3 Ways to Be Respected

3 Ways to Be Respected
3 Ways to Be Respected

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We all want to be respected by those around us, but it takes hard work to earn it. If you want to be successful, happy, and healthy, learning to earn the respect of others should be an important goal in your life, and it can be achieved if you put in the effort. By learning to respect, act and think with confidence, and behave in a reliable manner, you will begin to earn the respect you deserve in no time. Start with Step 1 for more specific details.


Method 1 of 3: Respect for Others

Earn Respect Step 1
Earn Respect Step 1

Step 1. Be sincere

If others perceive that you are speaking from the heart and you believe in your attitude, words and beliefs and will not deny it, you too are seen as someone who deserves respect. Learn to be sincere with your friends, at work, at school, and in all areas of your life.

When you are around different groups of people, try to act as if you were alone, or when you were with another group. We've all experienced social pressure to behave in a certain way, or witnessed a friend suddenly fawn over someone with whom they had a business relationship and who was a successful person, when the two of you were just talking about him alone. Try to be consistent in showing your personality, no matter who is around you

Earn Respect Step 2
Earn Respect Step 2

Step 2. Listen and learn

When talking, many people wait for their turn to speak, instead of really listening to what the other person is talking about. This could indicate that the person is self-centered and that is not a pleasant trait. We all have something to say, but learning to be a good listener will eventually make others more interested in what you have to say. If you want to be respected by the other person you're talking to, try to learn to listen well and earn a reputation as a good listener.

  • Ask lots of questions. Even if you're talking to someone you know well, try to learn more by asking questions, questions in response to a statement or other question, and personal questions. People like to feel important when they are noticed when they speak. Showing that you are genuinely interested in what other people have to say will make you a respected person. Try continuing with questions like "How many siblings do you have?" with deeper questions so that you seem interested. Try asking, "What are your brothers like?"
  • Follow up the conversation. If someone recommends a book or album, send them a short message if you've read a few chapters to let them know what you think of their recommendation.
Earn Respect Step 3
Earn Respect Step 3

Step 3. Don't be stingy with compliments

When you think your friend or colleague's actions, ideas, or statements are good, give them a short compliment. Some people allow themselves to be jealous when others are successful. If you want respect, try to acknowledge the greatness of the other person and praise him.

  • Be honest when praising. Excessive compliments won't earn you respect, but you will end up being seen as a sycophant. Give compliments when you're truly impressed.
  • Try to praise actions, deeds, and ideas rather than physical things such as possessions or appearance. For example, you could say, "You look great," instead of, "You have a beautiful dress."
Earn Respect Step 4
Earn Respect Step 4

Step 4. Try to be sympathetic to the other person

Learning the skill to empathize is an important way to respect others and ultimately become respected. If you can anticipate someone's emotional needs, you can be perceived as a loving, caring and caring individual and you will end up being respected.

  • Pay attention to other people's body language. If someone is upset or frustrated, they may not always be open to voicing their frustration. If you can learn to tell it from body language, you can also adjust your attitude according to the person's mood.
  • If it's necessary, try to be your friend's outlet, but if not, don't push. If your friend's relationship recently ended badly, be her consolation friend. After a breakup, some people like to vent heartlessly and talk about it in great detail, try to sympathize and listen. But there are also some people who just want to ignore the problem and deal with it alone. Don't bother them. There is no absolute way to grieve after something bad has happened.
Earn Respect Step 5
Earn Respect Step 5

Step 5. Continue to maintain the relationship

There are times when we need help from others, but you keep in touch with friends, colleagues, and family when you don't need anything from them, they feel appreciated too.

  • Call or message your friends to just chat. Post a cute link on Facebook or other social media to let them know you're thinking of them.
  • Keep your family informed about your successes or failures, especially if you live elsewhere. Keep in touch with your parents and let them know how you are doing at school, how you feel about your relationship. Let other people into your life.
  • Treat friends at work like real friends. Don't just approach them when you want to know what time you should show up next week, or want to know what information you missed at the last meeting. Try to find out about their lives and treat them with respect to earn their respect.

Method 2 of 3: Become a Dependable Person

Earn Respect Step 6
Earn Respect Step 6

Step 1. Do what you said you would do

No one wants to respect an unreliable person. If you want to be respected, keep the commitments or promises you make to the people in your life. Call when you promise to call, turn in assignments on time, and keep your word.

If you have to cancel or change plans you have made with someone, try not to lie or make excuses. If you promised to go out for drinks on Friday night but suddenly feel more inclined to laze around with a bowl of popcorn while watching television, it's okay to say, "I don't really want to go out tonight" and make other alternative plans.

Earn Respect Step 7
Earn Respect Step 7

Step 2. Offer to help, even if you don't have to

When one of your friends says he's moving house, there's bound to be a lot of people in the room falling silent. Try to be reliable and worthy of respect. You can offer to help him, not only in the things you are good at, but also in the things that your moving friend really needs to do.

However, don't keep offering yourself. If you are known to be reliable, people will continue to look to you when they need help, while others with similar abilities will be reluctant to offer. You can engage them by asking for their help, or suggesting them as suitable candidates for the task at hand. You will also get respect from both parties

Earn Respect Step 8
Earn Respect Step 8

Step 3. Do something with the maximum

You can do something according to his needs only, or you can put extra effort into completing a job, task, or project to perfection. If you are willing to put in the effort, you too will be respected.

  • If you finish something prematurely and have extra time, take advantage of that extra time. Often we wait until the last second to write an essay or start working on a project and then rush to finish it. Give yourself false deadlines so you can finish them ahead of time and then use the extra time you have to perfect your work.
  • Even if you don't make it to your goal, if you put in the effort and rack your brain to the maximum, at least you know that you did your best and did everything in your power to make a presentation or finish a script, and that this would make you the person you deserve. respected.
Earn Respect Step 9
Earn Respect Step 9

Step 4. Try to learn to anticipate the needs of others

If you know that your roommate or partner is going to have a bad day at work, clean the house and prepare dinner for them. Or you can whip up a delicious drink that's ready to be served when they return. Taking the initiative to make someone else's day feel better will make you a person who deserves respect.

Method 3 of 3: Be Confident

Earn Respect Step 10
Earn Respect Step 10

Step 1. Try to be humble

Not boasting about your success will keep you happy, humble, and will earn you the respect of others. Let your actions open the eyes of others and let others draw conclusions about your abilities and talents. Don't spit on your own superiority, let other people spit it out to others.

You don't have to show your greatness if you spend time honing yourself and being great

Earn Respect Step 11
Earn Respect Step 11

Step 2. Don't talk too much

Everyone has an opinion on everything, but that doesn't mean you can always share your opinion. Try to let the other person talk while you listen sometimes, especially if you feel the urge to speak. Listen to what other people have to say and if you want to add something to the ongoing discussion, share your opinion. If there's nothing to add, don't say anything.

  • Letting other people talk also gives yourself a chance to know who they really are, so you have a chance to understand them and get to know them better.
  • If you are quiet, try to learn to speak when you have an opinion. Don't let humility and the desire to be a low-key person stop you from sharing your opinion. People won't appreciate you for that.
Earn Respect Step 12
Earn Respect Step 12

Step 3. Take responsibility for your actions

If you want to earn the respect of others, you try not to do the opposite of what you stated earlier. And just like that, you must be consistent in your actions. Finish what you started. Sometimes we all mess up. If you do something badly, admit your mistake and maintain the respect that other people have for you.

If you can do something yourself, don't ask for help. Let a task that can be done by one person remain a task that can be done by one person, even if the task is difficult

Earn Respect Step 13
Earn Respect Step 13

Step 4. Be brave

No one appreciates a doormat. If you don't want to do something, say so. If you have a different opinion and you know for sure that you are right, express that opinion. Being assertive in a polite, courteous, and respectful manner will earn you the respect of others even if you disagree.

Earn Respect Step 14
Earn Respect Step 14

Step 5. Respect yourself

There is a popular saying: "Respect yourself and you will be respected." If you want others to respect you, you have to respect yourself first. You have to examine yourself and feel good about the things that make you a better person.
