You know this kind of man - he parked his motorbike and walked gallantly into the bar, dressed in black leather. He took off his jacket, revealing the tattoo on his arm. He put the bill on the table, the barman took it and poured him a drink. You catch a glint in his eye that seems to imply his prowess, before you immediately take your eyes off. You just saw a hero, and you want to be a hero too.
Method 1 of 2: Developing Your inner Hero

Step 1. Make observations
Being a hero is a matter of mentality. A hero will still be a hero, even if he wears a polka dot tutu skirt. Of course he will look less scary, but he will still be a hero. This is because being a master is indeed a mentality, just as happiness is a mentality. However, being a hero is a mentality that requires much more courage.
- Watch one of the films starring Clint Eastwood to understand how you can present yourself as a tough and scary person. Use the methods that you think are appropriate and suitable for you, and try to create other new ways.
- Read about famous heroes. Some of these (but you can find examples of other heroes as well) are: Sun Tzu and Genghis Khan, Apollo's wartime heroes; Winston Churchill and Orson Welles, who smoked more cigars than brothers Fidel and Raul Castro combined; and Daniel Day Lewis and Jeff Bridges, who still look great when wearing tweed outfits with sweatpants.

Step 2. Always be confident
This is 95% of the real struggle. The hero does anything with complete confidence and without any doubts at all. If you can show this kind of confidence, you will immediately be considered a champion.
- Walk confidently, with your head held high and your shoulders straight (as if you had a long, flowing robe draped over your back). Walk slowly and take only short steps. Emphasize most of your body weight with each step.
- Be a man who doesn't care about the results. What does it mean? This means, whatever the outcome you experience, you can accept it. High self-confidence makes you look at women's rejection and approval with the same response: acceptance. That's just a master.

Step 3. Be brave
Heroes are brave people. Most people associate courage with a good personality, such as being courageous when it comes to standing up for one's own opinion and those of others, or de-escalating a potentially dangerous situation with a calm demeanor. Work on conquering your fears, and don't be shy about standing up for what you believe in. Force yourself to get out of your comfort zone and adapt to difficult situations.

Step 4. Your actions should speak louder than your words
A true hero will act decisively to make his point. The hero doesn't care about words, because it's easy to talk. Everyone can claim to be an expert in interplanetary travel, but not everyone can return to Earth from nearly 40 km away in space. The first is not the hero, the second is the hero.

Step 5. Get rid of your barriers
Don't let anything stop you from becoming a champion. One of the most difficult and scary things about being a hero is getting rid of the things in your life that are getting in the way. It won't happen overnight, but it will if you have the mentality of a hero.
- For example, if you're shy, work around this by developing conversational materials (with a variety of topics and lots of jokes) that will train you to master your part in the conversation. A true hero never runs out of things to talk about, but rarely has words to say.
- Find smart ways to solve difficult problems. Suppose, for example, that you are stuck between a rock and a hard wall. A hero will blast rocks from the inside, not with explosives, but with kinetic power made from dry grass (this is only a figure of speech, of course). A hero gets out of trouble in the smartest ways and very easily.
- Make a plan. A hero has a good balance between being spontaneous and making plans. A hero will make plans to fight for gender equality, for example, but certainly won't propose a new law that allows him to drive a giant wheeled truck in his backyard.

Step 6. Have your own style
A true hero will wear what he wants, regardless of the current trend. The key is to understand the style that most strongly exudes your confidence. Looking perfect will have a positive impact on your self-image and how you feel about where you stand among others.
- Some consider certain styles to be the hallmarks of a master: boots, leather, and jeans; but you are not obliged to follow this assumption. You can be a hero in a beach suit and sandals, as long as you have the mentality and attitude of a hero.
- Try to have certain characteristics that show the good side of yourself. Maybe you like to wear a pocket vest, or you always wear jeans (including at funerals). Whatever it is, do it every time with confidence. The hallmark of this style will become legendary when combined with your hero character.

Step 7. Put on the dark glasses
Dark glasses can not be separated from the figure of a hero. No matter what type of outfit you wear, as long as you wear dark glasses, you'll look a lot more like a hero. This is because dark glasses shield you from the curiosity of others, while also exuding an aura of confidence, even if you are not completely confident.

Step 8. Be honest without being condescending
Don't lose your personality while trying to be a hero. Being a hero doesn't mean looking for trouble and being proud of it. On the other hand, being a master means being yourself, and trying to maintain this confidence. If you start hanging out with people who force you to go beyond your limits, be careful not to go along with their whims like people who give in to social pressures.
Method 2 of 2: Don't Get Involved

Step 1. Avoid all the things that contradict the hero figure
You may have understood the things that are considered "not great". Here are some examples:
- Cosmopolitan or any drink whose name ends in “drop”. Never order or drink it.
- Sit with your legs crossed. This will make your legs appear to be piled high instead of giving off a manly aura.
- Manicure and pedicure nail care. Don't care what other people say. Nail care is a very "not great" thing.
- Musical drama. Men and women who dress tight and sing to each other from opposite sides of the stage isn't exactly what makes you look great.
- Trying to impress others. Real heroes don't try to conform to the wishes of other people or groups. As much as possible, don't think about what other people say about you, while still being polite.

Step 2. Be mysterious
Don't share your goals with other people, unless it's absolutely essential. Arrive late while being mysterious and calm. Don't share your life story with other people. Let people guess about you.

Step 3. Break the rules on a small but important scale
The thing that distinguishes a hero from the average person is his rebellious nature. A hero is a loner who is kicked out of the group because he is actually too superior, then becomes even more successful when he is considered a failure. The hero only makes his own choices.
Ask yourself what things you've been doing without realizing it, then think back to why and how you did them. Maybe you'll keep doing things, but now it's a choice you'll make for yourself. And now, do it with more confidence

Step 4. Don't make excuses, but always be ready to face all the risks
A hero doesn't look for trouble, but he's also not afraid to confront other people if he needs to or if that person is really harassing him. To prepare yourself to stay fit and ready for these conditions, try:
- Boxing. Boxing is a very masterful activity. It's a life or death fight, man against man, only in gloves and baggy shorts. Boxing is an angry, brave, and terrifying activity; very appropriate to describe a figure who is practicing to become a hero.
- Wrestling. During this time, wrestlers did not receive the recognition they should have. Just like boxers, wrestlers fight with brains and muscles, honing their bodies to become effective machines with gigantic power. This is truly a master activity.
- rugby. Football pales in comparison to rugby. Not because football is a ridiculous sport (soccer isn't ridiculous), but because rugby is downright rude. Rugby athletes sprint through walls of crowds of other players, accustomed to broken noses and dislocated finger joints, while continuing to play as if they didn't feel anything.
- kung fu. This is one of the most mastered types of martial arts activity. Kung fu is a great way to learn to defend yourself from other people who want to start a fight. There's nothing that exudes an aura of mastery more than this ancient Asian martial art sport, which will make people respect you.

Step 5. Always display your best attitude
Don't intentionally annoy or ignore other people for no reason. Being a hero doesn't mean being an annoying person. Heroes are respected, but annoying people are hated. The heroes who are most respected are those who always appear tough while being kind and caring for the weak.
- Imagine Han Solo, a delinquent who ends up fighting a rebellion against a guilty authority. Or James Bond, a hero of a different kind who is classy and dapper but able to fight bravely in any situation for the sake of his country.
- Doing various good deeds in secret, small or big, will make you a hero that people admire. Keep your good side mysterious and don't brag about it. That's a real hero!
- Learn to handle yourself to avoid confrontation. If you're stuck in a certain situation and are forced to fight someone, you'll have to decide whether you're going to back down or fight. Sometimes you can have a nice talk and get someone to give up on fighting, for example by treating them to a drink. Refusing to back down from a challenge will often trigger a physical fight, and have unintended consequences. Learn to fight, but use those abilities wisely only when absolutely necessary.
- Know the right time. You don't want to come across as good-looking when you're applying for a job or asking a woman out on a date. In fact, one of the hallmarks of a hero is being able to show gentleness that is not artificial. Wolverine and Batman also have a soft side deep inside of them.
- Do not complain. No one likes a complainer, especially if the complainer is trying to appear as a hero. Heroes are tough people who won't sway over trivial things, such as too hot weather, inappropriate clothes, etc. Complaining will immediately destroy the look of your hero.
- If someone intentionally wants to hurt or harm you, turn things around until they experience it for themselves.
- Do whatever you want. If you like it, that's what you should do! Don't let anyone stop it, unless you want to stop doing it yourself.
- Choose your enemies wisely. You can't beat the whole world.
- You will definitely meet people who will challenge you. Learn how to defuse situations and be prepared to fight them in self-defense. The one who starts a fight stupid is not a champion, and he will only be humiliated in the end. Likewise, a person who always fights with weaker opponents so that he always wins is not a champion.
- Being a hero will attract attention you sometimes don't want. You will be of special concern to the authorities. Be polite to avoid angering law enforcement officers.