3 Ways to Get Rid of Cramps (For Girls)

3 Ways to Get Rid of Cramps (For Girls)
3 Ways to Get Rid of Cramps (For Girls)

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Do you often experience painful menstrual cramps? Although most women experience menstrual cramps, each woman experiences the condition differently. Despite everything, suffering from cramping pain that you always feel doesn't need to be a monthly routine like your period does. Try some of these tips if you want to get rid of pain and get rid of cramps fast.


Method 1 of 3: Get Rid of Cramps by Changing Your Diet

Get Rid of Cramps (for Girls) Step 1
Get Rid of Cramps (for Girls) Step 1

Step 1. Eat bananas

Bananas contain potassium, which can reduce cramps because one of the causes of cramps is a lack of potassium. Other foods high in potassium include:

  • White beans, such as Adzuki, soybeans, or Lima beans
  • Leafy greens, such as spinach or kale.
  • Dried fruit, such as apricots, prunes, or raisins.
  • Fish, such as salmon, halibut, and tuna
Get Rid of Cramps (for Girls) Step 2
Get Rid of Cramps (for Girls) Step 2

Step 2. Try to avoid caffeine as much as possible

Consuming too much caffeine can make your cramps worse. Some sources recommend avoiding caffeine-containing foods and drinks, such as coffee, tea, cola, and even chocolate, before and during your period.

Get Rid of Cramps (for Girls) Step 3
Get Rid of Cramps (for Girls) Step 3

Step 3. Drink chamomile tea (decaffeinated)

A recent study run by Imperial College London found that drinking German chamomile tea (another name Matricaria recutita) can relieve pain caused by menstrual cramps. Chamomile contains glycine, an amino acid that can treat muscle spasms. By calming the uterus, chamomile appears to reduce cramps caused by menstruation.

Get Rid of Cramps (for Girls) Step 4
Get Rid of Cramps (for Girls) Step 4

Step 4. Drink a sports drink like Gatorade

While there's no scientific evidence to suggest that drinking sports drinks will relieve menstrual cramps, it doesn't hurt to try. Sports drinks contain electrolytes, which relieve common muscle cramps.

Why can sports drinks be so ineffective? Common muscle cramps can be caused by an excess or deficiency of essential nutrients such as potassium or magnesium. However, menstrual cramps are triggered by uterine contractions, which clean the lining of the uterus and unfertilized eggs during ovulation. Because menstrual cramps are triggered by different things than normal muscle cramps, sports drinks may not be as effective as advertised

Get Rid of Cramps (for Girls) Step 5
Get Rid of Cramps (for Girls) Step 5

Step 5. Try consuming omega-3 fatty acids

Take fish oil supplements daily - the high content of healthy fats known as omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the pain caused by menstrual cramps. One study found that women who took fish oil supplements daily experienced less cramp-triggered pain than women who took only a placebo.

Get Rid of Cramps (for Girls) Step 6
Get Rid of Cramps (for Girls) Step 6

Step 6. Try other supplements

Ask your doctor first about the supplements you want to take before making serious changes to your diet. Some supplements can even cause negative effects if taken at the same time with other supplements or with medications you are currently taking. The following supplements may also be beneficial for health and prevent pain during menstruation:

  • Calcium citrate, 500 - 1,000 mg per day. Calcium citrate maintains muscle condition.
  • Vitamin D, 400 IU per day. Vitamin D helps the body process calcium and fight inflammation.
  • Vitamin E, 500 IU per day. Vitamin E can reduce menstrual pain.
  • Magnesium, 360 mg daily, for 3 days before the menstrual period. Magnesium reduces prostaglandins or chemicals released during menstruation that cause muscle contractions that trigger menstrual pain.

Method 2 of 3: Relieve Cramps by Stretching and Exercising

Get Rid of Cramps (for Girls) Step 7
Get Rid of Cramps (for Girls) Step 7

Step 1. Position a foot or two higher than the rest of your body using a pillow

This can relax and relax the uterine muscles.

Get Rid of Cramps (for Girls) Step 8
Get Rid of Cramps (for Girls) Step 8

Step 2. Try acupuncture

In some studies, women treated with acupuncture reported less pain and less need for medication. Acupuncture works by balancing qi (lack of energy) in the body. In the case of menstrual cramps, a qi imbalance is said to occur in the spleen and liver.

Get Rid of Cramps (for Girls) Step 9
Get Rid of Cramps (for Girls) Step 9

Step 3. Press your stomach for 10 seconds every now and then

Gentle pressure is best. Your body will begin to feel a sensation of pressure instead of the sensation of pain caused by menstrual cramps. More than just offering a diversion, pressure can also ease the pain.

Get Rid of Cramps (for Girls) Step 10
Get Rid of Cramps (for Girls) Step 10

Step 4. Massaging the stomach slightly to soothe the pain

Massage the front of the stomach to the bottom of the back. Ask a friend or family member to help massage your lower back if possible.

Get Rid of Cramps (for Girls) Step 11
Get Rid of Cramps (for Girls) Step 11

Step 5. Take a leisurely walk

Walking is an effective and easy remedy to relieve the pain associated with menstrual cramps. For best results, you can also walk briskly, and do this exercise for a 30-minute cycle at least three times a day. Walking will produce beta-endorphins and reduce prostaglandins.

Get Rid of Cramps (for Girls) Step 12
Get Rid of Cramps (for Girls) Step 12

Step 6. Go jogging

This activity will provide enough exercise to reduce pain. Instead of exercise, you can try aerobic exercise. Again, do 30 minutes of moderate-intensity controlled aerobic exercise, 3 times a week.

  • Bicycle
  • Swimming
  • Dance
  • Sports, such as football or basketball that involve a lot of running.
Get Rid of Cramps (for Girls) Step 13
Get Rid of Cramps (for Girls) Step 13

Step 7. Do a few crunches

Any exercise may be beneficial, but special crunches work the abdominal muscles, distracting the mind from cramps and producing a pleasant feeling of heat on the outside of the stomach.

Exercise will cause your body to produce beta-endorphins, resulting in your body's own internal opioids or morphine

Method 3 of 3: Getting Rid of Cramps with Other Methods

Get Rid of Cramps (for Girls) Step 14
Get Rid of Cramps (for Girls) Step 14

Step 1. Try placing a heating pad or hot water bottle on your stomach

Then change positions by placing a hot water bottle on your lower back. (You may need to prepare two hot water bottles to do this).

Get Rid of Cramps (for Girls) Step 15
Get Rid of Cramps (for Girls) Step 15

Step 2. Take a warm bath

Warm baths are another form of heat treatment used to reduce cramping pain in women. A warm bath is believed to be able to relax the muscles of the body, relieve pain.

  • Try pouring a cup or two of Epsom salt into the tub. Epsom salt is high in magnesium, a deficiency of this substance can cause cramps. Soak in the tub for at least 30 minutes.
  • Try adding a cup of sea salt and a cup of baking soda to the water. This combination is more effective for relaxing the muscles of the body. Soak in the bath for at least 30 minutes.
Get Rid of Cramps (for Girls) Step 16
Get Rid of Cramps (for Girls) Step 16

Step 3. Take painkillers such as ibuprofen, paracetamol or painkillers specially designed for menstrual cramps

Always make sure to follow the directions on the packaging!

Get Rid of Cramps (for Girls) Step 17
Get Rid of Cramps (for Girls) Step 17

Step 4. For severe pain associated with menstrual cramps, talk to your doctor about using medication to regulate pregnancy

Taking birth control pills can reduce the pain, bloating, and cramping associated with menstruation. If you experience severe cramping and pain during your period, talk to your doctor about the contraceptive options available to you.

Get Rid of Cramps (for Girls) Step 18
Get Rid of Cramps (for Girls) Step 18

Step 5. Use preventive maintenance to avoid the following

Painful menstrual cramps can be prevented even before they start bothering you. Avoiding the following can give your body a break from cramping before you even have time to get over it:

  • Alcohol, tobacco and other stimulants
  • Stress
  • Lack of exercise


  • Looking for a comfortable position:

    • Lie on your side with your knees bent and your legs arched inward, curling your body into a ball. Read, listen to music, or watch TV to distract yourself.
    • Lie on your stomach and inhale through your nose and out of your mouth every now and then and hold your breath for ten seconds. This movement will slow the heart rate, so the body becomes more relaxed. It can also help you fall asleep!
    • Lean forward while sitting to reduce pain.
    • Lie on your stomach with a pillow placed directly under the area where the cramping occurred.
    • Kneel down and lean forward so your knees will press against your stomach.
  • Do not wear clothes that are tight around the waist. For example, skinny jeans, elastic pants, jeans tight at the waist. Try wearing only loose-fitting shorts.
  • Lift your leg while lying down, take a heat pad and stick it on your stomach, the effect is amazing.
  • Drink lots of water. The more hydrated your body is, the better.
  • Divert your mind. Always do an exercise routine to take your mind off the pain. Be it a simple stretch or a sports activity. Or, try not to think about it. Thinking too much about pain will only make it worse. Watch TV, read or do something relaxing to distract your body.
  • Use breathing to reduce pain: Breathe in slowly through your nose and exhale through your mouth.
  • Drink hot tea with a little honey then massage the cramped area.
  • If you experience this at school, ask permission to go to the restroom, and massage your belly to relieve the pain.
  • Keep painkillers in your bag or backpack when you're at work or out of the house. Be careful if you bring painkillers because most schools in the US prohibit students from bringing any kind of medicine, either with a prescription or without a prescription. Template:facts If painkillers or other drugs are not given directly to the school nurse, this is deemed a sufficient offense to be subject to suspension or expulsion from school. Template:facts
  • Leaning forward can also help.
  • Fill the sock with rice, beans, or flaxseed and then microwave for 1 minute, then place it on your stomach.
  • Frequently going to the bathroom, you may experience constipation.
  • Lie on your stomach in the sphinx position. Slowly push your upper body to stretch your abdominal muscles. It won't get rid of it, but it can relieve it.
  • Press between the big toe and the little finger as a pressure point to relieve pain. Template:facts
  • Lie down in a dog-like position and swing back and forth repeatedly.
  • Lying on your left side can relieve menstrual cramps and other abdominal pain.
  • Drink a mixture of 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar with 237 ml of water.


  • Always follow the directions on the medicine package. Overdose can be deadly.
  • Be careful with heating pads and hot water bottles. If you are not alert, you may get burned.
  • If the cramps are very severe, last a long time, and interfere with daily activities, consult your doctor. You may need stronger painkillers or birth control pills to manage the pain.
  • Follow the allergy advice on each bottle or food package.
