During your daily activities, you may need to cross roads to reach your destination. Although it is commonplace, crossing the road must be done with caution because cars and other vehicles are moving at high speed. Fortunately, by following the guidelines below, you can safely cross the street when walking, riding a bicycle, motorbike or car.
Method 1 of 4: Choosing a Safe Place

Step 1. Use pedestrian crossings where available
Look for a crosswalk at an intersection or driveway in a fairly busy area. Generally, there are markings indicating pedestrian-only crossings. Usually, there is a crossing system mounted on a pole near a red light. This system will tell pedestrians when to cross and stop.
- Some crossings are marked with white bars (otherwise known as zebra crosses) to indicate a safe area to cross. There are also crossings marked by two parallel lines.
- Generally, crosswalks can be found near crossroads. However, crossings can also be found in the middle of the road that is crowded with pedestrians.

Step 2. Follow the instructions provided by the pedestrian crossing system if any
Try finding an electronic sign across the street with a “go” or “stop” symbol (usually green for “go” and red for “stop”). If there is this electronic sign across the street, there is a road crossing system at that intersection. Press the crossing system button on the shoulder of the road to activate it. After that, wait until the green light for pedestrians comes on.
While the crossing system can make you safer, motorbike or car drivers may not necessarily comply. Therefore, before starting to cross, observe the traffic carefully to stay safe when crossing

Step 3. Cross at the corner and follow the traffic lights if there are no crossings
Some roads may not be equipped with crossings, especially in remote or residential areas. If you want to cross, walk to the corner first. Look for traffic lights or stop signs at crossroads. You can cross when the green light in your direction comes on. You can also cross when the vehicle is stopped at a stop sign.
- If there are traffic lights, follow the traffic going in your direction. Stop when the light is red or yellow, and cross when the light is green. However, some cars may turn at a red light, so you still have to be careful.
- If there is a stop sign, wait until the vehicle stops at the sign. You can cross when it's your turn. Don't forget to make eye contact with the stopped driver.

Step 4. Make sure you can clearly see two-way traffic before starting to cross
Parked cars, bushes, or other objects can block your vision. Remember, it's important to be able to clearly see two-way traffic before crossing. If something is blocking your view, move to a location with better visibility.
- If there is a car parked, you can stand at the end of the car. Remember, you can stand on the shoulder of the road if you are sure there are no oncoming vehicles.
- Remember, oncoming vehicles can't see you if you can't see them.
Method 2 of 4: Looking Right Left

Step 1. Stand on the side of the road to see the passing vehicles
When you come to a crosswalk or street corner, stand and stop at the side of the road. You can see the traffic state clearly. In addition, if you stand on the side of the road, the distance you have to travel when crossing is also not too far. Wait until it is safe for you to cross the street.
- Stand on the edge of the sidewalk or crosswalk.
- Don't stand too close to the road to avoid being hit by a car. Remember, you must be off the highway while waiting for the right moment to cross.

Step 2. Look right, left, then right again before crossing
Cars and motorbikes can go fast, so make sure the road is safe before starting to cross. Look to the right first because the nearest traffic is coming from the right. After that, look to the left to see a vehicle coming from that direction. Before starting to cross, you have to look to the right again to make sure no vehicles are coming.
If a vehicle comes, stop and observe the vehicle. Don't rush to keep yourself safe
Listen for the sound of oncoming vehicles and stop when you hear an engine or siren. A speeding car or motorbike can be dangerous for you, so be careful.

Step 3. Observe your surroundings while crossing
You have to keep looking left and right when crossing the road because cars and motorbikes can go fast. Observe your surroundings carefully so you can stop and dodge when a vehicle approaches.
For example, look to your left again when you get to the middle of the road to make sure no other vehicles are moving

Step 4. Make eye contact with the driver when you cross on a busy street
When on a busy road, you may need to cross while the vehicle is stopped and waiting. When a vehicle stops to let you cross, the driver of the vehicle may not see you. Remember, the driver may be out of focus or have poor eyesight. Make eye contact with the driver before crossing the road. This is done to ensure that the driver can see you clearly.
- You can wave or nod your head to make sure the driver can see you well. Wait for the driver to respond to your cue.
- Some drivers may not want to budge and let you cross. Even if this is unfair, you should still put your safety first. Do not cross the road if there is a reckless driver.
Method 3 of 4: Keeping Yourself Safe

Step 1. Cross quickly so you don't stay on the road too long
Being in the middle of the road is certainly not safe, especially when the traffic is busy. While running isn't a good option, you should cross at a fast pace and don't stop until you get to the other side of the road. By doing this, you won't be hit or run over by a moving vehicle.
You may want to run when the vehicle is moving fast. However, running while crossing is very dangerous because you can fall. Vehicles will find it difficult to see where you are when you fall down on the road

Step 2. Do not use your cell phone or device when crossing
Playing with your phone or chatting can distract you when you're crossing the street. Keep and don't use your phone until you're safely across the street.
You may use your phone to view GPS or listen to music. However, you should still stop using your phone until you get to the other side of the road

Step 3. Ask an adult to help cross the street (for young children)
While you can cross alone when the situation allows, it's a good idea to cross with an adult when the traffic is heavy. The driver will find it difficult to see your small body. In addition, you may find it difficult to determine the right moment to cross. Ask an adult for help so you can cross safely.
For example, ask parents, caregivers, police, neighbors, or teachers for help. Relatives are also a good option when they are old enough

Step 4. Wear brightly colored clothes when crossing at night
Hard to see at night. If you are wearing dark clothes, it will be difficult for the driver to see you. Instead, wear bright colored clothes such as white, yellow, pink, or pastel. By wearing brightly colored clothes, the driver can see you more clearly.
If you often walk at night, wear a reflective vest or apply reflective tape to your shirt or jacket so the driver can see you clearly. You can buy a reflective vest or tape at a sports supply store, home improvement store, or online.

Step 5. Use a flashlight to improve your eyesight
Even if you're wearing brightly colored clothes, you can still be hard to see at night. In addition, you may also find it difficult to see the situation around you. Use a flashlight to light the way when you walk in the dark at night. In addition, the driver can also see the light of the flashlight so that it is easier for him to see you.
You can also use a cell phone flashlight. However, don't look at the screen or play with your phone while walking or crossing as it may harm you
Method 4 of 4: Safely Riding a Car, Motorcycle or Bike

Step 1. Obey traffic lights and signs when arriving at an intersection
Cars, motorbikes and bicycles must comply with applicable traffic regulations. Stop at a red light or stop sign when you come to an intersection. Also, allow vehicles from the opposite direction to drive when you arrive at a stop sign. Drive when the light is green.
- Look left and right to make sure other vehicles comply with traffic rules before you drive. Remember, some vehicles may run a red light when the light changes. Beat to keep you safe.
- Generally, all vehicles must stop at intersections without traffic lights. The first vehicle to arrive at the intersection can go first. If the vehicles arrive at the same time, the driver on the left must go first.
- If there is a 2-way stop sign, drivers who stop at the stop sign must wait until the traffic is empty before crossing the road.

Step 2. Use bicycle lanes when riding a bicycle
Some roads have bicycle lanes intended for cyclists to stay safe. You should always use this lane when riding a bicycle, including when crossing the road. This is done so that you can cycle safely.
Cars and motorbikes can see you clearly if you are in the bike lane

Step 3. Watch pedestrians before crossing the road and relent if there are pedestrians crossing
All vehicles, including bicycles, must yield when there are pedestrians crossing at the crossing or intersection. Look left and right to make sure there are no pedestrians before you cross the road. If a pedestrian is crossing, stop and wait until he reaches the other side of the road.
- Collisions between motor vehicles and pedestrians can be fatal. Therefore, you must remain careful. Stop and yield when a pedestrian is crossing.
- Bicycles must obey traffic rules like cars and motorbikes. Therefore, when cycling, you must be willing to stop. You may be faster than pedestrians, but you still have to stop when pedestrians cross.

Step 4. Watch for cars that change lanes or turn left when cycling
Crossing the road while cycling is quite risky, especially if other vehicles are reckless. Although cars and motorcycles are allowed to turn left at a red light, bicycles can be hit if the car and motorcycle drivers do not concentrate. When crossing the road, you must keep an eye on other vehicles at the intersection. Beware of cars turning left as they may not notice you.
- Watch for cars moving into your lane. Also keep an eye on the cars driving behind.
- Even if you have the right to drive, cars turning left are best avoided. Don't harm yourself even if you're not wrong. Stop or dodge if a vehicle enters your lane carelessly.

Step 5. Get off and push the bike when crossing at the road crossing
When cycling, you can use the crossing if the traffic is heavy. In general, bicycles should not be ridden when crossing crosswalks. In addition to breaking the law, riding a bicycle at a road crossing can also endanger pedestrians. If you want to use the crossing, get off and push the bike until you reach the other side of the road.
Look left and right and hear the sound of vehicle engines when crossing the road
- If you cross carelessly and ignore traffic signs, you are breaking the law. You may be fined if you do this, depending on the applicable law where you live.
- Do not cross the street while under the influence of alcohol. Wait until you come to your senses before crossing the street.