. Tell your girlfriend she looks beautiful today; compliment your coworker's new hairdo, or tell the girl who just came out of the grocery store that you love her earrings. Or you can go deeper, and compliment important aspects of people's personalities. Give at least one compliment a day and you will see that other people have so much to offer the world.
Focusing on the positive about other people is not always looking for their flaws

Step 9. Apologize
If you have made a mistake, then admit that you were wrong. Even though saying you're sorry to someone else is hurtful, you should put your pride aside and let the other person know that you're sorry for the harm you've done. Eventually the pain will subside, replaced by a feeling of relief because you know you've made a mistake. This will show that you really appreciate him and that you admit that you made a mistake.
- Make eye contact when you apologize to show that you really care.
- Do not repeat the offense. Apologizing about something doesn't mean you can do it again. Doing this will make people suspicious of you and your words.

Step 10. Listen more than talk
This is another great way to respect others and become more humble. Next time you're engaged in a conversation, let the other person talk, don't interrupt, and ask questions to keep people talking and sharing. While you should contribute to the conversation, make it a habit to allow the other person to express themselves more than you do so you don't act like you're only concerned with what's going on in your life.
Ask questions to show that you understand what the other person is talking about. Don't just wait for people to stop talking for you to start talking. Remember, if you are busy thinking about what you want to say, then you will have a harder time focusing on what they are saying
Part 3 of 3: Reawakening Curiosity

Step 1. Restore your curiosity
Since we as individuals know so little about the world, you would expect that we would be fascinated more often than usual. Children have this curiosity, and it inspires them to be good observers and learners. Do you really know how a microwave works? Can you make it yourself? How about your car? Understand your brain? A rose?
The "I've seen it all" attitude makes us feel so much more important. No one has seen it all - no one has seen it all. Be amazed like a child and you will not only be humble; You will also be better prepared to learn

Step 2. Practice gentleness
Gentleness of soul is the sure path to humility. Use 'Self-defense' when dealing with conflict: take the poison of the other person's attacks and turn it into something positive by trying to understand why they are angry and reacting with gentleness and respect. Practicing gentleness will help you rediscover your curiosity as you focus on the positive aspects of life.

Step 3. Spend more time in nature
Take a walk in the park. Stand near the bottom of the waterfall. See the world from the top of the mountain. Go on a hike. Swim in the ocean. Find your way to be in nature and take the time to really appreciate all that it takes. Close your eyes and feel the wind on your face. You must feel truly humbled by nature - a power that is immense in depth and strength. When you develop a curiosity and respect for all the things that were there long before you and that will be there long after you are gone, you will begin to realize how small you are in this world.
Spending more time in nature will make you see how big and complicated the world is - and that you're not in the middle of it

Step 4. Do yoga
Yoga is an exercise of love and gratitude, and it will allow you to develop a curiosity about your breath, your body, and the love and goodness in the world around you. Yoga makes you see how fleeting your time on earth is and to appreciate it more. Make it a habit to practice yoga at least twice a week and take all the emotional and physical benefits.
Yoga practice is about being humble. There's no such thing as bragging about how you've done a new pose in yoga. It's all about doing things at your own pace

Step 5. Spend time with your child
Children have a curiosity about the world that is difficult to imitate as adults. Spend more time around children and see how they value the world, continually question it, and how they derive pleasure and joy from the smallest and most mundane of things. For a child, flowers or toilet paper can be the most extraordinary thing in the world.
Spending more time around children will remind you how truly magical the world really is
- Learn to admit when you are wrong and don't allow your pride to justify your actions.
- Keep in mind that being humble has many benefits. Humility can help you become more satisfied with your life, and it can also help you endure bad times and improve your relationships with others. It is also important to be an effective learner. If you think you know it all, you won't be open-minded enough to seek new knowledge. Humility is also counter-intuitive, which is a great tool for self-development in general. Because if you feel superior, you won't have the drive to improve. In general, being humble allows you to be honest with yourself.
- Loving and kind all the time. You never know when someone might need your help.
- Ask questions when you don't know, when you know a little, and when you think you know it all.
- Don't brag about what you have ~ give to receive.
- It's fine to talk a little about yourself, but make an effort to ask people about themselves too. Listening more when you're talking/responding is a good thing.
- Be kind and attentive. Help others and tell them you are there for them.
- Appreciate your talent. Being humble doesn't mean you can't feel good about yourself. Self-esteem is not the same as pride. Both stem from recognizing your talents and qualities, but pride, the kind of pride that leads to arrogance, is rooted in insecurity about yourself. Think about the abilities you have, and be grateful for them.
- Find a trusted and wise advisor and get a responsible partner if you find this to be a weakness in your life. Pride comes before fall, and prevention is definitely better than cure.
- Living a selfless life brings more satisfaction than a selfish life.
- Before you think about yourself, think about other people. First think of being a need for someone not you need someone.
- Help others, especially the poor, weak etc.
- While similar, make a distinction between being humble and being a sycophant (being overly praising someone for your own benefit). This is a common misconception, but two completely different attitudes.
- To be humble is not the same as being humble, and often people who pretend to be humble do so to seek praise. Others will notice this, and even if you deceive some people, you will not reap the same benefits as you would by truly developing humility.
- While a little humility is a good thing, don't go so far that you are humbled. Remember, don't overdo everything.