How to Write an Exposition Essay (with Pictures)

How to Write an Exposition Essay (with Pictures)
How to Write an Exposition Essay (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Exposition essays are usually written for academic purposes. In an expository essay, you need to consider an idea, investigate it, and then explain it. Some expository essays include arguments, while others are purely informative. Although it may seem difficult, writing an expository essay is actually easy if you do it step by step.


Part 1 of 4: Planning an Essay

Write an Expository Essay Step 1
Write an Expository Essay Step 1

Step 1. Define goals

Think about why you are writing an exposition essay. Write down some reasons and what you expect from the essay.

If you're writing an exposition essay for an assignment, read the guide. Ask the supervisor if anything is not clear

Write an Expository Essay Step 2
Write an Expository Essay Step 2

Step 2. Consider the audience

Think about who will read it. Consider the reader's needs and expectations before starting to write. Take note of a few things to remember about readers.

If you are writing an essay for a school assignment, consider what the tutor expects to include in the essay

Write an Expository Essay Step 3
Write an Expository Essay Step 3

Step 3. Gather ideas

Before you start writing, you should spend some time developing your ideas and jotting them down. Activities such as making lists, freewriting, creating clusters, and compiling questions can help you develop ideas.

  • Try making a list. List all ideas. Then, take another look at the list and group similar ideas together. Expand the list by adding more ideas or using another prewriting activity.
  • Try freewriting. Write non-stop for 10 minutes. Write whatever comes to your mind and don't edit. When you're done, review again. Highlight or underline the most useful information. Repeat the freewriting exercise using the information already underlined as a starting point. You can repeat this exercise as many times as necessary to refine and develop ideas.
  • Create a cluster. Write a brief description of the subject of the exposition essay in the center of the page, then circle it. Then, draw three or more rows that extend from the circle. Write a related idea at the end of each line. Keep developing until you've explored as many connections as possible.
  • Try asking. Write “Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? Leave about two or three lines between each question to write down the answer. Answer each question in as much detail as possible.
Write an Expository Essay Step 4
Write an Expository Essay Step 4

Step 4. Outline

After writing down your ideas, you can organize them into an outline or outline, before starting to write. Create an outline to plan out the whole essay, develop other ideas, and find the missing parts.

Write an Expository Essay Step 5
Write an Expository Essay Step 5

Step 5. Find the right source

See the assignment guide or ask your supervisor if you have questions about the right type of resource for this assignment. Some sources to consider are books, articles from scientific journals, magazine articles, newspaper articles, and trusted sites.

Trusted Internet sources usually include academic institutions such as universities or research labs, government websites, and non-profit organizations

Write an Expository Essay Step 6
Write an Expository Essay Step 6

Step 6. Evaluate the source to determine its credibility before use

There are several things to consider to determine if a source can be trusted.

  • Know the author and his credentials. Think about what qualified this person to write on the subject. If a source does not include an author or the author does not have sufficient credentials, the source cannot be trusted.
  • Check references to see if the author has researched enough on the topic. If the author provides few or no sources, then this source cannot be trusted.
  • Look for bias. Think about whether the author has presented objects and logical considerations. If the author seems to be siding with a particular argument, or is leaning towards an argument that is not or only slightly supported by facts, then this source cannot be trusted.
  • Consider the publication date to see if the source provides the most recent information on a related subject.
  • Double-check the information in the source by cross-checking. If you are still in doubt, check the information with a trusted source.
Write an Expository Essay Step 7
Write an Expository Essay Step 7

Step 7. Read the source carefully

Make sure you understand what the author is saying. Study any words and concepts you don't understand. Otherwise, you may misunderstand or use the wrong source.

Write an Expository Essay Step 8
Write an Expository Essay Step 8

Step 8. Take notes while reading the source

Highlight and underline significant phrases so you can study them again later. While reading, write down significant information in the source into a notebook.

  • Indicate when you quote the source words with a question mark. Enter information about the source such as the author's name, the title of the article or book title, and the page number.
  • Write down the publication information for each source. This information is needed for the "References", "Bibliography", or "Sources" pages in your later essays. Arrange this page according to the format in the guide.
Write an Expository Essay Step 9
Write an Expository Essay Step 9

Step 9. Develop a tentative thesis

A thesis statement is very effective for expressing the main focus of an essay and for stating a debatable claim. A thesis is usually one sentence long, but may be more depending on the topic and details of the essay.

  • Make sure your thesis is debatable. Don't state facts or tastes. For example, "Ir. Soekarno is the first president of the Republic of Indonesia" is not a good thesis sentence because it is a fact. Likewise the following thesis, "Laskar Pelangi is a good film" because it expresses taste.
  • Make sure the thesis provides sufficient detail. In other words, avoid words like "good" or "effective." Instead, say what makes something "good" or "effective."

Part 2 of 4: Compiling the Introduction

Write an Expository Essay Step 10
Write an Expository Essay Step 10

Step 1. Start with an interesting sentence that goes straight to the topic

The introduction should go straight to the topic. Think about what you will cover in your essay to determine what to include in the introduction. Remember that the introduction should identify the main idea and serve as an introduction.

Attention-grabbing sentences take many forms. You can start with an anecdote, an informative and interesting quote, a bold statement of opinion, or anything that makes your audience want to keep reading

Write an Expository Essay Step 11
Write an Expository Essay Step 11

Step 2. Provide context

Provide sufficient background information or context to guide the reader. Think about what the reader needs to know to understand the content of the essay. Provide this information in the first paragraph.

  • If you're writing an essay about a book, provide the title, author, and plot summary.
  • If you are writing an essay about a particular day in history, summarize the events of that day. Then, explain how that day influenced the wider scope of history.
  • If you are writing an essay about someone, state their name and provide a short biography.
  • Remember that the context must lead to the thesis statement. Explain everything the reader needs to know to understand the topic. Then, narrow it down until it reaches the topic.
Write an Expository Essay Step 12
Write an Expository Essay Step 12

Step 3. Prepare a thesis statement

The thesis statement must be 1-2 sentences long that expresses the main argument. If it is purely informational, the essay should explain the method of presenting the information to the reader.

Part 3 of 4: Making Key Points

Write an Expository Essay Step 13
Write an Expository Essay Step 13

Step 1. Decide how many paragraphs to include

The most common length of an expository essay is five paragraphs, but it can be longer. Follow the assignment guide or ask a supervisor if you're not sure what length to take.

  • A five-paragraph essay should include three core paragraphs. Each core paragraph should discuss the evidence supporting the thesis.
  • Even if they are longer than five paragraphs, the same principles apply. Each paragraph should discuss supporting evidence.
Write an Expository Essay Step 14
Write an Expository Essay Step 14

Step 2. Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence

The topic sentence introduces the main idea of the paragraph, which should provide supporting evidence for the thesis. If you are working on a specific text, please start with a direct quote or a rearranged quote.

  • For example, if you were writing an expository essay about the use of dogs in the US Marine Corps during World War II, the main idea and topic sentence might be something like this”

    • "Dogs play an active role in Marine Corps missions in the Pacific."
    • "The Doberman Pinscher was the official dog of the US Marine Corps during World War II, but all breeds qualify to be trained as war dogs."
    • "War dogs even deserve military awards for their services."
Write an Expository Essay Step 15
Write an Expository Essay Step 15

Step 3. Develop supporting evidence

After stating the topic sentence, provide specific evidence from research to support it. Give new evidence for all the main paragraphs.

  • Most evidence should be in the form of citations, paraphrases, and research summaries.
  • Evidence can also be interviews, anecdotes, or personal experiences.
  • Try to provide at least two to three pieces of evidence to support each claim.
  • For example, if the paragraph begins with, "War dogs even deserve military honors for their services," supporting evidence could include a list of dogs awarded and the types of awards given.
Write an Expository Essay Step 16
Write an Expository Essay Step 16

Step 4. Analyze the significance of each piece of evidence

Explain how the evidence relates to the paragraph. Write a sentence or two for each piece of evidence. Consider what the reader needs to know when you describe the relationship.

Write an Expository Essay Step 17
Write an Expository Essay Step 17

Step 5. Conclude and move on to the next paragraph

Each paragraph should transition to the next paragraph. The conclusion of each main paragraph should summarize the main points and show their relationship to the following points.

  • For example, imagine you want to link two paragraphs that begin with this sentence: "The Doberman Pinscher was the official dog of the US Marine Corps during World War II, but all breeds qualify to be trained as war dogs." and "In fact, war dogs deserve military honors for their services." The concluding sentence should combine the idea of a dog breed with the idea of a dog receiving a military award.

    You might write, "Although Dobermans were the most commonly used breeds in World War II, they are not the only breeds whose merit is recognized."

Part 4 of 4: Concluding the Essay

Write an Expository Essay Step 18
Write an Expository Essay Step 18

Step 1. State and rearrange the thesis sentence

The first sentence of the conclusion paragraph should repeat the thesis statement. However, don't just repeat it. You must incorporate the additions provided by the evidence into the thesis.

  • For example, if your original thesis was, "Dogs used by the United States Marine Corps during World War II played a significant role in the Pacific area," restate your thesis with a sentence like, "Dogs of all breeds and sizes have an important and honorable role to play. in World War II, especially in the Pacific area.”

    Notice that the second sentence repeats the information in the original thesis. This restatement only uses another method, while at the same time it incorporates new information that is in the core of the essay

Write an Expository Essay Step 19
Write an Expository Essay Step 19

Step 2. Summarize and review the main idea

Use one sentence to summarize each main supporting piece of evidence, as presented in the core of the essay. Do not introduce new information in the conclusion. Reread the most interesting claims and discuss how they support the main point.

Write an Expository Essay Step 20
Write an Expository Essay Step 20

Step 3. Provide a final thought or call to action

Use the last sentence to make a final statement about the topic. The end of the last paragraph is an opportunity to say what should happen next. You can offer a solution or ask a new question.

  • Explain how the topic affects the reader
  • Explain how to apply a narrow topic to a broader theme or observation
  • Get readers to take action or explore the topic further
  • Ask a new question that the essay introduces
