Dreadlocks have existed, even since the existence of man himself, and do not belong to any particular ethnic group, but were popularized in African and Caribbean countries. Dreads form when parts of the hair stick together and form into long, string-like strands of hair. Dreadlocks are often unfairly criticized for being dirty and unkempt, when in fact it is quite easy to keep dreads clean as long as the owner is willing to wash and care for them regularly. You can wash your dreads with a product specially formulated for this hair type, a homemade cleanser or even a regular shampoo.
Method 1 of 3: Shampooing Dreads

Step 1. Wet hair
Start by gently splashing water on your dreads in the shower. You don't need to get them soaking wet because the more water your hair absorbs, the harder it will be for the shampoo to penetrate. For best results, use warm water, not too hot.

Step 2. Pour a little shampoo
Take a shampoo bottle and pour a small amount of shampoo into the palm of your hand. It's a good idea to use a small amount of shampoo so you can control how much you apply to your hair (you can always add more if you don't have enough). If you are using a solid shampoo, rub it into your hands until it creates a rich lather.
- Always choose a shampoo that doesn't leave any residue. You shouldn't defend your dreads with the help of gels, waxes or other additives, and shampoos that leave a residue will only make your hair dirtier, not clean it.
- Look for natural, organic, chemical-free shampoos that help soften and style your hair.

Step 3. Rub the shampoo foam into the scalp
Press your palms against your scalp and spread the shampoo all the way between the roots of the dreadlocks. Use your fingertips to scrub the scalp well so that dead skin cells and excess sebum are removed.
Do not forget to clean and treat the hair roots. It is the roots that hold the dreads. Therefore his condition must be strong and healthy

Step 4. Rinse the shampoo through the hair coils
Leave the shampoo on for 1-2 minutes. Then, bend your head forward so the lather can pass through the curls as you rinse. Squeeze the shampoo foam gently so that it soaks into the hair coils. Make sure you don't leave any residue on your hair after you're done shampooing.
If you want, you can use a little extra shampoo to wash each strand of hair. However, don't overdo it as it will take a long time to rinse off and can cause loose strands to become frizzy

Step 5. Blow dry the hair until it is completely dry
Once you get out of the shower, you'll need to blow dry your hair until it's completely dry. Squeeze each roll to remove the absorbed water. Allow your hair to dry on its own, or use a blow dryer on a low heat to speed up the drying process and ensure that no moisture remains. If the hair is still too damp, the coils will unravel and start to smell, or even grow mold.
- When moisture is trapped in hair that is stuck together for a long time, mold begins to form. This condition is known as "dread rot".
- As the dreads start to form and stick together, you'll need to start using the hairdryer more often after shampooing to make sure the hair inside the coil is dry too.
Method 2 of 3: Rinsing Dreads with Vinegar and Baking Soda

Step 1. DO NOT mix baking soda and vinegar
Baking soda is alkaline and vinegar is acidic. The mixture of these two ingredients produces a chemical reaction that neutralizes the cleaning power of each separately (which is very strong).

Step 2. Dissolve cup of baking soda in a few inches of warm water in a sink or basin
You can safely use this solution for your hair and scalp.
- If you like essential oils, you can add them to your cleaning solution at this point. A tablespoon of lemon juice will help neutralize odors and prevent mold.
- This method is recommended to be applied only once every 2 weeks because over time baking soda can make hair dry and brittle. To wash your hair regularly, use a residue-free shampoo.

Step 3. Soak the dreads for 5-10 minutes
Soak dreads in the baking soda solution to the roots. Soak the curls for up to 10 minutes, or longer if you need to clean them deeply. When the hair is soaked, the baking soda will wash away dust, oil, dirt and other residue.
If you don't have the time and resources to soak your hair, pour your solution directly onto your head for a quick wash

Step 4. Rinse with cold water
Remove the hair from the baking soda solution and squeeze it carefully to remove any excess liquid. Open the faucet or go to the bathroom and rinse your hair quickly to remove any residue from the baking soda solution or other substances. Rinse hair until the running water looks clear. Make sure you also flush the scalp with water directly.
Dust, oil, dead skin, and other debris that are swept away from the hair will make the rinse water look dirty. You might be surprised how clean your hair will look after you're done shampooing

Step 5. Prepare a large bottle of water and vinegar in a ratio of 3:1
Make sure there's enough water to run your scalp through your dreadlocks. Spray this solution on your hair coils after you've rinsed the baking soda solution from your hair. This will neutralize any remaining baking soda, balance the pH of your scalp, and soften loose hair so it's less frizzy. Leave the vinegar solution rinsing (the vinegar smell will go away once your hair is dry) or rinse if you prefer.

Step 6. Dry your hair with a towel
Let the hair dry on its own (it may take a while). If you're in a hurry, use a blow dryer on the ends and shafts of your hair, and let the roots dry on their own. Before putting on a hat, knit hat or bandana, make sure the dreads are completely dry. Otherwise, the remaining moisture will get trapped in the hair coils and make it more difficult to evaporate.
- Squeeze the hair to remove as much water as possible from the hair before allowing the hair to dry on its own or with other drying methods.
- Wrap your hair in a dry towel to help absorb excess water more quickly.
Method 3 of 3: Maintaining Healthy Hair and Scalp

Step 1. Wash dreads regularly
Contrary to what many people think, dreadlocks should also be washed frequently like any other hairstyle. If you've recently applied dreadlocks, try washing and rolling them every 3-4 days. Once the dreadlocks are completely attached, you can wash them once a week or more often, depending on your hair type and the amount of sebum your scalp produces.
- Most people who have dreadlocks wash them at least once a week. If you have very oily hair, or are active in sports, work outside the home, get dirty quickly or sweat a lot, you may need to wash your hair more often.
- You can still shower regularly without having to wash your hair every time.

Step 2. Treat the scalp
Dreads put a lot of weight on the scalp as the hair gets heavier and pulls the skin. It is very important to keep the scalp clean and moisturized, in addition to the hair coils themselves. Each time you wash your curls, massage your scalp vigorously for a few minutes. This will improve blood circulation in your scalp and strengthen your hair follicles so you don't have to worry about the coils becoming brittle or falling out.
- Itching and other discomfort can indicate that the scalp or hair roots are in poor condition.
- As your hair grows, twist and curl your hair to tighten the newly growing hair near the roots.

Step 3. Apply essential oil to refresh hair
Use a few drops of tea tree, peppermint or rosemary oil when shampooing your hair or apply separately to curls. The essential oil moisturizes, relieves itching of the scalp, and leaves a pleasant scent on the hair. Essential oils are preferred over perfumes, scented sprays and scented cleansers because they don't damage hair or leave a residue.
A small amount of essential oil can neutralize the "dirty hair" odor that naturally accumulates in thick dreadlocks

Step 4. Avoid using conditioner or similar products
Conditioner is formulated to soften and untangle hair, which is undesirable if you have dreadlocks. In general, you don't need to soften the curls. You should also be wary of other products that contain waxy oils, or wrinkle-fighting substances. If you use it regularly, it will damage the structure of your dreads and make it harder to maintain.
A good quality shampoo that leaves no residue or pure aloe vera gel and salt water spray to tighten the curls are the products you need to keep your dreads clean and keep them looking great. If you have a dry scalp or apply dreadlocks, a dab of coconut oil can help moisturize without making it limp
- Despite what many people believe, washing dreads is actually good. In addition to keeping your hair clean, shampooing your hair will remove oil from your hair, which will make the curls tighter.
- Look for cleaning and styling products specifically formulated for dreadlocks.
- While you sleep, protect your dreads with a sleep cap, or use a silk or satin pillowcase.
- If you take a long time to wash your hair, try using a wash cap. This cap is designed for dreadlocks and allows the shampoo to lather and penetrate between hair more easily.
- You can wash your dreads once or twice a week without damaging them, but be careful not to wash them too often. The chemicals in the shampoo and the friction that occurs can make the coils loosen.
- To keep your dreads looking neat and tight, roll them in your palms (use a little wax if you prefer). Twist the hair coil counterclockwise at the roots to tighten the hair near the scalp.
- Leaving dreadlocks damp can lead to mold growth and an unpleasant odor.
- If too much residue accumulates on the surface and inside the hair coils, it will be difficult to clean it. You should always make sure the hair products you use will not leave any residue before using them.
- Previously, people thought that dreadlocks were difficult to wash. That is absolutely not true. Neglecting to keep your dreads clean is not the right thing to do for several reasons. One of them, dreads that look dirty and smell very unattractive. It is also not healthy for the scalp. If you don't wash your dreads regularly, you will experience itching and irritation and eventually hair loss.
- A small chemical reaction can occur when you mix vinegar and baking soda. Dilute the vinegar with water before adding the baking soda. If a reaction occurs, wait for it to subside before you use it to rinse your hair.