Feelings of insecurity may drive you to make a good friend jealous. If your best friend has it all, you may want to turn things around so that she's the one who is jealous of you. It could be that you just feel like your best friend isn't giving you enough attention. Whatever the reason, there are various ways to arouse jealousy in a friend (but there's nothing wrong with trying to make peace with yourself and forget about your feelings). At some point, you have to stop and evaluate your relationship anyway. Your actions to make your friend jealous could be a sign that something is not right between the two of you. In the end, you can't do this forever and will have to give up trying to make your best friend jealous and work on improving your relationship instead.
Part 1 of 3: Make Your Appearance Attractive

Step 1. Go hang out with other friends
One surefire way to make friends feel jealous is to hang out with other friends. Many people are afraid of not being included and when they see you doing activities with other friends, friends will be filled with jealousy.
- Make sure the news of you going out to have fun with other friends reaches the ears of friends. If he asks you to spend the weekend with him, tell him that you have plans with another group of friends.
- You can also tell about events that your friends didn't attend while spending time with friends together. When you're together, make a personal joke that you made while watching a movie with other friends that the non-participating friend didn't understand.

Step 2. Try to brag about yourself in an invisible way
Another way to make a friend feel jealous is to brag about yourself, without appearing to be doing it. Openly self-praising may not be the right thing to do. You can insert small compliments in everyday conversation.
- You can share your achievements in an elegant way. When talking about your success, do it in a passionate way. For example, you might say, “I can't believe I got an A on my English exam. I'm so lucky my mom wants to help me study."
- In addition to bragging, you also need to be a little self-deprecating. It's okay to brag about your accomplishments, but try to minimize them at the same time so you don't come across as bragging. For example, you get an internship opportunity. Try sending a message that says: “I'm so tired. All day long I have to do work that regular employees don't want to do." This way, you can tell about the internship opportunity, without creating the appearance of bragging.

Step 3. Leverage social media to your advantage
Often times people upload social media content with the intention of envying those who see it. When sorting and choosing what to share, you can make content look better than it actually is. You can make friends jealous by posting happy statuses on social media accounts.
- Post photos taken while on vacation or on excursions. If you're doing a manicure, upload photos of your nails before and after the procedure.
- Tell others about your success through social media. For example, if you get a new job, post the news on social media. If you got a good score on the test, share it on Facebook or Twitter.
- If you spend time with other friends, post photos and status updates. If a friend sees it, he will feel jealous.

Step 4. Show off your strengths
Everyone has their own advantages. If you have a particular skill or talent, showing it off will make others envious. For example, if you have a talent for writing, ask a friend to read a story you wrote. You can pretend to be asking for input when you're actually showing off.
Part 2 of 3: Make Others Admire You

Step 1. Focus on your goal
Sometimes, you just need to improve yourself to make your best friend jealous. If you work hard to achieve your goals and develop interests, you will eventually achieve more success. That way, friends will feel jealous.
- Think about your wishes. If you want to improve your academic performance, for example, start studying hard, finish your homework without procrastination, and be actively involved in class.
- Don't ignore non-academic interests. If you like drawing, there's nothing wrong with taking a drawing course to fill your spare time.

Step 2. Keep the commitments you made
Being a reliable person will invite the admiration of others. So if you're a member of a club, show up on time and don't hesitate to offer to complete additional tasks. If you want to make new friends, try to keep your word and show up on time. Opportunity can come at any time. So don't refuse if asked to do more. The club manager may trust you to organize important events. Having a fun and dependable personality will help improve your social life. If your best friend sees you involved in various events, he could feel jealous.

Step 3. Show off beautiful things
Another way to make friends jealous is to show off beautiful things. If you have something your best friend likes, don't forget to mention it.
- If you have a new dress and you know your best friend will love it, wear it to a school event or to another event that your best friend will also be attending.
- If you have a new device, such as a new smartphone or tablet, you can show it to a friend. Say something that doesn't sound like bragging, like: "I just got it. Would you like to see it?" Look for a subtle way to show off your new device. For example, if you buy a new camera, tell your best friend that you want to try taking some photos with them.
- Don't be cruel. If your friend wants something, but can't afford it, you shouldn't brag about it in front of him. For example, if you know that his parents don't have a large income and he can't afford new clothes, then it wouldn't be wise to show off your new clothes in front of him.

Step 4. Show a good attitude
Often people feel envious of those who have high self-confidence. If you want to make your friends jealous of you, try to cultivate a good attitude. Congratulate sincerely on the success of others. If you experience failure, stay calm and learn valuable lessons from the experience. If you show a persistent and positive attitude, your friends may be jealous of your personality.
A good attitude will also make others imitate you. Seeing lots of people admiring you will make your friends jealous
Part 3 of 3: Repairing Relationships

Step 1. Do some introspection
Think about why you want your friend to be jealous of you. There are various reasons that encourage this kind of behavior. If you want to cause jealousy in your friend, try to identify the motive behind it. Over time, envy can cause tension in your relationship. If you want to build a healthy relationship with your best friend, try to get to the root of the problem.
- If you often feel jealous yourself, you may have an inherent insecurity. You want to make other people feel jealous to increase self-esteem. Maybe you didn't have strong attachments to other people in the past that caused you to feel insecure and jealous.
- Are you angry with a friend? If your best friend does something on purpose to hurt your feelings or make you feel insecure, you may want to make her jealous in order to get revenge. At first, you may feel satisfied, but it will not last long. It would be better if you discuss it with a friend to work it out. Relationships will not work without good communication.

Step 2. Discuss this with a friend
If there is a problem between the two of you, it's best to talk it over. Instead of going to the trouble of making your friend jealous, even if it's done in a subtle way, it's better if you talk about the issues that are bothering you and work out a solution together.
- Choose the right time and place to talk. Choose a time that doesn't interfere with both of your schedules and a place that's free of distractions. For example, you might meet on a Saturday afternoon at a large cafe that isn't usually crowded with people.
- Think about what you want to say first. Consider what issues are bothering you. Try writing them down to help you sort through them.

Step 3. Speak using sentences that start with “I” when expressing yourself
For example, “I feel…” and then express how you feel. After that, explain the behavior that triggered the feeling and why you experienced that emotion. This will not make your friend feel accused because you are focusing on your own feelings, not the actions of the other person.
- For example, you could say that you're trying to make your best friend feel jealous because she's constantly boasting about her boyfriend. Don't say: "You keep talking about your boyfriend when we go out together. It's annoying. I feel like I'm worthless in front of you."
- Change the spicy sentence above using the sentence "I". Say, "I get annoyed when you talk about your boyfriend when we're out together because it makes me feel like you don't value the time we spend together."

Step 4. Find a solution
After discussing the troubling issue, the next step is to find a mutually beneficial solution. You and your friend need to find a better way to communicate. Set ground rules to ensure that jealousy doesn't continue and destroy your friendship.
- You can both agree not to bring up certain topics. For example, if you're having trouble losing weight, ask a friend not to tell you the details of their exercise program.
- Apologize. Your intentional act of making your friend jealous could hurt his feelings. After admitting what you did, apologize sincerely to your friend. That way, both of you can forget about this problem and continue the friendship.