Artificial snow is quite useful in making any craft projects and in creating winter themed events, such as play shows or themed dance parties at school. Here are some ways to make artificial snow that can beautify art projects or winter-themed events.
Method 1 of 2: Simple Artificial Snow

Step 1. Tear off the cotton
Place a cotton ball or wadding between your fingers and tug at the ends to spread them out and look like a thin sheet of snow. Lay it out on a flat surface as a layer of snow if your craft project is winter-related, or roll it back into a ball to form a miniature snowman.

Step 2. Make artificial snowfall with granules of laundry detergent or instant potato flakes
Make a video about snowfall by sprinkling the items in front of the camera.
These materials can also be used to make snowfall. To make it more appealing, mix 4 cups (or 960 ml) of potato flakes and 1⅓ cups (or 320 ml) of starch mixed with water with a few drops of blue food coloring and gloss powder

Step 3. Punch a hole in the paper
Punch a hole in the white paper and use the resulting round shape as snow. It will look like real snow when blown by a fan.

Step 4. Add artificial snow to the snow globe (a glass ball containing miniature items related to Christmas or a scene from a certain place in winter and glittering paper or artificial snow that falls when the ball is shaken)
To refill the artificial snow in a snow globe, pour glycerol and small thermocol balls into it. In addition to the thermocol, gloss powder and small beads can also be used.

Step 5. Make some kind of sparkling glaze to add to small-scale craft projects
Mix cup (or 60 ml) equal amounts of table salt and talc powder. Spray the surface of the object to be used in your project with a craft glue or apply white glue where you want the "snow" to stick. Sprinkle the sparkling mixture you just made on the wet glue and allow it to dry. Elevate the glazed object to remove excess "snow".

Step 6. Mix water with flour or baking soda
Start by pouring white flour or baking soda into a bowl. Add the water spoonful at a time and stir the mixture with a fork. Once the mixture forms a paste, cover the part of the project that is a flat winter landscape. Pasta can be shaped into hills or snow slopes by hand. When done, sprinkle flour on top.
Method 2 of 2: Real-Looking Fake Snow

Step 1. Mix sodium polyacrylate with water
Cut the inside of the disposable diaper and remove any white particles that are inside; These granules are made of sodium polyacrylate. It can also be purchased in powder or granular form in areas with shelves stocked with soil-care tools at gardening supply stores. Sodium polyacrylate in powder form makes soft "snow", while the granules can be used to make liquid "snow". Add the water little by little to the ingredients and mix until it reaches the desired consistency.
- Snow made with this material will look more like the original if it is placed in the refrigerator.
- If the snow dries up, add water. If you want the snow to stay dry, reduce the amount of water and add salt when making it.

Step 2. Mix crushed ice cubes and white paint
Because ice cubes melt quickly, this kind of snow can only be used in a cold room. Pour the crushed ice in a large bowl, then toss with the white paint. Add water slowly until the mixture reaches the desired consistency.

Step 3. Make snow crystals from salt
With just a cup of brine and twine, you can make your own salt crystals. The longer the thread is held in the water, the larger the crystal size. Arrange these crystals to form clusters of sparkling snow crystals.

Step 4. Paint the surface of the object that will be used in the project or event
You can use paint to make the surface look like it's covered in snow. Dip an old brush in a container of white paint. Place your thumb on the tip of the brush bristles that are pointed at the object. Gently run your thumb through the bristles so that the paint splatters on the surface.