Do you want to always “beat” every opponent whose path intersects with yours? Have you always wanted to be a winner at everything? Do you want to be a true winner, achieve success in life, and always succeed in achieving your goals? Remember, winning is based on the right lifestyle and mentality. Even though sometimes defeat will still happen, don't give up on these failures and keep fighting to be a winner in the future!
Method 1 of 2: Win the Game

Step 1. Play methodically and strategically, and stay relaxed
Although these games require speed, such as speed chess and similar sports, a player who has control over himself will generally win the match. Therefore, make it a habit to breathe calmly and controlled throughout the game, and take the time to make the best choice each time it's your turn. Trust me, this peace of mind will make it easier for you to sort through the available options and choose the best one.

Step 2. Analyze the opponent's needs and weaknesses
Instead of asking, "what is your opponent thinking?", try breaking the question down into simpler and more effective questions. First, what does the opponent need to win the game? Then, if my opponent is myself, what do I need to worry about? What are my weaknesses?The answers to these questions will almost certainly lead you to the right strategy:
- In a game of tennis, imagine that you are playing with an opponent who is very good at hitting the ball, but is not very good at playing near the net. Generally, these types of people will hit the ball really hard to keep you from moving closer to the net. To change the pattern, you have to force them to move forward with short, fast strokes.
- In a board game, card game or strategy game, think about what your opponent has to do to win the game every step of the way. What can you do to prevent your opponent from doing it?

Step 3. Research the best game strategy
If you are a chess player, try reading books on more detailed moves, how to read your opponent's moves, and long-term strategies that have a very high percentage of success. If you're a card player, mathematicians and game theorists have found a proven way to win any game. Some of the details can even be accessed for free on the internet. It's best not to use experience to learn strategy. Instead, study the success stories of more senior players and try to apply them.
- In addition to learning strategy, reading the latest news and tips can help you identify your opponent's strategy, especially since your opponent is likely to try it.
- Even athletes must constantly seek information about the latest developments in their field. For example, Christian Taylor, a triple jumper from the United States, managed to break the conventional pattern by taking shorter and faster jumps instead of long and slow ones. As a result, he also won a gold medal at the Olympic Games in 2016.

Step 4. Observe the existing pattern
In other words, observe the pattern of play and movement patterns of the opponent. People generally have a hard time being haphazard or random when playing or working, and will repeat the same method over and over again. Therefore, try to identify patterns or trends that are forming in order to control the game and win more easily.
- If the opponent always achieves success when attacking to the left, don't just continue the game without making a new strategy. Instead, try to find a way to lock the gap on your left side.
- In the game Rock, Scissors, Paper, most of the men will generally take out the stone, while most of the women will remove the paper. This means that you should always start the game by removing the paper to narrow the possibilities to two, namely winning or drawing. In the future, try to read your opponent's movement patterns to control the game.

Step 5. Play without any special patterns
Understand that even your opponent will analyze your playing patterns. Therefore, try to play without a pattern, or randomize your playing pattern so far so that your opponent can't guess. As a result, you too can win the match! Unfortunately, not all games allow players to do this. However, you can always change tactics to confuse your opponent.
- When playing soccer, for example, shoot from all angles, not just when you're close to the goal. Let your opponent protect their territory from outside and inside the game box to keep them moving.
- Take advantage of natural factors to keep the pattern random. For example, if you have to hit a tennis ball, instead of hitting the ball in the same direction or changing directions alternately, try using your watch as a guide. If the time shown is at 0-30 minutes, hit the ball to the right. If the time shows 31-60 minutes, hit the ball to the left.

Step 6. Understand the rules inside and out
Trust me, you will not be able to win if you are proven to be cheating or breaking the rules. In addition, understanding the rules in as much detail as possible is the best way to detect fraud and identify the most appropriate tool or strategy to use. Regardless of the type of game, understanding the rules before playing will definitely benefit you throughout the game.

Step 7. Practice simple individual skills to succeed in more complex games
To master the game of poker, of course you can play continuously to get used to it. But the truth is, quality players know that they have to focus on every smaller part of the game to be truly successful. For example, they will learn hand tricks for one whole day, then learn tricks the next day, and learn how to calculate card odds the next day. By mastering individual abilities, you will undoubtedly be helped to master the game more thoroughly.
- Many games, such as chess, provide online “practice exercises”, which are game scenarios that you have to solve in a short amount of time.
- For the success of sports games, regular practice is a very essential factor. In other words, don't just keep repeating the same movement over and over. Instead, think about how to use specific abilities to make the game a success.
- Completing more complex games, such as playing video games against the computer or even against yourself, is a perfect method to improve your skills over time.

Step 8. Establish effective and constant communication with your teammates
The team that communicates the most intensely is actually the team with the highest work effectiveness. That's why you should be in constant communication with your teammates to discuss your opponent's movements, your current location, the help you need, or any strategic changes you need to make. Never assume that working alone is the best decision, or say nothing to convey a "mysterious" attitude. The best team will always communicate, no matter the situation!
- If you manage to find something useful to your teammates, please let them know!
- Always keep up to date as you play -- "This one's to get skinny," "I need help," "Be careful," etc.

Step 9. Play a mind game
A very popular video shows that Lance Armstrong, while participating in the Tour de France, managed to gain pole position after a very brutal mountain climb. In the video, Armstrong was almost overtaken by his opponent. Even though Armstrong was very tired by then, he could change his facial expression quickly and give his opponent a relaxed and happy smile (whose face also looked exhausted). As a result, the opponent's motivation was reduced because he thought Armstrong was not tired in the slightest, and Armstrong could easily win the match afterwards. You can also practice the same trick in any mind game, you know! In other words, keep your facial expressions under control to beat your opponent slowly.
- No matter what game you play, keep a straight face. The only emotions you are allowed to show, are emotions that you really want to show your opponent.
- If you want to trick your opponent for any reason, don't let your opponent know when your trick has worked. This is why, never show your hand when playing a card game if you don't really have to! In other words, don't let your opponent know when you're being serious, and when you're trying to trick them.
Method 2 of 2: Winning Life

Step 1. Think about what it means to win in life
What do you think, a successful life? What do you think you will do in the next 3-4 years? If the question is difficult to answer, try asking a more specific question: will you live in an urban or rural area? Will you work from home or join a social organization to help prosper the world? Do you just want to run a hobby without distractions? Either way, a winner always knows where the finish line is so they can develop a relevant plan to achieve it.
Quality goals can never be achieved easily. Therefore, do not let the difficulties or complexities that stand in your way to make it happen

Step 2. Make the necessary preparations for success
A true winner always knows that all success must be based on careful preparation. Since "proper preparation can keep you from performing poorly," take the time to ask the following questions and think about the answers:
- "What aspects are most likely to fail or not go according to plan?"
- "How do you tackle the issue or problem, even before they happen?"
- "What tools or materials do I need to be successful?"
- "What steps can be taken to achieve success in the future?"

Step 3. Never stop learning, especially in an area that you are passionate about
A winner never "knows everything." On the contrary, they realize that their knowledge and strength will never be enough. Therefore, do not be lazy to read articles or journals that review your field. Do not be afraid to learn new knowledge, and attend seminars or lectures that interest you. Even if you have to focus on the field you are in, know that inspiration can come from anywhere. That's why, you have to be open-minded in order to get ahead in everything you do.
- Think of yourself as a sponge that can absorb as much information as possible, whenever possible.
- The bigger your challenge, the more things you will learn. In fact, taking the longer and more difficult route will usually only enrich your experience and knowledge!

Step 4. Take simple steps each day to reach your goals, instead of trying to achieve big goals in a short amount of time
You certainly agree that paying off the exam material in advance is better than studying all the material with the Overnight Speed System (SKS), right? While both methods may be able to pass your test scores, chances are that the material studied with the second system will be easier for you to forget. In other words, you will get maximum results if you are willing to take simple steps to achieve something every day. By doing so, you will not only build momentum, but also build a stronger mental system, so that success can be achieved more easily and efficiently in the future.
But don't keep blaming yourself if you miss a day of rest. It's not the end of the world! Most importantly, make sure you process regularly and on a schedule to achieve whatever goals you want. If you have to miss a day, don't worry and get back on track the next day

Step 5. Pause to analyze the goal and make any necessary adjustments
Do this method regularly! Remember, true winners don't just pick one method and put it into practice. Instead, they won't stop observing their surroundings, and are willing to change if they come up with a better idea or option. Although each situation has different details, try to take 5-10 minutes to stop doing any activity and ask the following questions:
- "What's my problem now?"
- "Is my last solution effective enough?"
- "Has the situation changed since my last plan was made?"
- "What's the best result I can achieve right now?"

Step 6. Learn the habits of the best people in your field
For example, if you want to be successful in the financial world, try studying the habits of Warren Buffet, Elon Musk, and other financial giants. If you want to be a musician, learn how your idols practice and improve, then try emulating some of their methods. Instead of imitating their way of life, try to get directly into the field to practice the keys to their success:
- You certainly agree that regular practice is the key to the success of all winners. Did you know that even Beatles-class musicians practice all night before performing in Germany? In addition, did you know that Bill Gates also once locked himself in a room accompanied by only a computer? Even their classmates still put their maximum time and energy into achieving success!
- Quality training is never easy. Lance Armstrong is known to cycle through the Alps in the winter before climbing the same mountain for the Tour de France in the summer!

Step 7. Understand failure as a challenge, not a stumbling block
True winners will not view failure as a dead end, but rather as a challenge that they must jump over. Believe me, no one can achieve success without first facing failure, because the road to success will always be colored by challenges. After all, successfully overcoming failure will definitely strengthen you, and make it easier for you to win all the challenges that lie in the future.
Challenges force you to learn and adapt as you go along. Therefore, be willing to be flexible and open up to any difficulties you face

Step 8. Prioritize wisely
A friend of yours has always wanted to write a novel but never found the time to do so? In fact, the problem isn't that time isn't available, but rather that your friend isn't willing to “make time” for himself. The same theory applies to you. In other words, other people won't be able to make a schedule for you. Therefore, make it a habit to always prioritize activities that are considered important so that they are not neglected later. If you don't make the priority list, then who will do it for you?
- Set aside the same time each day to work on all planned projects and achieve your goals. Sooner or later, that dedication will eventually transform into an easier habit to stick to.
- In fact, you may have to sacrifice something to be a winner. In other words, you may need to sacrifice some non-essential activities in order to focus more on the things that are on your priority list.

Step 9. Have the mentality of a winner
Prepare yourself, both mentally and psychologically, to achieve success. Therefore, be positive and believe in yourself! Believe that you are capable of being a winner and always have a chance for success, because only then will you not lose the motivation needed to win anything!
Always remember that you will not only win, but that you deserve to win. The desire and hope to be a winner is the fuel to motivate you if life starts to get tough
- Be sporty when you lose.
- Understand how to accept constructive criticism and learn from your mistakes. If you accidentally run into someone who is annoying, try to forget about it and don't let the meeting affect your mood. However, if you constantly meet annoying people all day long, could it really be you who are annoying?
- Believing in yourself is one of the most important ingredients for success.
- Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Admitting mistakes is like giving yourself space to change for the better.
- Believe in yourself even if no one else believes in your abilities. Believe me, you will be surprised at how much achievement can be achieved even though the only capital you have is self-confidence.
- Try your best to be the best. By doing so, you actually have won.
- In fact, you have become a winner as far as you are willing to try as hard as possible to present yourself to the best of your abilities.
- Never cheat, even if no one sees it. Winning by cheating cannot be called a victory.
- Never pity your opponent!