Everyone wants to be a worker who is always raving about their fun job. Unfortunately, no one likes their job 100%, but there are ways to enjoy and appreciate your work instead of hating it. See Step 1 to start changing attitudes about your job.
Part 1 of 3: Getting More Satisfaction From Work

Step 1. Practice the habit of gratitude
Sometimes it's hard to remember the good parts of a job that you hate, love, or are casual about, and it's hard to remember reasons to be grateful for that job. Gratitude for work can make it easier for you to cope when it's a job you hate, and remind you of the wonderful qualities you have when you're more positive.
- Keep a gratitude journal that only contains work. Every day write down at least 3 things you are grateful for from the job. You could write something like "The sun is shining through my office window" or "That cute delivery girl smiled at me" or "I got a raise today." Even if you don't feel overly grateful for the day's work, try and find just 3 things you can focus on.
- Try to find reasons that make this job good for you. Those reasons might be making enough money to buy the new book series you want, or being close to home so you don't have to travel far.

Step 2. Find at least one bright side
Even if your job is very hard to like, at least have one bright side that can make a difference, to look forward to during the work day. Even if the bright side was lunchtime.
- This step goes far beyond just finding something to be grateful for. If you find it hard to get to work in the morning, focus on that bright side to reassure yourself to be more energized.
- For example: before getting out of bed in the morning (especially when it's very early and your alarm just went off), lie down for a while and remember the bright side (going to meet and flirt with a handsome coworker). Throughout the day, when the bright side comes, meditate on it and say "I'm grateful."

Step 3. Consider the skills and knowledge you have acquired
Maybe you now have experience dealing with difficult bosses, or you're more effective at time management because the job forces you to be creative. There is an opportunity for understanding in every position you have, whether high or low, even if the only insight you get is that you don't like the job.
- Some people focus on skills they develop on the job because they help them climb the career ladder. For example, if you're stuck at a low level in an advertising agency where you do all the work and don't get any rewards, you can cheer yourself up with the idea that the skills you've acquired will eventually help you land a better position.
- Others focus on the knowledge they gain on the job. Let's face it, many of our jobs are not the greatest. The pay is low, the hours are terrible, and the stress level is high. If the only knowledge you gain is that the job isn't a job you want to do for the rest of your life, it's still important. Use that knowledge as motivation to find a new job-one that you really enjoy doing.

Step 4. Focus on the importance of the work itself
Find out why the work you do is important and what your presence at work means. There's always something you can contribute, even if it's just a strong work ethic and quick bread making skills.
- Remember, everyone who is part of the job brings something important to their work. Focusing on the important things you do will make you appreciate your job and position more.
- Remind yourself of the importance of the specific task you are working on. Every job is important when viewed from the right angle. For example, if you work in a coffee shop, tell yourself that people who come in need a drink of encouragement and they won't get it without you and without the work you do.

Step 5. Just be realistic
You will not love, or even enjoy, every second of your work time or every task you are given. If you force yourself to "love" your job regardless of the more difficult aspects, you're more likely to sink into those difficult aspects.
- Allow yourself to take time off when you really don't want to go to work, or won't be happy there, even while you're practicing gratitude and trying to find the bright side. The problem is when you just look at work that way. Days of sluggishness and aggravation are sure to come at times.
- When something happens that irritates or frustrates you, remind yourself that you're frustrated by a certain situation, not necessarily because of the work itself. This will prevent you from falling back into a state of focusing solely on the unpleasant aspects of your job.

Step 6. Develop a professional side project
Sometimes you need to do something for yourself related to work. Anything can be done from blogging about the service industry, to developing new ways of setting up a company.
Consider what could make your job or selling point better going forward. Is there a better way to get your work done? Is there a way to do things faster? Can you make a copier work better and break down less often? They will show your creativity and initiative, and give you goals

Step 7. Make your work better
Sometimes there are ways to improve a job so that it can go from being gruesome or physically and mentally draining to much more manageable. Maybe this means talking to your boss, cutting hours, and so on.
- Example: if a coworker or boss is making your life miserable at work, maybe you need to talk to them privately. Maybe they don't realize that what they're doing is negatively impacting you. Even if they do, talking about their behavior (especially if you can give them a reason to change) will do a lot to make things right for you.
- Set limits. If you work long hours (or a lot of overtime for work that isn't really paid for), discuss it with your supervisor. If there's an unwritten rule that requires you to work overtime, don't fall into that trap.

Step 8. Get out when you can't take it anymore-you only live once
Sometimes you really have to get out of a physically and mentally draining job. Start quietly looking for a new job, maybe in a field that suits you better, or something you're more passionate about.
- Decide if you really can't hold on to your current job. This means whether the job affects your mental or physical health, or whether you are treated harshly by management or coworkers, and so on. If you've been trying to fix the situation but couldn't, it might be time to find a new job.
- Try not to leave until you get a new job, but remember, there's not always a safety net you can jump over. Maybe you should prepare for the worst if things don't go your way. But this doesn't mean you have to stick to a job that's simply become unbearable.
Part 2 of 3: Improving the Work Environment

Step 1. Appreciate the people you work with
Even if you don't always like the people you work with, if you find a way to value their presence beyond mere errands, it creates a good working atmosphere. Recognizing and acknowledging each person's contribution (even if it's small!) to the company can make a big difference.
- Say "thank you" to the people you work with. Thank you can be said for common things, like when they clean the kitchen after using it, or for the work they have done. Saying things like "Thank you so much, Jon, for your extra effort on our presentation. You made the presentation so much better," or "Thanks, Jen, for fixing that copier again. that naughty machine!"
- Acknowledge each person's value. Everyone who works in a place has intrinsic value, as does the value in doing their job. The customer service clerk who answers the phone all day is the face of the company in the customer's eyes, the dishwasher in the back of the kitchen does the job so you can use clean cutlery all day long, the person who cleans the bathroom makes the work environment livable. So pay attention to everyone in your organization.

Step 2. Remember and say everyone's names
Instead of the general "Hi, how are you?" make it a habit to say "Hi, Abby, any news in your life?" It turns out that some of our brains light up when we hear our names called, increasing the warmth we feel for others. Happiness at work depends to a large extent on feeling happy with coworkers, and relationships with coworkers can be improved simply by mentioning their name when speaking. So go for it: say their name more often and feel your work will feel better.

Step 3. Support and encourage one another
To create a more positive environment for a better place to work, you must find encouragement and support in the people you work with. You have to meet and work with these people on a daily basis, so finding ways to support each other will make your life at work that much better.
- Cultivate trust by starting every interaction with the basic assumption that you can trust your coworkers. It means trusting them to do their job, trusting them to work with you in a positive way. This will create an expectation of trust, and encourage your co-worker to further improve himself or herself and earn your trust. Will they continue to ignore your trust? Of course, but this way it will be more likely for you to cultivate higher trust, and when they don't follow through, it will be a deviation from normal.
- If there's someone you don't like or has a negative impact on you, minimize the time you spend with them. But don't be rude. For example, if Sally, the famous office gossiper, comes into your cubicle, give her a few minutes and then say, politely, "Wait a minute, I have to finish this job. We'll talk later."
- Do what you want others to do too. This means getting work done on time, getting to work on time, and not spreading bad and malicious gossip about coworkers. Modeling this kind of behavior (without telling them to act like you, and acting like it) can encourage them to behave that way on their own.

Step 4. Find inspiration in your work
Maybe your job is something like cleaning hotel rooms, or serving people food, or it could be something big in banking. Whatever it is, try and find inspiration from it, even if it only inspires you. You have to decide if the work you do is important.
- Look at the people who inspire you, including famous people. Example: You don't have to turn into Mother Teresa, but you could try reaching out to some of the struggling people in your company (such as offering to mentor them, or giving positive feedback, etc.).
- Start a creative project, at work or outside (but related to) work. One way to keep inspiration flowing is to work on a creative project. This project could be something as simple as trying out a new way of doing work (turning bread making into an art work; improving your latte-making skills until you produce artful coffee; rearranging your cubicle to make it more conducive to work).

Step 5. Have fun with coworkers
Even if you don't really like what you're doing, if there's a way to have fun with your colleagues, the workday will go by much faster. But you also don't have to be lazy, or mean, to have fun.
- Put up a whiteboard to write down the funniest things your partner said that day (as long as you don't repeat any mean or rude words).
- Hold the worst joke contest and give silly prizes to the winners. Again, avoid cruel jokes (containing racism, sexism, rape, etc.).
Part 3 of 3: Building a Life Outside of Work

Step 1. Know how your work affects your life outside of work, and vice versa
What we do at work has meaning at home. And how we feel at home will manifest in how we feel at work. It is a circle, one part of the equation affects the other. Focusing on maintaining a good balance between work and personal life will help you to make both sides better. Here are some ideas that you can do outside of work to make the hours you spend at the office even better.

Step 2. Devote your energy to friends and family
Humans have a tendency to be confined to their own lives, especially their work. Suddenly you realize that it's been a year that you haven't spoken to your friends, because all your energy and attention has been devoted to trying to work overtime to get a promotion.
- Having a strong group of friends and family is very important to your overall health. People who have strong connections tend to live longer and feel happier in their lives, which in turn will also make them happier at work.
- Arrange time with friends every month to get together. You can arrange a meeting for breakfast every first Friday of the month. Everyone will remember the date and because it is done every month, if someone can't come, they can come the following month.
- Make sure you spend time with your family (husband or wife, children, etc.). Even if you're tired, taking the time to ask how their day was and help with household chores can make home life happier and more enjoyable.

Step 3. Follow your interests
Most people will not find a way to incorporate their interests into work. Don't let this put you off your interest because you're only focused on work. Find ways to pursue those interests outside of work, so you don't depend on work to satisfy those needs.
- For example, if you really like rock climbing, you don't have to be a rock climbing instructor, or somehow make it a job to be happy and content at work. You can do work that helps fund your interest, or that allows you to take a vacation for a longer rock climbing trip.
- Do something artistic or something creative. Maybe you could knit, or take part in a free drawing class (you can sometimes find free live drawing classes on campus). This activity will help you feel like you're accomplishing something important, will give you a creative release (if you're not getting that at work).

Step 4. Get out of your comfort zone
Trying new things in life can make it easier for you to deal with the surprises that life encounters. Trying new things is also a great way to build inspiration in many areas of life, including your own.
- Doing new things doesn't always mean spending piles of money on trips around the world, or taking skydiving lessons (though it's great if you can and want to). This means trying things that challenge you in your community: taking cooking classes, attending free lectures at your local university, planting trees secretly in abandoned areas, and so on.
- You can also do something in a soup kitchen or shelter. These activities can take you out of your comfort zone, remind you of the positive things in your own life (such as food, shelter, work, etc.), while doing something positive for society.

Step 5. Take care of your health
Stress at work and life can make you sick, both body and mind. Look for ways to ensure that you get the support and healthy habits you need to get through stress and potential problems.
- Exercise is very important for your health, both physically and mentally. Exercise releases chemicals like endorphins that help you feel happier. Exercise can relieve depression and anxiety, it can also increase energy levels. Try to exercise every day for at least 30 minutes. If you feel sleepy during work, get up and get moving (up the stairs, walk around the block, or jump up and down). Those physical movements will be better to keep you strong until the end of the work hours than energy drinks
- Eating right means that you include foods that increase energy and keep your body working at optimal levels. Frequent consumption of sugary foods or high in salt and saturated fat can worsen mood. Eat protein (meat, beans, soy, etc.) and lots of fruit and vegetables. For carbohydrates, choose the good type (brown rice, oats, oats).
- Get enough sleep. Most people in America (especially those who work) operate under sleep deprivation conditions, which will reduce your effectiveness and happiness at work and in life. Try to sleep at least 8 hours every night, the earlier you go to bed, the better rest you will be. Turn off all electronic devices at least 30 minutes before bedtime.

Step 6. Take a day off
Many people never can, or want to, take a vacation, even if their office still pays for the day off. Vacations give you some distance from work so you can decide if the job is right for you, if it really is as bad as you sometimes think. Or is it a refreshing vacation so you can return to work with a better attitude.
If you really can't take a full vacation, try at least a few days off each year, so you can relax and take care of yourself
- Expressing emotions about work can be a good stress reliever, in moderation. If you continue to be irritated at work, it's time to find a new job, or change your mind about your current job.
- Reward yourself when you can deal with work effectively. Delight yourself with a new book or cake that you really want. The positive rewards of being able to take on a job can give you more incentive to go to work, and sometimes it's up to you to create positive things yourself.
- Nothing is permanent. Chances are, your job isn't permanent either. Feeling like you're trapped will make it harder for you to leave the job and will actually make you even more stressed. On the other hand, remembering that a very enjoyable job may not last forever, is also a way to appreciate it.
- Don't make work your identity, no matter how much you love the job. When you make work your identity, you place all your happiness in its success or failure. Remember, however good it is, work is just work.