3 Ways to Know the Coming of an Earthquake Naturally

3 Ways to Know the Coming of an Earthquake Naturally
3 Ways to Know the Coming of an Earthquake Naturally

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There is no proven way to predict earthquakes. Geologists are developing early warning systems, but there is still much to learn about the signs before an earthquake strikes. Part of the problem is that earthquakes don't always come in a consistent way-some signs appear at different times (a few days, weeks, or seconds before they happen), while the signs sometimes don't happen at all. Read on to learn the signs of an earthquake, and how to be prepared for an earthquake.


Method 1 of 3: Watch for Possible Signs

Know Naturally when an Earthquake Will Strike Step 1
Know Naturally when an Earthquake Will Strike Step 1

Step 1. Watch for reports of “earthquake light”

In the days, or even seconds before the earthquake, people have seen strange lights on the ground or floating in the air. Even if they didn't really understand, earthquake light could be emitted from rocks that were under extreme pressure.

  • Earthquake light is not reported before earthquakes everywhere occur, and the timing is never consistent. However, if you hear about strange lights or talk about UFOs in your area, be prepared for an earthquake and make sure you have emergency survival kits in place.
  • Earthquake light is observed as short blue flames that emerge from the ground, like torches of light floating into the air, or large light prongs that look like lightning bolts from the ground into the air.
Know Naturally when an Earthquake Will Strike Step 2
Know Naturally when an Earthquake Will Strike Step 2

Step 2. Observe any unusual changes in the behavior of the animals

There are reports that animals, from frogs, bees, birds, to bears, left their habitat or breeding grounds before the earthquake occurred. No one understands why animals can sense an impending event, perhaps because of a change in the electric field or feeling a small vibration that humans cannot sense. However, noticing strange behavior in your pet can be a sign that something is about to happen.

  • Chickens will stop laying eggs shortly before an earthquake occurs. If you notice that your hen stops laying eggs for no apparent reason, make sure you and your family know what to do in case of an earthquake.
  • Catfish will go berserk if there is a change in the electric field, which can occur before an earthquake occurs. If you are fishing and see a lot of catfish suddenly raging, an earthquake may occur. Find a safe place to take shelter that is farthest from trees or bridges that could fall on you.
  • Dogs, cats, and other animals can feel earthquakes seconds before they can be detected by humans. If your pet seems nervous and panicked, has a fear of the unknown and hides, or if your normally calm dog starts biting and barking, it's a good idea to start looking for a place to shelter from the earthquake.
Know Naturally when an Earthquake Will Strike Step 3
Know Naturally when an Earthquake Will Strike Step 3

Step 3. Watch for possible foreshocks (small earthquakes that occur before the “main” earthquake)

Although foreshocks don't always occur before an earthquake, and it's impossible to tell which earthquake was the main earthquake until it does, earthquakes usually occur in several clusters. If you experience one or more minor earthquakes, a larger earthquake is imminent.

Since we can't predict how long an earthquake will last or its magnitude, take steps to protect yourself from debris depending on where you are (indoors, outdoors, or in your car) when the ground begins to shake

Method 2 of 3: Finding a Trusted Source of Information

Know Naturally when an Earthquake Will Strike Step 4
Know Naturally when an Earthquake Will Strike Step 4

Step 1. Investigate the seismic cycle of all faults in your area

While there's no way to pinpoint the exact time of an earthquake's arrival, scientists can investigate sediment samples to find out when previous earthquakes occurred. By measuring the amount of time between events, they can infer when a major earthquake will occur.

  • These cycles can span hundreds of years-perhaps 600 years (more or less) between major earthquakes and faults-but there is no way to really know when the next earthquake will occur.
  • If the nearest fault line has more than 250 years in the cycle before the next major earthquake occurs, you can still rest easy. But remember that there are no fixed rules for predicting earthquakes, so you should have emergency equipment just in case.
Know Naturally when an Earthquake Will Strike Step 5
Know Naturally when an Earthquake Will Strike Step 5

Step 2. Register to receive a wireless emergency alarm system

Currently, Japan is the only country with a functioning early alarm system to detect earthquakes (other countries, for example the US, are currently developing their own systems). Even if the system is installed, it can only provide a few tens of seconds of warning before an earthquake occurs. However, there are some services in the United States that will send you a text message alerting you to any natural disasters in your area, including earthquakes.

  • These warning messages are accompanied by instructions in case of an emergency, including evacuation routes and available emergency shelters.
  • Your city may already have a warning system in place, such as a siren followed by a warning or instruction. Make sure you find out if your city has a particular warning system.
Know Naturally when an Earthquake Will Strike Step 6
Know Naturally when an Earthquake Will Strike Step 6

Step 3. Take a look at the earthquake tracker website

Are you unsure that the vibration you are experiencing is caused by a big truck outside, construction, or is it just a strange dream? You can test it online with tracking websites that will show you where and when earthquakes were recorded and the magnitude of each quake.

Method 3 of 3: Get Ready

Know Naturally when an Earthquake Will Strike Step 7
Know Naturally when an Earthquake Will Strike Step 7

Step 1. Gather your survival gear for home and in the car

If an earthquake occurs, electricity and cell phone signal may be cut off, and you will not be able to access clean water, food, and medicine. Gathering equipment for survival will ensure your family has their basic necessities in the event of a disaster.

  • For at home, try to stock up for two weeks. This means providing 1 gallon of water per person per day, perishable food (and a can opener if the food is in cans), daily medicine, baby bottles and diapers, and hygiene products.
  • In-vehicle survival kits include maps, jump cables, enough water for at least 3 days (1 gallon per person), durable food, blankets, and flashlights.
  • Don't forget your pets! Make sure you have water, food, bowls, medicine, leash, and a transportable necklace or cage ready for your furry friend.
  • Check out a more complete list of survival gear on the Red Cross website or Ready.gov.
Know Naturally when an Earthquake Will Strike Step 8
Know Naturally when an Earthquake Will Strike Step 8

Step 2. Secure large, heavy, or tall furniture by bolting it to the wall

One of the greatest dangers of earthquakes is unstable buildings and objects inside buildings that can fall and fall on you. Attaching heavy furniture to the walls can make your home feel safer in the event of an earthquake.

  • Bookcases, wardrobes, display cabinets, and ceramic cabinets are examples of furniture that must be bolted to the wall.
  • Mirrors and flat-screen TVs should also be secured by attaching them to the wall so that they do not fall and break. Do not hang it above the sofa or bed.
Know Naturally when an Earthquake Will Strike Step 9
Know Naturally when an Earthquake Will Strike Step 9

Step 3. Practice “snuggle, cover, and hold.”

Contrary to popular belief, door frames are not a good place to take refuge during an earthquake. Curl up so that your body doesn't sway when an earthquake occurs. Cover the back of your head and neck with your hands. Or, crawl carefully under the table if you can, then hold on to one of the legs of the table so that you will move with the table.

  • You may only have a few seconds to do something, and practicing this can make you react more quickly.
  • If there's no shelter, try to go to a corner of the room and crouch or crouch.
  • If you're outdoors, try going to an open area away from buildings, power lines, and other objects that could fall on you, then practice the "huddle, cover, and hold" move. If you live in a city, it would be better to go inside the room and find shelter.
  • If you are in a vehicle, stay away from under an overpass or overpass. Stay in the car and stop as soon as possible. Stay away from buildings, trees, or power lines that might fall on you in the car.
Know Naturally when an Earthquake Will Strike Step 10
Know Naturally when an Earthquake Will Strike Step 10

Step 4. Make sure your family has a communication plan

Agree on a meeting place between you and your family in case of an emergency. Remember important phone numbers (such as a parent's work or cell phone number).

Choose someone who lives in another city or country as your contact. Sometimes it's easier to go to someone who doesn't live in the disaster area. If you are separated from your family, this person can tell you your location and let them know you are safe
