An octagon is a field with eight sides. The octagon that many people often encounter is one that has eight equal sides (equilateral octagon), and the shape is quite easy to make in many ways, and requires only basic tools.
Method 1 of 4: Using a Bow and Ruler

Step 1. Determine the side lengths of your octagon
Since the angles of an equilateral octagon are always the same, you only need to determine the length of the sides. The longer the sides, the bigger your octagon will be. Pay attention to your paper size. Do not let you create fields that are too large and do not fit on your paper.

Step 2. Draw a straight line according to the size you specify using a ruler
This line is the first side of your octagon. Draw in the center of the paper or wherever there is room to make the other seven sides.

Step 3. Find a 135 degree angle from the first line
Using an arc, locate and mark the 135-degree points at each end of your first line. Then, following the corner marks, draw a straight line for the second side of the same length as before.
Remember, each end of the new line must be connected to the end of the previous line

Step 4. Draw another straight line at a 135 degree angle from the end of the new line
In short, repeat the previous steps until you have made eight straight lines, and the end of the last line meets the end of the line you first drew. After that, you will get your octagon.
Generally, the last line you draw will probably not be exactly at an angle of 135 degrees. You can immediately draw the last line using a ruler
Method 2 of 4: Using a Ruler and Ruler

Step 1. Draw a circle and two intersecting diameter lines
Create this circle using a compass. After that, the two diameter lines intersect and form an angle of 90 degrees at the point where they meet. The diameter you draw is the longest diagonal line in your later octagon, or the distance from one corner to the corner in front of it. So, the bigger the circle you make, the bigger your octagon will be.

Step 2. Make a slightly bigger circle at the same point
Place the compass needle at the same point you used when making the previous circle, then make a larger circle. For example, if the first circle is made with a diameter of 5 cm, then make a second circle with a diameter of 6 cm or 6.5 cm.
In the next step, you will need a compass with the same position or distance as this step. So, don't change its position

Step 3. Draw a circular line inside the circle
Place the compass needle at the point where the inner circle meets one of the diameter lines. Then, draw an inward circular line. You don't have to draw a perfect circle, just inside the circle.

Step 4. Do the same on the other side
Place the compass needle at the meeting point of the inner circle with the same diameter line as before, but at the opposite end, then make a circular line inside. After this step, you should see an eye-like shape in the center of your circle.

Step 5. Draw two straight lines each passing through the end of the 'eye'
Use a ruler to draw this line, and draw the line until it meets both sides of the large circle. This line must also be parallel to one of the diameter lines of the circle (or at a 90 degree angle to the other diameter).

Step 6. Draw two circular lines at the intersection of the inner circle and the other diameter line
Do steps 3 and 4, but this time do it at the intersection of the other diameters.
After this step, you will see another 'eye' shape which this time crosses the previous 'eye'

Step 7. Draw two straight lines past the ends of the new 'eye'
Do step 5 again, but this time on a new 'eye' shape. Remember, the line must reach the line on the outer circle and be parallel to the diameter line of the other.
After this step, these two lines and the two previous lines will form a square in the center of the circle

Step 8. Draw a straight line from the corner of the large rectangle to the intersection of the diameter line with the inner circle line
Each of these points is a vertex of your octagon, and the line you draw is a side of your octagon. Keep drawing new straight lines from one corner to the other until you have eight sides.

Step 9. Erase all the lines that are not the sides of your octagon
That way you will clearly see your octagonal shape.
Method 3 of 4: Folding from Paper

Step 1. Find a square sheet of paper
You'll need a new square sheet of paper to make a perfect octagon. If you are using HVS paper, which is generally rectangular, first cut it into a square.
If you are cutting HVS paper, make sure that the cut is perfectly square by measuring it with a ruler

Step 2. Fold the edge of the paper inward
When you do this step, you have created an octagon shape, where the folds themselves form four of the eight sides. To make an equilateral octagon, use a ruler to measure the length of the formed side. If not equilateral, adjust your folds.
The fold you make doesn't have to go all the way to the center of the paper

Step 3. Cut the folds on the paper with scissors
When you find the sides are the same size, unfold all the folds on the paper, and cut out the creases. After this step you should have your equilateral octagon.
Method 4 of 4: Making Any Octagon

Step 1. Make eight sides of different lengths
Keep in mind that although what is often seen is an equilateral octagon, an octagon can also be made arbitrarily. As long as there are eight sides in the plane, the name remains an octagon.

Step 2. Use different angles
In addition to the sides, the size of each angle of the octagon can also be different, it can be larger, or smaller than 135 degrees.
You can make any angle, except 180 degrees

Step 3. Make the sides cross each other
This shape is also known as a star shape, because one example is a star-shaped field, whose side lines intersect with each other. So, you can also create a field with eight intersecting lines. This shape can also be called a special octagon.
- In order to make a perfect equilateral octagon, make it carefully.
- You can actually make an equilateral octagon with a more accurate side length by adding a few more creases before cutting.