Tequila is a type of Mexican high-alcohol (spirit) distilled beverage made from the blue agave plant. There are three types of tequila (as well as several other variations for each): Blanco, meaning "white" and not kept too long; reposado, meaning "stored" and kept for 2-12 months in oak barrels; and añejo, meaning "old" kept in small oak barrels for 1-3 years. Tequila has been known as a party drink for a long time. There are several ways to straighten it without having the headache of a piata being hit the next morning. Here are some ways to enjoy it.
Method 1 of 3: Enjoy Without Ice Slowly

Step 1. Choose a tequila made from 100% of the agave plant
Not all tequila is the same. If you want to drink it like most Mexicans, choose tequila that is 100% authentic.
- There are tequila called mixtos that are made with at least 51% agave, then added sugar. Don't choose it because it doesn't taste like tequila.
- There are many concierges and tequila experts who recommend buying tequila that is self-produced by a family company rather than a conglomerate producing tequila. For example, Cuervo brand tequila. If you find tequila produced by a small, family-owned company, they most likely produce a drink made from 100% agave. It tastes better too.

Step 2. Choose Añejo tequila
This type of tequila is stored for at least 1 year. It tastes much more delicious compared to other types whose level of maturity is deliberately accelerated, or tequila which tastes only on the tip of the tongue with a level of complexity of taste and texture that is less than perfect. This type of tequila is also often equated with cognac that has been stored for a long time.
- Añejos tend to be more expensive than reposados or blancos, but they don't cost much. Usually, you can buy a good añejo for under IDR 710,000
- Drink añejos at room temperature. Ice can melt so as to disguise the original taste.
- If you are starting to become a connoisseur of this drink, buy a special glass of tequila to enjoy a glass of añejo. There are also many people who like to drink tequila from the snifter.

Step 3. Add some sangrita to the tequila
Sangrita means "a little blood" in Spanish. This liquid is called so because of its red color like blood, but this drink is not alcoholic. Pour the sangrita into a shot glass, then sip alternately with the tequila. If you want to make sangrita, mix the following ingredients together and refrigerate:
- 284 ml of fresh orange juice
- 284 ml fresh tomato juice
- 30 ml of fresh lime juice
- 1 teaspoon pomegranate syrup
- 12 times press chili sauce - like ABC sauce

Step 4. Follow the optional sip protocol
If you like enjoying tequila the right way, here are some tips on how the experts enjoy their aged tequila.
- Pour 30 ml of tequila into a special glass or into a snifter. Hold the glass by the legs (not by the bowl), then lift the glass up to eye level and see the color.
- Make slow circular motions with your hands while holding the glass. Notice how the tequila touches the glass walls creating a “string of pearls” effect. When this effect occurs, you will see a flicker of light in the tequila hitting the glass wall.
- Take a small sip, then let it sit in your mouth for about 10 seconds so that the taste of the alcohol can spread to all parts of your tongue.
- Swallow and repeat. Classy, right?
Method 2 of 3: Sipping Tequila Quickly

Step 1. Choose a tequila of blanco, oro, or reposado to drink
Oro means gold, tastes like blanco and costs about the same. Remember to choose a tequila made from 100% agave. Mixtos are cheap, but you'll feel very dizzy the next morning.

Step 2. Sip the tequila at room temperature and without ice
You don't have to drink it with salt and lime if you don't like it. However, most Mexicans like to drink it that way.. Take room temperature tequila, pour it into a shot glass, toast, then gulp it down.

Step 3. Sip with the addition of salt and lime
This method has been around for a long time, but it is not clear why it is popular in Mexico. Reportedly, one of the oldest accounts of this technique dates back to 1924. However, the order starts in reverse: first a sip of lime, then a sip of tequila, then the salt. Although this method is not liked by many people, both methods are equally popular. Here's how to drink tequila with salt and lime:
- Lick the skin between the thumb and forefinger. Spill some salt over your skin. The salt will stick to the skin due to moisture.
- Hold the tequila and lime in one hand, with the shot glass in the other. Lick the salt into your hands and then swallow the tequila in one gulp. You do drink it by "shooting".
- For added flavor, sip the lime after the tequila has been swallowed. The sour taste of orange will not be so strong after drinking alcohol.
Method 3 of 3: Mixing Tequila into Cocktails

Step 1. Enjoy tequila in a classic margarita mix
This drink can be frozen or not. If you want to enjoy the taste of tequila, have a classic margarita. Freeze drinks contain a lot of sugar and water. To make it, try the following recipe:
Pour the following ingredients into a cocktail shaker that has been half filled with ice:
- 60 ml tequila type blanco, oro, or reposado
- 15 ml. citrus liquor, such as Grand Marnier or Triple-Sec
- 30 ml. lime juice
- 15 ml. agave nectar syrup
- Shake vigorously for 15-20 seconds and pour the contents into a salted cocktail glass.

Step 2. Enjoy tequila in a "tequila," or tequila martini mix
There is satisfaction and class to a martini in this mix. However, this drink is considered to have a uniqueness in it. For those of you who like to drink alcoholic beverages, be careful because these drinks are very intoxicating! Add “reposado” tequila and sweet vermouth to make it sweeter.
Combine the following ingredients in a cocktail shaker filled with ice:
- 74 ml tequila ''blanco''
- 15 ml dry vermouth
- A little Angostura bitters
- Shake vigorously for 15-20 seconds then pour the contents into a martini glass.
- Garnish with olives, lemon zest, or jalapeno peppers.

Step 3. Enjoy the tequila in the "tequila sunrise" mix
This drink is so called because of its red and orange colored liquid. This recipe reminds you that tequila goes well with oranges.
Put ice in a highball glass and pour:
- 60 ml tequila blanco, oro, or reposado
- Add orange juice to fill the glass.
- Stir all the ingredients, then add about 2 ml of pomegranate syrup to it while tilting the glass. The syrup will slide through the walls of the glass. Make sure the syrup is at the bottom of the glass, then let it rise slowly.
- Garnish with a stirrer, straw, or cherry-orange berries.

Step 4. Try a Bloody Mary creation called vampira
This mixture is also called "Bloody Maria." The vampira cocktail is a creation of the classic bloody Mary recipe. The taste is light, spicy, and original, but does not remove the essence of the original taste of the drink.
Put the ice in a 295 ml glass, then pour:
- pinch of salt
- 44 ml tequila blanco
- 1 teaspoon Mexican chili sauce, such as Cholula
- 30 ml bottled tomato juice like Buavita.
- 30 ml lemon juice
- Add Mexican Squirt or another grapefruit-flavoured fizzy drink and garnish with lemon wedges.