How to Solve Math Problems: 14 Steps

How to Solve Math Problems: 14 Steps
How to Solve Math Problems: 14 Steps

Table of contents:


Although mathematical problems can be solved in many different ways, there are several visualization methods, approaches, and general solutions that you can apply to solve even the most difficult problems. By using it, your mathematical ability will definitely improve overall! Interested in learning it? Come on, read this article to find out!


Part 1 of 3: Understanding the Problem

Solve Math Problems Step 1
Solve Math Problems Step 1

Step 1. Identify the type of question

Do you have to solve a story problem, a fraction problem, or a quadratic equation problem? In fact, taking the time to determine the category of questions is a very important step to take in order to find the best solution.

Solve Math Problems Step 2
Solve Math Problems Step 2

Step 2. Read the questions carefully

Even if the problem looks simple, read it very carefully and don't just scan it. If the question seems complicated, try reading it a few times to improve your understanding. In other words, take the time to understand the meaning of the question and don't write anything down until you really know what steps to take!

Solve Math Problems Step 3
Solve Math Problems Step 3

Step 3. Try to paraphrase the problem listed in the problem

To strengthen your understanding, try saying the sentences listed in the questions or rewriting them in your own language. The second step is especially useful if the situation makes it difficult for you to read the questions aloud, such as during an exam. After that, re-check the sentences listed in the questions to make sure there is no information that you have changed or missed.

Solve Math Problems Step 4
Solve Math Problems Step 4

Step 4. Turn the problem listed in the problem into a picture

If you are a person with visual learning methods, there is nothing wrong with representing problems in visual form to strengthen your understanding. After that, ask yourself, "Has my drawing been able to accurately represent the problems listed in the problem?" If so, move on to the next stage. If not, read the question again.

  • Venn diagram image. Venn diagrams are actually useful for showing the relationships between numbers in problems. As a result, his role will be very important in the story.
  • Draw a graph or chart.
  • Arrange the components of the problem in one line.
  • Draw simple shapes to represent more complex features in the problem.
Solve Math Problems Step 5
Solve Math Problems Step 5

Step 5. Try to find patterns in the problem

Sometimes, these patterns can be identified just by reading the questions carefully. If you want, you can also create a table to make the process easier. After the pattern has been found, immediately note it down. Trust me, these patterns can help you to solve problems and even lead you to the final correct answer!

Solve Math Problems Step 6
Solve Math Problems Step 6

Step 6. Review the things you have noted down

Check the various things you have noted down to make sure there are no numbers or elements that are not quite right. Remember, don't go to the planning stage until you have all the necessary information and are really able to understand the problem well. If you are still having trouble understanding the questions, try taking the time to look at examples of questions listed in printed books or the internet. By seeing how other people solve similar problems, you will undoubtedly be helped to understand the meaning of the questions better.

Part 2 of 3: Making a Plan

Solve Math Problems Step 7
Solve Math Problems Step 7

Step 1. Determine the formula needed to solve the problem

If the problem is complex enough, you will likely need to use more than one formula to solve it. Therefore, take the time to review the concepts listed in your printed book or notes to get the most appropriate formula.

Solve Math Problems Step 8
Solve Math Problems Step 8

Step 2. Write down the steps that need to be taken to get the answer

Write down the various steps you need to take to solve the problem. By doing so, you will undoubtedly be helped to work more focused and systematically. In addition, these steps can also be used to estimate answers.

Solve Math Problems Step 9
Solve Math Problems Step 9

Step 3. Do the easy questions first

If there's a problem that looks easier than, or similar to, the problem you're working on, try solving it first. In other words, try to save time by applying the same steps and formulas to easier problems. As a result, you will be helped to solve more difficult problems later.

Solve Math Problems Step 10
Solve Math Problems Step 10

Step 4. Make an estimate of the answer

Try to estimate the answer before trying to solve it. To do so, you just need to identify the numbers and various other factors that are relevant to your estimate. After that, review your estimated answer again along with the search process to make sure nothing is missed.

Part 3 of 3: Solving Problems

Solve Math Problems Step 11
Solve Math Problems Step 11

Step 1. Follow your plan

Complete each of the steps you have identified in order. Then, double-check each answer you find to ensure its accuracy.

Solve Math Problems Step 12
Solve Math Problems Step 12

Step 2. Compare the final answer with your estimate

As you complete each step of the problem, try to compare the answers you find with the answers you expect, both for a specific step and for the whole question. Try to think, "Does my answer match, or at least resemble, my estimate?" If not, think about why. Reread your answer to check the correctness of the steps.

Solve Math Problems Step 13
Solve Math Problems Step 13

Step 3. Use a different plan

If your plan doesn't work, go back to the early stages of planning and try a new plan. Do not rush to despair if caught in such a situation! In fact, avoiding mistakes when learning something is impossible. After all, sooner or later, you can definitely learn valuable lessons from these mistakes! Therefore, accept your mistakes and keep moving forward, instead of getting annoyed or constantly bemoaning them.

Solve Math Problems Step 14
Solve Math Problems Step 14

Step 4. Reflect on the problem

After successfully finding the correct answer, retrace the process of solving it. In other words, take the time to reflect on the problem and how to solve it so that you are no longer confused when you encounter similar problems in the future. In addition, doing so will also help you to identify concepts that need to be studied and/or practiced in more depth..


  • Don't hesitate to ask the teacher at your school or tutor for help if you're having trouble, or if there's a question that doesn't come up even though you've applied various strategies. Your teacher should be able to identify the problem easily and help you understand the fix more easily.
  • Continue to practice the material, including the various mathematical diagrams, that you have summarized. The trick is to review various concepts that have been recorded regularly, re-record the material that you have understood, and try to apply it in various relevant questions.
