Anyone may bless the cross, but since a blessing is an appeal to God, blessing the cross in this way does not necessarily have any effect. In many Christian religious traditions, an ordained pastor or church leader will officially bless the cross before installing it in the church or using it in church ceremonies.
Method 1 of 2: Blessing the Cross

Step 1. Choose the cross you want to bless
There is a cross in the form of an ordinary cross and there is also a statue of Jesus attached to the cross. Both can be blessed. Ceremonies in Roman Catholic and Orthodox Catholic churches use a cross with a statue of Jesus, and Protestant churches use an ordinary cross without a statue of Jesus.
- There are all kinds of crosses of various sizes, shapes, or just plain without any writing. If you are a member of a particular church, you can ask your pastor or church official what type of cross is commonly used according to your church's teachings.
- There is a cross that puts a skull under the feet of Jesus as a symbol of Adam's bones. Catholicism accepts it as a tradition, but is not used or opposed by other Christians.

Step 2. Ask the pastor or religious leader to bless your cross
In many churches, including the Catholic church, blessings from priests, deacons, or church leaders are considered more effective than blessings given by laypeople. For small crosses, such as those you would normally wear as an eyelet, how to bless the cross depends on the priest doing the blessing.
- Example of a prayer to bless the cross in Roman Catholicism: "May this cross and its wearer be blessed in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit."
- An example of a prayer for blessing the cross in Orthodox Catholicism: "Father, Creator of the universe and life, Giver of spiritual blessings and the gift of eternal salvation: send Your Holy Spirit, O Lord, together with blessings from on high, poured out on this cross, with Your power that gives heavenly protection, may this blessing bring salvation to those who wear it, and become a source of help in times of trouble, through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen."
- For more information on the difference between a blessing given by a priest and someone else, continue reading this article on how to wear a blessed cross.

Step 3. Bless your own cross
Blessing a cross on its own may not have the same effect as a blessing given by a priest, but anyone can ask God to bless their cross or other object. Pray while blessing, for example:
- O Lord, bless this cross to intercede for the bearer of Divine forgiveness that comes from You in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
- Bless this cross, O Lord, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Step 4. For a Catholic cross to be installed in a public place, ask the priest to pray for the official blessing
The Bible does not explain the procedure for blessing the cross, but the Catholic church has compiled a collection of official ordinances of blessing called the Rituale Romanum. This is a solemn blessing ordinance to bless a cross that will be installed, for example on a church wall:
Pastor: I believe in God.
People: Creator of heaven and earth.
Pastor: God be with you.
People: and with you too.
Pastor: Let's pray. God the holy Father, the almighty and eternal God, please bless this cross, so that it becomes a means of help that brings salvation to mankind. Bless this cross to be a source of strength for faith, a bearer of the spirit to do good, and the redemption of souls; and may this cross be a source of comfort, protection, and shield against the attacks of the evil enemy; through our Lord Jesus.
People: Amen.
Pastor: Let's pray. Lord Jesus Christ, bless this cross which You have used to free the world from the grip of the devil, and able to overcome the temptation of sin through Your suffering, the tempter who once triumphed when the first man fell into sin by eating the fruit of the forbidden tree.
(The priest sprinkles the cross with holy water)
Pastor: May this cross be blessed in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit; and may all who kneel and pray reverently before this cross find health for body and soul; through our Lord Jesus Christ.
People: Amen.
(After praying, the priest will kneel before the cross, salute, and kiss the cross. People can join in as well.)
Method 2 of 2: Using the Blessed Cross

Step 1. Understand what is called a sacramental
In the official practice of the Catholic church, and most other religions, sacramental objects are considered to be God's creations through the church, not through lay people. Sacramental objects, also called minor sacraments in the Orthodox Catholic tradition, have the same effect but are not identical with sacraments, which are rites of great importance to the church. Even within religion itself, scholars disagree about the effectiveness of these sacramental objects, but according to some theologians, a cross that has been blessed by a priest can be used to ward off demons or forgive venial sins.
Protestant Christianity has fewer official sacraments, and often avoids using the term

Step 2. Understand the meaning of non-pastor blessing
An unordained person may perform a blessing, but this is an appeal to God, not a sacramental object blessed by an ordained person. There is no guarantee this cross will be holy or consecrated. This cross cannot be used for church ceremonies unless it has been officially blessed by the church leadership.

Step 3. Wear the small cross with respect
The Catholic Church does not issue official instructions on how to wear a small cross. Wear it however you want, but treat this cross with great respect. Don't wear it just to look stylish or as jewelry. Catholics are prohibited from wearing the cross in a way that can cause trouble or attack others, even if you don't think it deserves respect.

Step 4. Know how to remove the old cross
A cross will lose its blessing if it is sold for a profit or is broken. If the cross is not broken, you may ask to be blessed again. If you want to throw it away, crush it or crush it into pieces to remove the cross shape. You can use this smelted metal for other purposes, or bury it so that it reconnects with the ground.
- Many blessing prayers come from other languages, usually Latin, and have many translations into English. You can use the blessing prayer with the words or versions that work for you as long as the meaning doesn't change.
- The "Rituale Romanum" in Catholicism uses a longer blessing prayer for a cross to be installed in public.