Dating is a great way to meet potential partners and spend time with new people, but it can be nerve-wracking. However, remember that dating shouldn't stress you out. Dating should be fun and exciting. If you have an open mind and stay patient, you will soon meet a new lover.
Method 1 of 3: Finding a Lover

Step 1. Think about what type of partner you want
Everyone has different preferences when it comes to choosing a partner. You have to think about more than physical traits like what traits you like, what is required of a partner and what you want on a date. You don't have to be too picky. Give yourself a hint. For example, you might ask:
- What traits do I look for in friends (funny, serious, creative etc)?
- Do I want a serious relationship or just to meet new guys/girls?
- What is something I really don't want in a relationship?

Step 2. Take care of yourself before looking for someone else
Many people want to find a partner who will "solve all their problems," but sadly the armored knight is very rare in the real world. Have confidence and take care of your body by dieting and exercising and signal to people that you are ready to meet your partner and ready to have a relationship.
- Remember that you are not trying to trick someone into liking you. If the feelings are not mutual, the person is not worth fighting for.
- Keep yourself clean and hygienic. This is one of the obvious reasons why someone might turn down a date with you.

Step 3. Develop a strong network of friends
Having a solid social life can not only help you find people to date, but it also gives you the opportunity to travel without going alone. A strong group of friends will help you when a date goes badly and can help guide you into the world of dating when you start dating.
- Building a social network can bring you new people and personalities who can help you find a date.
- Ask your friends if they know anyone who would be interested in a casual date.
- When done right, friends can often be the most romantic of partners.

Step 4. Learn how to seduce
often seen as a secret art, but it is considered very easy. Studies have shown that eye contact and a smile are the most effective seductions. Therefore, be happy and have respect, and the relationship will follow. Flirting is a great way to try the "pre-dating" stage. Smile, make eye contact and have casual conversation to find out if you want to see people more often or start dating. If you feel that they are a good match for you, slowly increase the intensity of the flirting to show your interest by:
- Break the touch limit. Touch their shoulder or kneel to hug or wipe something stuck to their clothes.
- Tempt. Mild teasing, such as making jokes about drink choices or the taste of the movie, is one of the most common techniques. Relationships have been established if they flirt back.
- Ask questions. True attraction to someone isn't just a matter of flirting, but of letting you find out more about them and whether they're a good match for you.

Step 5. Sign up for an online dating profile
These sites can help you find the right partner in your area easily and safely. The site is also a good way to start dating. If all goes well, you have forged a great new relationship. However, you may not want to see them again if they don't match. You can search for candidates again without leaving feeling stiff.
If you've been texting someone online for more than 1-2 days, it's time to ask them out

Step 6. Provide your contact number first
Take the first step and give him your number first instead of asking for his number first. This shows that you have confidence and give them authority. If they are interested in you, they will call or give you their number.
Don't always expect that someone will give you their number too. If they are interested in you, they will stay in touch with you. This is a good sign that there is love between the two of you

Step 7. Ask someone out on a date
This is the simplest and most difficult step to start dating. However, remember that dates should be casual. Keep it casual! You don't need to express your love and invite someone out for a romantic dinner. Ask him if he wants to eat or drink with you and see what happens.
- Just because it's "normal" for a guy to take a girl out doesn't mean it's the only way. Whoever you are, take the first step and ask.
- Try saying something like, "I enjoyed talking to you, would you like some coffee sometime?"
- Accept it when people ask you to go out. It takes courage to ask someone out. Regular dating won't hurt you unless you feel like it's okay to never date someone.

Step 8. Determine the date and place of the date
If someone is interested, schedule a time to meet and then exchange contact numbers. Don't wait for them to suggest something and don't take the next step until you have the details of the time and place. If they accept, suggest a time or location and determine the best time to meet.
- Give them a choice or two so they won't feel like they're being forced by you.
- For example: "Great, do you have free time on Saturday or Sunday around 11 o'clock?"
Method 2 of 3: Making a First Date

Step 1. Have an open mind
If you've decided that they're going to hate you, feelings of stiffness, antisocial and moody are likely to be felt during the date. Whether you know it or not, your date will hint at it. The same applies when you've decided that you don't like someone. You're going to spend all your dating time making mistakes and problems with them. Dating should be fun and casual. Therefore, date without any expectations and with full of confidence.

Step 2. Make the first date a simple date
Take them where they like or feel comfortable. Less crowded restaurants, outdoor activities or special events are often the best places to go because no one will feel pressured to be romantic or perfect. You will have plenty of time to be romantic. For now, focus on being yourself and having fun.

Step 3. Recognize that dating is a way to get to know each other, not a test to impress him
Both parties will try to find out if they are a good match for each other. It's pretty hard to figure out if you're compatible with someone or not. However, it's almost impossible to spend all your time trying to get someone to like you. In addition, being excessive will give the wrong impression of yourself which will ultimately be self-defeating if your attitude changes during the relationship later.
Pretty self-explanatory, just be yourself. You want someone to like you for who you are, not because of the pretense

Step 4. Focus on having conversations during the date
A good one-on-one conversation is still considered the best way to get to know each other. Luckily, conversation is something almost anyone can do. You don't need a topic list to have a good conversation, it's your willingness to ask questions. Feel free to share things about yourself. However, if you are in doubt about what to say, you should ask them questions. People like to talk about themselves and feel that someone is attracted to them. Ask about their work, family etc. However, whatever you do, don't overdo it. What do you want to know about them? What attracted you to them?
- The best questions are specific questions. Instead of asking "What is your job?", try asking "What do you enjoy about your job?"
- Don't always talk about yourself on a date. If you spend time on dates talking about how great you are, chances are this will be your last date with him.
- Avoid controversial topics like religion and politics on a first date. These topics can often lead to anger if you don't know the person well enough to respect each other.

Step 5. Take action near the end of the date if you feel a lingering feeling
Although considered difficult to determine, the signals of these feelings are actually quite clear. If your date leans back a lot, makes physical contact (touches your shoulder, hugs your arm, etc.), holds your arm for long, makes close eye contact and smiles at you, chances are that they like you. Start slowly, perhaps by giving a compliment or moving closer to his face and watch his reaction. If they don't move away, maybe it's time for a peck on the lips.
If you're not interested in continuing to meet someone, politely say goodnight and go home. You don't have to kiss them on the lips or reciprocate unrequited feelings

Step 6. Plan a follow-up date if the first date goes well
Say that you want to see him again sometime. Even if you don't have to make plans right away because it seems too sticky, let's say that you want to keep in touch and want to go drinking again. If they smile and agree, you should try to arrange follow-up dates for the next 1-3 days.
Forget things like the "3 day rule" and just be yourself. If you feel a connection is building, continue whenever it feels comfortable
Method 3 of 3: Developing Relationships Through Dating

Step 1. Remember that dating is not a commitment
When you first date, you normally think that it's necessary to date 5-6 times with someone you want to play with. However, if you don't feel a connection to that person, you shouldn't hesitate to move forward. Dating should be a fun way to get to know each other better. It is not a commitment to marriage or a relationship. If you don't want to continue the date, be polite and honest and decide quickly.
Never lie or ignore people you don't want to see because that often creates other problems. Just say, "I've had a great night, but I think I'll just be with my friends."

Step 2. Schedule a follow-up date if the first date goes well
You don't need to be in a relationship right away, but you should bring the person back if you feel a welcoming connection with that person. If you really like the person, take the person out to eat, watch a movie, go for a walk or drink coffee together 1-2 times a week and see how things go.
Again, remember to keep it normal. For example, meeting your parents is usually done after months of being in a relationship

Step 3. Take the relationship slowly
Rushed love is hard to master, but both of you will be grateful if you can slow down the relationship and get to know each other naturally. Don't make big plans for the future or plan to meet every night. While intimacy isn't a bad thing, having physical contact can result in hurt feelings and difficulties if the two partners don't get along. Even if you want to spend all your time with someone after a date, take a moment to understand your feelings before falling in love with them.
- Respect their privacy and past. You don't have to find out about all of his ex-girlfriends on the second date.
- Spend the night at each other's house and avoid spending the night at your partner's house first. You can get in touch seriously later because it will be harder to slow down entirely.

Step 4. Build trust over time
If you really enjoy being with someone, you need to build a relationship that goes beyond the relationship in the latest Game of Thrones episode. Building trust requires getting hurt on both sides, but eventually you'll find someone you can trust, who always tells the truth and who can give you helpful advice in return.
- Both parties must provide trust to build trust. Share a little secret, anxieties or goals and see if they will also open up like you.
- When you feel more comfortable, you will trust the person more. This is the foundation of a strong relationship.

Step 5. Be exclusive
You can't date other people if you want to solidify a relationship. While many people find it okay to date 2-3 people at first, you need to make a commitment to someone if you want them to make the same commitment to you. If you're planning to go on 2-3 dates with the same person, it's time to cancel other dates and stop looking for new dates. If this doesn't seem appealing, you should be honest with your partner about their needs.

Step 6. Communicate your expectations for the relationship
It's often difficult to start this conversation. However, if you feel a connection, they will feel a connection too. After three or five dates, you need to sit down and talk about where your relationship is headed. Are you interested in dating, or do you want to take it slow and watch it develop. Talking now can prevent hurt feelings later.

Step 7. Remember to set the limit
Nobody likes it when you stop playing with friends when you have a boyfriend. Keep spending time with your friends, working and visiting family. You don't have to feel like you have to spend every second with your new lover. Instead, set boundaries between the two of you so you'll feel comfortable doing separate activities from time to time. Your partner will appreciate this too.
- Don't worry if you have to cancel a date every now and then.
- Schedule time for your old friends often. These are the people who will be there for you if your relationship is having trouble.
- Be yourself. While this may seem obvious, many people turn out to be more attractive to someone.
- Don't trick them. Always tell them the truth. Nobody likes people who act.
- Realize that your first relationship may not be your last. The relationship may work, but often it doesn't. Be aware and be honest with yourself.
- Don't worry because there will be someone out there made for you.
- What's more, you have to be patient because the first relationship may not be the best.