Do you feel shy when you meet your crush? Do you wish you had the confidence to approach him and express all your feelings? Seducing someone may seem difficult, but as the saying goes 'practice is the root of perfection', with enough practice, it becomes easier to do so. This article will give you tips on how to look, act, and flirt when your crush is around you.
Part 1 of 3: Looking Great and Feeling Good About Yourself

Step 1. Pay attention to appearance
Your seduction may not be effective if you feel like your appearance is getting in the way. Flirting is all about self-confidence, and a well-groomed, or unkempt physical appearance speaks volumes about how confident you are.
- You don't have to dress like you're going to meet the president at the Merdeka Palace, but you do have to look elegant and clean. Make sure the clothes you wear fit you, not 70s or 80s, unless you really want to look that way, and you feel comfortable wearing them.
- Take a bath or wash your body regularly. Use deodorant, brush your teeth, wash your face, trim your nails, and so on. Don't forget to rinse your mouth with mouthwash right before you meet/talk to your crush.
- Style your hair in a style that makes you look beautiful/handsome while enhancing your facial structure. Don't be afraid to go for a fancy hairdo if you're a woman.
- If you are a man, be careful about using colognes. Men are known to overuse cologne. They sometimes squirt cologne in an amount that can make anyone who smells it faint. But, really, a little cologne can actually guarantee success.

Step 2. Find ways to feel confident
Seduction happens naturally if you are confident. You envision success, instead of worrying about failure. You pursue goals because you believe in yourself. If flirting is like a sport, your coach will schedule confidence-building exercises for your success.
- Put yourself around other people before making advances. Try to be around the opposite sex right before flirting. That way, you get used to feeling comfortable in their midst. Plus, your mood will support you to socialize, and this will help slowly build up the high self-confidence needed to flirt.
- Look for ways to highlight your abilities right before flirting. Do something you're very good at right before making a flirt: it will make you more confident, and give you a little ego boost. You can participate in sports, practice playing an instrument, or get the highest score on a test.

Step 3. Don't worry about failure
For some people seducing can make their guts shrink because the stakes are very large. If your crush doesn't return your flirting, or signal that he likes you, this can lead to feelings of incompetence in you. don't let that feeling overwhelm you. Your value as a human is not simply measured by your ability to seduce.
- Ignore the error. Everyone can mispronounce when they're nervous about being around their crush. You could say everyone experiences it. People who are good at flirting ignore such mistakes and don't let them hurt their confidence. Don't let it hurt your confidence.
- Ask yourself: what's the worst thing that could happen? If you're feeling really nervous, try asking yourself this question. This will help you see things in proportion. Flirting can be stressful, but it's really not a big deal. If the person you're flirting with doesn't reciprocate, it's not the end of the world. If you want to give love, someone will love you back one day.
- Don't set a fixed price for just one person. The key when it comes to flirting is to make seduction to more than one person. You have a crush, that's fine, but you can practice with other people around you. There is an undeniable fact, that once in a while you will experience rejection - that's life. If you're hanging out with several people who catch your eye, the rejection of one of them won't break you.
Part 2 of 3: Flirt with Text or Messages

Step 1. Try to be as casual as possible
One of the advantages of flirting online is that the person may not necessarily know that you are nervous. So take advantage of that and be as casual as possible. Here are some casual sentences that you can use as conversation starters:
- "Hey, how are you?"
- “Hey, have you done your history homework?
- “Hey, have you heard that [your mutual friend] is having a party next Friday?”

Step 2. Try to keep most of the conversation focused on the person
You want your crush to feel good about himself, right? One easy way to do this is to keep (most of) the conversation focused on him. Be comfortable when talking about yourself, but don't forget to ask him some basic, non-threatening questions so he can talk about them easily:
- “Hey, I heard that you are a finalist in a science project throughout South Jakarta. Safe! What's the project about?"
- "I'm not very familiar with this area. What people here usually do for fun.”
- “You already have plans for the long vacation later? I feel like I'm going to die if I have to stay at home all the time."

Step 3. Compliment your crush
Seduction is incomplete without a compliment or two. Giving compliments tells your crush that you care about and appreciate what he does. Try to be as casual as possible when giving compliments.
- If you're a man and want to compliment a woman, don't give compliments that relate to the feminine area. That is, do not mention the chest, buttocks, or anything like that. Men treat women as sex objects all the time. Be a real man and show him that you value his personality and that's what matters most to you.
- Emphasize the views he expects of others. If you affirm the views he expects of others, he's more likely to show you a friendly attitude. If he considers himself an athlete, praise how athletic he is; if he thinks he's smart, praise how smart he is.
- Don't over-praise. The more compliments you give, the less meaning they will have. Pick a few compliments that can't be misinterpreted and stop. The crush will understand.
Here are some ideas you can try or develop when you're giving compliments:
- “It was a pleasure to chat with you. Thank you for being so kind and friendly!”
- "Usually pretty girls/handsome boys like you do what's on the weekends?"
- “How can a smart and attractive guy/girl like you not have a boyfriend?”
- "I know it may sound unfair to the other kids at school, but you make me excited to go to school on Monday."

Step 4. Forget the cheesy seduction sentences
A cheap seduction is like a pet made of stone; sounds cool, but really useless. More importantly, such appeals are difficult to respond to. It's better to stay sincere if you can't think of anything interesting to say.

Step 5. Try to make fun of him a little
If you and your crush are good friends, don't be afraid to make fun of them a bit as a way of flirting. Be careful that he knows you're just making fun of, being cynical, or being sarcastic. If this is done over the internet, it is difficult to know if someone is serious or not.
- Lean him carefully about something he is good at or he has confidence in about it. If your crush is a sports star, and you say "So how many goals would your team have scored if you didn't get on the pitch?" He'll make it clear that you're joking. After all, he was unlikely to be offended because he knew he was an excellent athlete.
- Tell personal jokes. Talk about things the two of you are going through, and make personal jokes from time to time. Personal jokes strengthen friendships and help you connect the little things in life.

Step 6. End the conversation at the best possible point
Don't be afraid to end the conversation, even if it's going really well. It's better to leave the conversation when there's nothing else to talk about or when you say something wrong. Leave your crush in a state of curiosity rather than losing interest.
At the end of the conversation, say something like “It was fun to chat with you – text me, okay?” or “See you at school tomorrow?” to improve the progress you have made
Part 3 of 3: Flirting Directly

Step 1. Make eye contact and smile
These two things become the main menu in seduction. Throw seduction with eyes and don't forget to smile. We communicate so much through our eyes and lips, and they are both the most attractive facial features. Make the most of both!
- Look into your crush's eyes a little longer than is considered normal. It's hard to do, but the trick sends a signal that your crush is flirting - something that everyone wants to feel.
- Make eye contact when talking to your crush. Learn how to make eye contact with your crush while talking. If you do it right, it doesn't really matter what you say, because your crush will be blown away by your stare.
- Smile far and near. Smiling from a distance is inviting. The smile said, "Come closer, I won't bite". When your crush is around you, smiling means saying, "Stay longer, you make me happy". A stunning smile can be the difference between a successful flirt and an unsuccessful one.

Step 2. Find a conversation starter
What is meant by a conversation starter is a way to start a conversation. Usually it's something very basic, and you shouldn't take it too seriously:
- "You look so good in that dress. Did you sew it yourself?"
- “Did you hear what [mutual friends] did last weekend? I heard he set a Guinness World Record…”
- “You seem like a math whiz. Can you help me with this algebraic equation?"

Step 3. Make sure your crush knows who you are
If not, introduce yourself. You can do this after saying the starter (that's very casual style, and very cool), or you can use an introduction as a conversation starter: "Hi, I'm Gina, I don't think we've met before." Remember to smile and look him in the eye when you introduce yourself!

Step 4. As the conversation progresses, try to keep it light and flowing
Always try to keep track of his level of interest: if he seems bored or doesn't talk much, you may need to end the conversation and try again next time. Keep the following in mind as you continue the conversation with your crush:
- Look for common ground. Make a connection with your crush using your personal experiences, and share what you both have in common. If you both love surfing, why not chat about the waves at Plengkung beach, Banyuwangi or the surfing competitions you've been to? Exploring the similarities between the two of you will help you feel connected to your crush, and vice versa.
- Avoid complicated subjects, such as politics or religion, unless your crush sparks the conversation. Politics and religion are difficult subjects to talk about because they both involve strong emotional reactions. Both subjects have the same dividing and unifying power, so stay away from conversations involving both subjects whenever possible.

Step 5. Once you get to know your crush with your crush, use touch
Embrace or touch her shoulder, or give her a seductive smile instead of just saying goodbye.
- In general, women can be justified if they touch the other person much faster than men in a conversation. Many women feel a little threatened when a man they just met enters their private space, while most men are more open to touch. However, proceed with caution, and back off if you get negative or confusing signals from your crush.
- Learn to touch a safe area. Areas in question include the hands, arms, shoulders, or back. When talking to your crush, lightly touch their shoulder to make your point clear. Or touch his hand. If he's attracted to you, the touch will send vibrations up his spine.
- Show more courage as you feel more comfortable. Hold her hand when crossing the street, or when walking to a seat or table, guide her by gently holding her hand. Gently touch her hand as you walk along, or pretend to bump into your crush to get her attention.

Step 6. Don't forget to compliment your crush
We discussed giving compliments in Part Two, but here are some reminders of what to do when giving compliments:
Never give compliments that are too sexual. It's easy to go too far and turn off your crush's interest. Give praise only for the following physical attributes:
- Eye
- Smile
- Lip
- Hair
- Clothes
- Emphasize the views he expects of others. If he thinks of himself as an athlete, compliment him on how athletic he is.
- Don't over-praise. The more compliments you give, the less meaning they will have.
- Make sure your eyes are focused on your crush and the smile on your face is bright. This action will allow your great compliment to have an even greater impact!
- Give compliments in a relaxed way. Try to keep the compliment flowing naturally into the conversation whenever possible.
- Show courage! If you're feeling a little adventurous - and you should be, as luck favors the brave - try something funny and daring: “I'm sure you've heard that many times, but you're the most beautiful girl I've seen…in the last three minutes”.

Step 7. Know when to end the conversation
Seductive conversations can last a long time, but are usually over in a matter of minutes. And that's great! You have to seduce your crush when the gap opens, and let him be curious so he will come back and you have a chance to seduce him again, and again, and again….
- After 5-10 minutes, find an excuse to leave. “Oh, I'll help my friend with her homework” can be used. Try to end the conversation on the best possible point.
- Don't obsess over talking to your crush every day. That said, absence makes the heart closer. Make your crush guess. Be mysterious. Don't be a predictable person.
- Let the crush also try a little to get you. Now that you've managed to seduce your crush, get him to flirt with you back! Don't make this a game, you just want to make him struggle a little to win your heart. People like a little challenge.

Step 8. When you're ready to take the next step, ask her out
It doesn't matter whether you are a man or a woman. It's perfectly fine for a woman to ask a man out for a first date, as long as the man prepares the second date.
- Ask him if he has any plans about a week in advance: “Hey, are you busy next Saturday? I have two tickets for the movie that just came out.”
- Choose a public place and an interesting date. Public places will make your crush feel comfortable, and interesting activities will help the two of you bond while enjoying the activity.
- If you're really feeling confident, just go up to her and say: “You and I are a great match. How about we go on a date this weekend? Dinner and a movie?”
- You don't have to call it a date if you don't want to. Just invite your crush to join in your activities. If your crush asks if it's a date, you can say yes.
- Be honest, if you're a sociable person, show it; if you are shy, be coy. Don't try to be someone else. Be honest, because if you're actually lying to him, you're also lying to yourself.
- Be yourself.
- White teeth will make your smile look much better.
- Don't be too flashy.
- If he asks you to change, don't look for another guy, but talk to the number one guy because he will start to forgive himself.
- Give gifts every now and then to make him appreciate you.
- Do it slowly, or your crush will feel overwhelmed.
- Be yourself. No guy is worthy of making you change yourself, and you won't be able to display that fake personality for too long. In fact, you will be more stressed. (People are usually attracted to those they have something in common with and you don't want to end up with a hot guy who you have nothing in common with, especially when they're not sexy anymore). Choose a guy based on his personality not based on his appearance. If he's SEXY, but a jerk, don't date him.
- Make sure your crush doesn't have a girlfriend. If he was already a couple, it would be a big problem.