Have you ever had the urge to impress your family and be the center of attention? Or pretending to have blue blood? There may be no reason for ordinary people who are not related to the royal family to act, talk and appear like royalty, but there is no prohibition against imitating their behavior so that your life is a little more classy and has more charm.
Part 1 of 3: Look like royalty

Step 1. Stand with the correct posture
Men should stand with feet shoulder-width apart, while women should stand with one foot slightly in front of the other. With correct posture, the spine is straight and the chin is slightly raised. Make sure your feet are flat on the floor and your knees are slightly bent. The shoulders should be pulled back, and the ribs being the center. Avoid putting your hands in your pockets.

Step 2. Learn how to sit with good posture
Men usually sit with their legs crossed, or both legs straight and feet flat on the ground. For women, sit with your ankles (not your feet) crossed. Noble women (especially in Europe) usually wore dresses. So, it is important to sit and stand carefully so that the underwear is not visible.
Also, your back should be straight when you sit down, your shoulders should be pulled back, and your buttocks should be touching the back of the chair. Make sure your body weight is evenly distributed on both hips

Step 3. Learn to get out of the car gracefully
Since noblewomen usually wore dresses, they had to get out of the car in a carefully thought out process. The order is usually as follows:
- Shift to the end of the car while keeping your ankles and knees together.
- Open the car door or have someone open it for you. Position your knees toward the door.
- With one hand on the front seat and the other on the seat you are sitting in, get out of the car. Try to keep your knees together and get one leg out of the car first.
- Try to keep your body toward the car door as you remove the other leg from the car. Once your feet are on the ground, you can stand up straight and close the door.

Step 4. Wear classy clothes
The nobles usually wore relatively simple clothes and prioritized quality over something flashy. For women, options include elegant dresses for formal occasions, and simple blouses, blazers and jeans for casual events. Options for men are suits for formal events and tuxedos for evening wear. For the morning event, they usually choose a long coat (tail coat), striped pants, and a collared shirt. Casual clothing options for men include blazers and shirts, and jeans or pants made from lightweight fabrics, such as cotton pants.
Jewelry can beautify the appearance of women's clothing, but choose something that is not flashy and not too much. For example, wear a piece of jewelry or two, such as earrings and a simple silver necklace, to make your cocktail dress look classier

Step 5. Walk gracefully
There is a term for the way of walking that is taught to women of the royal family, namely "The Glide". To do this, you'll need to start by placing the weight on your back leg and your feet about 15 cm apart. When stepping, the knees should be crossed with each other, and the moving foot should briefly touch the heel of the other foot. This way, you can make sure your feet are perfectly aligned.
In general, you should move in a fluid manner and not stutter. Slow and precise movements showed confidence and composure, which were the hallmarks of a noble

Step 6. Make sure your hair is well-groomed
It may be unrealistic to expect your hair to always be in place, but at least you should try to cut and style it neatly at all times. Choose a modern haircut, but not too much. In other words, choose a classic and timeless model. Follow a self-care routine that allows you to look your best, including:
- Dental care: Brush and floss between your teeth every day. You can also use mouthwash and a tongue scrubbing tool.
- Hair care: Wash your hair regularly until it is completely clean. Use shampoo and conditioner. Use styling products, such as pomade or gel, if your hairstyle requires it.
- Facial care: Keep your facial skin clean and healthy using products such as cleansers and moisturizers. Both are minimal facial care products and you are free to use other products, such as pore cleansing strips and face masks, if you wish.
- Bring out the best in your body: Use deodorant every day, and choose a quality body wash. Consider using perfume or cologne, but don't overdo it. For perfume, a little would be better.
- Get rid of unwanted hair: For men, pluck out excess eyebrow hair and hair that grows between them. Trim facial hair too. Consider shaving your face regularly to get a clean look. For women, make sure the shape of the eyebrows is maintained neatly and the face is free of hair. Also consider controlling armpit hair and leg hair.
Part 2 of 3: Talking like royalty

Step 1. Don't use slang and profanity
The royal family displays courtesy at all times, and that means avoiding profanity in your speech. Slang is not to be avoided altogether, but using it excessively will give the impression of being too casual and uneducated.

Step 2. Start using more formal words in your vocabulary
In general, people from the upper classes, especially in England, speak a wider vocabulary, and prefer elegant words over the average. British aristocrats, for example, prefer to use the words dazzling (charming), not pretty (beautiful), and delighted (very happy) instead of happy (happy).
- Here are some examples of other classy words commonly used by nobles: blunder (carelessness) instead of mistake (mistake), loathe (disgusted) instead of hate (hate), yearn (craving) instead of want (want), and cherish (appreciate) instead of like (like).
- Purchase a dictionary and thesaurus, or use the online version. Take some time and use this tool to improve vocabulary.

Step 3. Be careful of the words that constitute the “seven deadly sins” in the manner of noble speech
Among the British high society, there are seven words whose use immediately indicates that someone deliberately wants to sound more polite than they really are. Those words are:
- “Pardon” (sorry). Nobles use " what ?" (what).
- “Toilet” (toilet) Nobles use “lavatory” (washroom).
- “Dinner” (dinner). Nobles used “lunch” (lunch).
- “Settee” (long chair). Nobles used “sofa” (couch).
- “Lounge” (relaxing room). Nobles use the "sitting room" (sitting room).
- “Sweet” (sweets). Nobles use "dessert" (dessert)
- “Serviette” (napkin). Nobles used “napkin” (napkin).

Step 4. Say the words with the correct articulation, don't mumble
Pronouncing words correctly is very important. So make sure you know how to pronounce a word before using it. If you want to sound like royalty, you have to say your words clearly, and speak confidently, loud enough to be heard, but not screaming. Speak slowly enough so that the spoken words don't sound like mumbles or are not pronounced correctly.
One way to practice pronunciation is to try tongue twisters like "My grandfather's toenails are so stiff". Or, you can practice reading a paragraph of a book aloud while alone. Make sure you pronounce each word as clearly as possible
Part 3 of 3: Behave like royalty

Step 1. Learn how to greet others as if you were royalty
When meeting someone, members of the royal family always reach out for a handshake. A good handshake is done with the membranes between the thumb and forefinger touching, the grip firm, but not aggressive, and the shaking lasting only two or three times, while maintaining eye contact.

Step 2. Practice proper eating etiquette
Coffee or tea is drunk in a saucer, and the handle of the cup should always be facing to the right. While drinking tea, you should lift the cup with your left hand and the cup with your right. To drink coffee, you do not need to lift the cup. Contrary to popular belief, the little finger should not be straightened. When attending a cocktail party, you should hold the glass in your left hand so you can use your right hand to shake hands. Don't put your finger behind a fork to guide it, or use a fork to scoop out food like peas. The fork is always on the left side of the plate, the knife on the right.
There are still many rules in other eating etiquette, such as chewing and swallowing before drinking, putting cutlery on the side of the plate after finishing, and not blowing hot food or drinks

Step 3. Be polite and friendly
You could describe the noble's behavior as proper and courteous. Imagine that all your actions represent a large group of people. A royal prince and princess will always be the center of attention, both throughout the country and around the world, so when in public they must always act as good as possible. Remain calm, calm and self-controlled, charming and always polite, especially towards strangers.
Examples of polite behavior of a noble include: always saying the words “please” and “thank you”, always being punctual, giving compliments to others who impress you and commending other people's achievements, and trying to engage in small talk with other people. people around you

Step 4. Develop greater self-confidence
If you want to look like royalty, you have to have confidence. Self-confidence is the quality that makes their behavior look charming. To develop self-confidence, you must have high discipline, practice, and patience. Sometimes, the best way to start is to practice the well-known advice, "fake it until it feels real." Get out of your comfort zone, don't be afraid to take risks, and pretend you have high self-confidence. Over time, you will begin to feel more confident as you see the changes in how others treat you and the greater benefits of your behavior in social situations.
You can also boost your confidence by developing new skills and feeling proud of your accomplishments. For example, if you have confidence in your writing or drawing skills, this will affect your general level of confidence

Step 5. Develop composure
Tranquility is an additional element of grace and flexibility in one's demeanor which can make one more charming. There are many things to do to develop one's serenity, here are some of them:
- Be humble. A person who feels unsure of himself will try to compensate by boasting or showing off. On the other hand, a calm person does not need approval from others, and can take criticism well.
- Stay calm. To be calm means to feel at peace. Stress and worry will make you feel negative and panicky. Therefore, if something starts to stress you out, try to take a deep breath, and distance yourself from the situation. Think about why you feel stressed and how to deal with it.
- Do not rush. A calm person is never seen rushing across the room to get the last seat. The mentality behind calm is to slow down, and have faith that you will eventually get to your destination.
- Be gentle. Body movements should be gentle and careful. Put the cup down slowly. Don't drop the book on the table. When hugging someone, don't do it so hard that it's hard for them to breathe. In most situations, you just use the power that is necessary.
- Read articles or books about Queens, Kings, Princes and so on. You will get an idea of how their life is and can be an interesting reading choice.
- Don't be in a hurry to judge someone. It can make you seem uneducated.