Maybe you've read about ways to be cool, but are still confused about how to apply these tips in a school environment. School is a seemingly high-pressure environment, but you can reduce that pressure by re-examining views of what makes someone "cool." To be cool at school, you just have to pay attention to your proper appearance, be friendly and open-minded, develop interests, and still be your awesome self. If you can do it, the cool thing will be easier than you think. This article discusses how to make you a cool kid at school.
Method 1 of 3: Creating a Good Impression

Step 1. Keep your body clean
One of the easiest ways to achieve popular status is to always be fresh and smell good. Schoolchildren tend to judge people on the outside, and body odor is a direct ticket to rejection. Shower regularly, brush your teeth, floss your teeth, and apply deodorant. You will also look more attractive, whether you are male or female.
- You also have to be diligent in washing your face. Preteen and teen skin is fertile ground for acne, and washing your face can fight it.
- If you're worried about sweating from the weather or gym class, keep a deodorant or perfume spray handy in your locker or bag.

Step 2. Style your hair
Apart from not keeping your body clean, you also won't be able to attract many friends if you look like you just woke up, regardless of your age. Take a few minutes in the morning to style your hair in the style you think looks best. A little effort here will go a long way, even if it's just using a gel, a straight iron or a hairdryer.
If you don't like your current hairstyle, try cutting it. Don't have an idea what pieces will fit? Your stylist can definitely suggest the cut that best suits your face shape. You can also consider highlights or different colors, if your school allows

Step 3. Pay attention to your clothes
Every school is different, and there's no particular look that guarantees you'll be cool. In some schools, it's the rebellious kids who are called "cool," while in others the cool ones are the athletes. The only thing you can do is pay attention to your clothes and make sure you go to school looking the way you like. Is your uniform clean? Are the accessories you use appropriate? Do you feel confident wearing it? That's where the real struggle is.
If you feel okay, you will be able to walk around as if you look okay, and other people will follow. The important thing is to be confident. You don't have to be beautiful or smart or funny, you just need to be confident and the world will be fooled

Step 4. Let your personality shine through your appearance
Don't be afraid to show off your signature style in clothes and accessories. Look for uniforms that you enjoy wearing, favorite brands, accessories you love, and create your own style. Wear it to school and show your uniqueness. Who knows? Maybe you will start a new trend.
Cool also means being a leader and doing what you want, not being a follower. Don't worry about people judging your clothing choices and those trying hard to blend in (these people are usually the same). Your distinctive style will appeal to anyone who also has a distinctive style
Method 2 of 3: Make Friends with Many People

Step 1. Join multiple organizations
Cool doesn't just mean popular, it's also known. And what's the easiest way to make your name and face known? Through school associations. Try joining a few non-collision associations, that way you'll meet a lot of people and have a broad range of interests.
Try to join all kinds of activities, such as one in sports, one in academics, and one in the artistic field. You can join the basketball team, the school newspaper, and the choir. This activity is also great on a resume

Step 2. Observe
Try to identify who is on the "social ladder." It's not really that important (cool means liked, and that's different from being popular), but it will help you figure out how to identify people. What do cool kids like? Are they athletes, smart kids, or rebels? How about the middle position? Do they follow or have their own style? And what about the children at the lowest level? With whom and in which group do you want to be friends? You should make friends with all the stairs. You will never know where you will be.
If you want to be popular, you should make friends with the best popular kid because he or she will be your ticket to the "group". But make sure you don't hurt anyone in the process. Sometimes friendships just don't work out, and the rejected people won't want to be friends with you again when we need friends

Step 3. Be kind to everyone
Again, cool doesn't always mean popular. There are a lot of "popular" kids who are mean and not really liked. Being one of them will get you nowhere. Instead, try to be popular and cool by getting people to actually like you. For that, you just need to be friendly and kind to everyone you meet. After all, why be bitchy?
Maybe you already have a good grip on how to be friendly. The only thing you need to remember is to show a friendly attitude to people you don't think are cool. Give help when you feel they need help. Say hello to them in the school hallway if you know them. You never know, they could be the next cool kid in the next few months

Step 4. Don't dump an old friend
Just because you want to join the cool kids doesn't mean you have to leave old friends behind. If you dump them, the group you want to be in will know, and no one wants to be friends with the type of person who dumped his own friend. Make new friends in addition to old friends.

Step 5. Be as reasonable as possible
You can do your hair/makeup for hours and say that you only "got time to brush your hair". People will adore you because THEY spend hours on performances while YOU only need 5 or 10 minutes. They then want to be like you, but don't keep mentioning or boasting about it.

Step 6. Don't slack off
As any adult would tell you, you'll realize that being cool doesn't really matter and if they knew that being cool meant not being cool, they wouldn't be so stressed out. While this is easier said than done, try to relax a bit. If you insist on being cool, people won't be impressed and they will think you're not confident and don't even like yourself. And if you don't like it, why should they like it?
Here's an example: let's say someone you don't really know asks you out. You reject it. Then, he started sending love letters. You still say no. Then flowers. And the next, suddenly one night he was at your door. This person is so naughty. Was it successful? No. In fact, the opposite of works. You expect him to respect himself and just want him to leave

Step 7. Value your opinion above anyone else's
Try not to care what other people think of you. Just go with the flow. Why? Because not everyone will like you. No one is liked by everyone because we all have our own flaws and personalities. If you believe someone is judging you, you can raise your voice and then act like you don't care, because you really don't. Practice this way of thinking so that your self-confidence will increase through self-acceptance. The kids at school will wonder where you got that high self-esteem from!
This is where distinctive style comes into play. Skater kids have their own style, slang kids have their own style, nerdy kids have their own style, and so on. We are all different and none is better than the other. If people judge you, they are actually trapped in their shallow and closed minds. Brands won't achieve anything, so don't follow them everywhere. Their path was only to a dead end

Step 8. Don't bully other kids
Don't be mean to other kids at school just to make you look cool. In fact, most people hate bullies, they're just too afraid to admit it openly. In time, the oppressor will lose power and there will be nothing left. It may seem tempting now, but in the long run it will only hurt you.
- Don't spread gossip or start rumours.
- Don't make negative comments. Just because you don't like someone or something they do, doesn't mean you have to voice it out.
- Don't isolate other people. After all, you're reading this article because you want people to like you.

Step 9. Don't let yourself be bullied
Talking is easy, but at school, the key to avoiding bullying is using a sense of humor and social tactics. By having friends, you will not be touched. If the situation worsens, tell an adult you trust so they can help you work through the problem.
Method 3 of 3: Be Friendly, Confident and Likeable

Step 1. Open your mind
Do you remember the part above which stated that being cool means being liked by a lot of people? So, for all types of people to like you, you have to like them too. Open your mind and try to see that it's not just cool kids who have value, everyone else has. You have to be friendly, more likable, happier, because that's the kind of person most of us like.
Taylor Swift, Demi Lovato, Selena Gomez, Zac Efron, Kristen Stewart, and Lady Gaga were all the cool people who weren't cool at school (by their admission). This is proof that if you're not open-minded, you'll miss out on amazing people

Step 2. Respect others
Respecting other people, even if they aren't your own friends, shows that you don't discriminate against people based on anything because they are not your friends. You'll earn a reputation as always being kind and caring, and making friends with everyone because they rely on you and because you won't judge them. And that sounds pretty cool.
One way to make friends is to make them laugh. If you joke about other people, make sure they will take it well. And try not to joke about the teacher, it will backfire

Step 3. Try to always think positive
You know that kid who's always gloomy in the corner of the classroom, likes to wear black, always frowns, and doesn't talk to anyone? He doesn't look happy, does he? Do you want to get closer to that negative energy? Probably not. If you want to be a magnet for people to like you, display a positive attitude. Lift your chin, don't hesitate to laugh at yourself, and spread your positive energy and charm. Others will cling to you in order to feel the same positivity.
And does that positivity spread? May be. Some studies suggest that being around happy people tends to make us happy, and being around sad people tends to make us sad. So, can you be a source of positive energy for your friends? Of course, I can

Step 4. Smile
Humans are quite simple. We know what we like and what we don't like, and something we definitely like is someone with a smiling face. A smile not only shows that you're happy, makes people happy (your mind is actually starting to believe it), but it also makes you more attractive to the opposite sex. Smile and see how you feel. Over time, it will become a valuable habit!
However, don't fake a smile. Smile naturally. Most people can recognize a fake smile. If you are positive, a genuine smile will not be difficult

Step 5. Be yourself
Even though the words "be yourself" have been repeated many times, the benefits have not changed. In fact, it's pretty clear that being yourself is somewhere between "nothing" and "having your own style," unless you're not cool then you have to change yourself to be cool. Why is being yourself, if you're cool, makes you cooler? Because being yourself means being comfortable with yourself and being more confident. If you want to be someone else, you're just an imitation, and impersonators aren't cool at all.
Just think; only you can be you, no one else can. You are unique and have characteristics and abilities that those around you don't have. You can offer something different to the world. So, why do you have to be a second-rate version of someone else? You're cooler than the roles other people want "you" to try

Step 6. Realize that school (and being a cool kid) doesn't last forever
In a recent study, it was proven that kids who were cool in middle school were generally less successful in the long term than their not-so-cool peers. So, if you really want to be cool and popular right now, try to see that the cool kids right now are probably at the peak of their lives. After this the path will only go downhill, and all roads uphill from here will be yours. It's a victory, even if you don't feel it.
In short, cool is only temporary. In the end, as we age, we realize that "cool" doesn't exist. We move on with life and start doing what we love because that is what makes us happy. If cool status doesn't come easily, just wait. Over time it will get easier

Step 7. Be a leader
Cool people can't be followers because they create trends. Take the initiative when making plans. Listen to different music, and introduce it to your friends. Start a new game, and create a new style. Not everything you do will trend, but being a follower isn't great for your status.
- Just enjoy your life! Live life the way you want. Do you want other people to tell you how to live your life? Live life, love those around you, and don't forget to think.
- Treat others with kindness and kindness. Don't be afraid to say hello, especially if you run into someone and it looks like he's expecting a greeting, besides that you also have to be friendly to the teacher.
- Sometimes cool means funny. So, crack jokes that make people laugh.
- Know the latest trends, but that doesn't mean you have to follow all the styles that are trending. Also, don't apply too many styles at once. You will look pathetic and lose your uniqueness.
- You don't really need a lot of friends. Find two or three good friends who will always be there for you.
- Help people who are in trouble.
- Don't be a bully, be a good person. So other kids will like your kindness.
- Don't let your life be controlled by other people's opinions. There are people who will always put you down just to make them feel superior.
- When cracking jokes or trying to be funny, be careful not to offend others by accident.
- Show that you are interested in whatever you do, as much as possible.
- It should be emphasized again that being a cool kid is not everything. In schools, often "standards" are dangerous. Standards can lead to peer pressure which in turn leads to the destruction of life with drugs and alcohol. If being cool means doing things you know are dangerous, better not be cool.
- Make sure you check the dress code at school before trying on a style. If you don't make sure of that, you might get in trouble with the teacher/principal.