How to Train Fish to Do Tricks

How to Train Fish to Do Tricks
How to Train Fish to Do Tricks

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Keeping fish may not be the same as raising a dog or cat. However, if trained properly, fish can be taught to interact with you and perform unique tricks! Some fish species that are easy to train are Oscar fish, goldfish, and betta fish. Male betta fish generally live alone in the aquarium so they are very focused and easy to train.


Method 1 of 4: Training Fish to Follow Fingers

Train Your Fish to Do Tricks Step 1
Train Your Fish to Do Tricks Step 1

Step 1. Place your finger on the outer surface of the aquarium

This is done to attract the attention of the fish. After successfully attracting his attention, reward the fish in the form of a snack. If the fish immediately responds to your finger, reward him immediately. If he doesn't respond, wiggle your finger until the fish responds.

You can also put your finger in the tank for the fish to follow. Some fish species, including betta fish, like to bite. Therefore, first study the characteristics of your pet fish species beforehand

Train Your Fish to Do Tricks Step 2
Train Your Fish to Do Tricks Step 2

Step 2. Train the fish to follow your finger

Move your finger back and forth. Reward the fish every time it follows your finger. Training a fish to approach the finger is the first stage of fish training. Training your fish to follow your finger can be a little more difficult. Move your finger up, down, and sideways. Don't reward the fish if it hasn't followed the finger.

Train Your Fish to Do Tricks Step 3
Train Your Fish to Do Tricks Step 3

Step 3. Train the fish repeatedly and reward him

The quickest and most effective way to train a fish is to give it food in return. If the training is repeated, the fish will associate your finger with food. Once the fish understands that it will be fed if it follows your orders, it can be taught other tricks!

If you have pellets of feed, use this feed to train your fish. If the fish are always given pellets when trained, the fish will consider this feed as a reward

Method 2 of 4: Training the Fish to Get Through the Circle

Train Your Fish to Do Tricks Step 4
Train Your Fish to Do Tricks Step 4

Step 1. Prepare a circle large enough for the fish to pass through

You need a circle that is large enough for the fish to pass through easily. If the fish are small enough, you can use hoop earring or a bracelet. If you want to use a larger circle, you can make one out of a straw or pipe cleaner.

  • Clean the circle beforehand so as not to contaminate the aquarium water.
  • Put a circle on the stick if you don't want to put your hand in the tank.
  • For starters, choose a circle that is large enough for the fish to pass through easily.
Train Your Fish to Do Tricks Step 5
Train Your Fish to Do Tricks Step 5

Step 2. Put the circle in the water

The hoop should stand straight and parallel to the sides of the aquarium. This is done so that the fish can be more easily pushed through the circle. When inserted, the circle may immediately attract the fish's attention, or the fish may simply ignore it.

Train Your Fish to Do Tricks Step 6
Train Your Fish to Do Tricks Step 6

Step 3. Lure the fish to follow your finger through the circle

If the fish are trained to follow the finger, this training process will be easier. Just move your finger across the glass surface of the aquarium for the fish to follow. Slide your finger through the circle, and the fish will pass through the circle. This may have to be done several times until the fish make it through the circle.

Train Your Fish to Do Tricks Step 7
Train Your Fish to Do Tricks Step 7

Step 4. Reward the fish every time it makes it past the hoop

The fish will understand that passing through the circle will get him food. Train the fish every day so that he gets used to it.

  • Once the fish have mastered the big circle, use the smaller circle to make it more challenging.
  • Add more circles to make this trick even more stunning.
  • Visit Teaching Bettas Through Circles for a more detailed guide.

Method 3 of 4: Creating Barriers

Train Your Fish to Do Tricks Step 8
Train Your Fish to Do Tricks Step 8

Step 1. Decorate the aquarium with obstacles

Place circles, bows, plants, and other accessories to turn the aquarium into an obstacle course. If the fish is proficient in crossing the hoop, it will be able to pass other obstacles with your direction. Be patient when training your fish to overcome obstacles.

Train Your Fish to Do Tricks Step 9
Train Your Fish to Do Tricks Step 9

Step 2. Guide the fish through the obstacles with your finger or food

When you're good at it, the fish will follow your finger easily. Therefore, guide the fish to pass the obstacles using your fingers. Start by crossing obstacles that are not too difficult. Make the obstacles more difficult once the fish are getting better at it.

Tie the fish's favorite snack with a rope and use it to lure the fish through obstacles. If you want to keep the fish following you, don't just use your fingers. Attach fish food to a stick or tie it with a rope and use it to lure fish over obstacles. Make sure the fish don't eat the food before it makes it past the obstacle

Train Your Fish to Do Tricks Step 10
Train Your Fish to Do Tricks Step 10

Step 3. Reward the fish in the form of a snack after completing the obstacle course

Like any other trick, encouraging the fish in a positive way will speed up the training process. Give the fish a snack each time they complete an obstacle course. If the food is pierced with a stick, remove it first and then give it to the fish.

Method 4 of 4: Training Fish to Jump

Train Your Fish to Do Tricks Step 11
Train Your Fish to Do Tricks Step 11

Step 1. Feed the fish every day

By doing this, the fish will associate your hand with feeding time. Do this regularly so that the fish know your hands well, and know your habits when it comes to feeding them. It can also make your relationship with fish better.

Train Your Fish to Do Tricks Step 12
Train Your Fish to Do Tricks Step 12

Step 2. Train the fish to swim to the surface when it is about to be fed

Start by dipping your finger in the tank to attract the fish's attention. The fish will swim to the surface. If this doesn't catch his attention, place the food on your fingertip and put it in the tank. Do not remove food when your finger is dipped in water. Fish must be fed when successful completion of the trick.

Train Your Fish to Do Tricks Step 13
Train Your Fish to Do Tricks Step 13

Step 3. Hold the food above the surface of the water

After successfully attracting the fish's attention, shake the food over the surface of the water. If the fish don't jump up and eat the food right away, you'll need to push the fish away. Place a finger full of food on the surface of the water. When a fish approaches, quickly remove your finger from the water. The fish will jump to devour the food.

Train Your Fish to Do Tricks Step 14
Train Your Fish to Do Tricks Step 14

Step 4. Reward the fish after a successful jump

By doing this, the fish will associate jumping out with a reward, instead of regular food.
