Sancan or flank steak is the part of beef found in the flank (lower stomach). If you're on a tight budget, canned beef can be a delicious and inexpensive option to replace the more expensive parts of beef, such as prime rib (expensive part of the ribs), T-bone (beef with bones), or ribeye (ribs).. However, since the coconut milk is a bit tough, be careful when cooking it so that the tenderness and flavor of the meat is preserved. If properly seasoned with a marinade or dry seasoning, and grilled and cut in the opposite direction of the grain of the meat, canned beef makes a delicious steak and is perfect for sharing with family and friends.
- Good quality Sancan (about kg for 3 people)
- Salt
- Pepper
Red Wine Vinegar Marinade
- 80 ml olive oil
- 2 cloves of minced garlic
- 2 tbsp. (30 ml) red wine vinegar
- 80 ml soy sauce
- 60 ml honey
- tsp. (1 gram) black pepper
Marinade Lemon and Worcestershire
- Juice from 1 lemon
- 3 tbsp. (50 ml) olive oil
- 60 ml red wine vinegar
- 2 tbsp. (30 ml) Worcestershire sauce
- 60 ml honey
- Hot sauce or chili sauce (optional)
Dried Seasoning
- 1 tsp. (4 grams) cumin powder
- 1 tbsp. (6 grams) salt
- 2 tsp. (4 grams) coriander powder
- 1 tsp. (3 grams) paprika powder
- 1 tsp. (3 grams) black pepper
- 1 tsp. (4 grams) garlic powder
- tsp. (1 gram) chili powder
Part 1 of 3: Slicing and Seasoning Meat

Step 1. Slice the scan to a depth of about cm
No matter what spices you use, you'll still need to slice the coconut milk, especially if the meat is thick. This slicing allows the heat and spices to seep further into the meat. To do this, place the fillet on a cutting board, then use the sharp edge of a knife to make shallow cuts on both sides of the meat in a diamond-like pattern. Try to make the incision about cm deep.
If possible, make incisions in the opposite direction of the grain of the meat. A general rule of thumb when it comes to skimming is this: always slice in the opposite direction of the grain to make the meat less tough

Step 2. Choose a marinade or dry seasoning for the sauce
When cooked properly, sancan can make a delicious dish without any seasoning. However, the right seasoning can make the sancan very delicious. To season the coconut milk, there are 2 options to choose from, namely using marinade or dry spices. Both produce delicious sancan. However, you should choose one, not mix them.
- By marinating, the meat will be submerged in the liquid mixture so that it will absorb the various flavors.
- As the name implies, dry spices are a mixture of dry ingredients that are rubbed on the outside of the coconut milk.
- Whether you choose a marinade or a dry marinade, the basic process for preparing it is the same. Combine all ingredients and stir until everything is well combined.

Step 3. Marinate the meat in the marinade for 4-24 hours
If you want to season your canned with a marinade, start by placing the marinade in a large plastic bag clip before you add the canans. Remove excess air from the bag and seal it tightly. Squeeze the plastic bag so that all parts of the canned are coated with the spices. Place the plastic bag containing the canned in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours or overnight. The longer it is soaked, the more the spices absorb.
- To make a flavorful marinade, mix 80 ml of olive oil, 2 chopped garlic cloves, 2 tbsp. (30 ml) red wine vinegar, 80 ml soy sauce, 60 ml honey and tsp. (1 gram) black pepper.
- Alternatively, you can make a simple marinade by mixing the juice of 1 lemon, 3 tbsp. (50 ml) olive oil, 60 ml red wine vinegar, 2 tbsp. (30 ml) Worcestershire sauce, 60 ml honey, and a little hot sauce or chili sauce.
- To make your own marinade, prepare a base oil (such as vegetable oil or olive oil), then add any seasonings you like, including a liquid acid (such as lemon juice, lime juice, or vinegar) to dilute the oil.
- If you don't have a plastic clip bag, soak the sancan in a bowl covered with plastic wrap, a Tupperware container, or another plastic container with a lid.

Step 4. Apply the dry spices to the meat if you are not using a marinade
If you like the outside of the meat crispy and savory, use dry herbs in place of the marinade. Pour the dry spices into a large bowl, then add the coconut milk to it. Use your hands to roll the meat in the dry spices until all parts of the coconut milk are coated in the spices. Feel free to use lots of dry seasonings as all surfaces of the canned must be coated with spices.
- To make a delicious dry seasoning, mix 1 tsp. (5 grams) cumin powder, 1 tbsp. (6 grams) salt, 2 tsp. (4 grams) cilantro, 1 tsp. (3 grams) paprika, 1 tsp. (3 grams) black pepper, 1 tsp. (4 grams) garlic powder, and tsp. (1 gram) chili powder.
- To make dry seasonings, mix your preferred dry ingredients or powder. A good mix of sweet, savory, salty, and spicy is a good choice. For example, you can mix salt, pepper, brown sugar, garlic powder, paprika, and chili powder.
- Allow the meat to come to room temperature. If you don't want to bake them right away, place the coconut milk on a plate and refrigerate it.
Part 2 of 3: Grilling Meat

Step 1. Turn on the grill
Whether you're using a gas or charcoal grill, make sure the grill is hot and ready when you're going to use it.
- On gas grills: Turn on one of the heaters and set it to " high ". Leave the heater on for a few minutes (with the lid on) to continue heating. If possible, leave the other heater off as a place to move the meat when you do a slow roast after a normal initial roast.
- On a charcoal grill: Insert the charcoal into the bottom of the grill until it covers the entire surface of the bottom. If possible, collect the charcoal to one side so that there is no charcoal in half of the grill. This setting of charcoal is useful for slow cooking after the meat has been grilled normally at the beginning. Light the charcoal and let it burn until the fire goes out and most of the charcoal turns gray.

Step 2. Remove excess moisture from the meat by patting it with a paper towel
When the meat is grilled, its characteristic black and brown "charred" makes the outside of the meat crispy and delicious. This will not be achieved if the moisture on the outside of the meat has not evaporated. Since it takes a lot of energy to evaporate the water on the outer layer of meat, grilling meat while it's wet is inefficient. Also, this condition is not suitable if you want crispy and browned meat.
- Remove excess seasoning.
- If you're using dry herbs, you don't need to do this step because the seasonings will absorb the moisture. If it is patted with a tissue, the dry spices will actually be released from the sancan.

Step 3. Apply oil on the grill bars and place the coconut milk on top
When the grill is ready and heating up, apply olive or vegetable oil to the grate of a gas or charcoal grill using a brush. Next, place the sancan right on the grate that has been greased with oil. There will be a hissing sound when the meat comes into contact with the grill surface.
If you don't have a dabbing brush, you can use a paper towel dipped in oil. Rub the tissue against the grill bars. Be careful when using this method as your hands will be near the hot surface of the grill

Step 4. Bake the meat on high heat for about 4 minutes on each side
Once placed in the grill, cook the meat for 3 or 4 minutes before turning it over with tongs. If the grill is hot enough, the sancan will be well roasted, which is dark brown or black with a crunchy texture. If it's not grilled well, immediately flip the meat over and continue grilling. Or, bake the other side for 3-4 minutes before you turn it over again.
- Cooking the scallops on high heat initially will "burn" the meat, which makes the outside crispy and delicious, and has an appetizing texture.
- Contrary to popular belief, grilling meat doesn't lock the moisture in the inside of the meat. The liquid on the inside of the cannon will flow out easily once you burn it. The main reason for burning meat is for the sake of taste and texture. Most people like the outside of the meat that is crunchy and caramelized.

Step 5. Bake the scallops on low heat for about 3 minutes on each side
Use tongs to move the meat to a cooler area of the grill. If using a gas grill, move the meat to the part of the heater set to "Off". On a charcoal grill, transfer the coconut milk to an area of the grill that is not hot on the grill.
- While grilling meat on high heat is perfect for searing the outside, you'll have a hard time getting the meat fully cooked without scorching it. For this reason, the best setting is a low, steady heat because it can cook the inside of the meat perfectly without scorching it.
- Cover the grill when you cook the scallops on low heat to prevent the heat from escaping.

Step 6. Remove the meat when it reaches 55-70 °C
Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of the dish. Insert the pointed end of the thermometer into the thickest of the meats. Do not let the tip touch the surface of the grill, then wait for the thermometer to read the temperature.
In general, a temperature of 55°C means the meat is in the delicious medium rare category. Different readings will give different levels of maturity. Be careful not to remove the meat from the grill when the temperature has not reached 50 °C or less because raw meat is not safe to eat. Here are the temperature estimates for different levels of meat doneness:
- 50 °C: Rare (raw)
- 55°C: Medium rare (half raw)
- 60 °C: Medium (medium)
- 65 °C: Medium well (half cooked)
- 70 °C: Well done

Step 7. Check for doneness by slicing the meat, if there is no thermometer
As a general rule of thumb, the pinker the inside of the coconut milk, the rawer the meat will be. Slice the thick flesh to check the inside. If the inside is tougher than the outside, has a bright pink color, and/or contains an opaque liquid, then you should continue baking. On the other hand, if the outer edges of the meat are already a brownish-gray color, and the inside is a bright pink color with clear flesh, then you can eat it!
If you want the beef well-done, roast the meat until it's all pink or brownish-gray. Keep in mind that coconut milk is naturally a bit tough, and if you bake it to a well-done level, the meat will become tougher. Sancan is usually not cooked until it reaches this stage
Part 3 of 3: Serving Meat

Step 1. Use clean plates and silver cutlery to serve the sancan
Once removed from the grill, do not let the meat touch the plate or cutlery you used to place the meat while it is still raw. Use new serving utensils or wash old utensils with soap and water before you reuse them.
This prevents cross-contamination, which is the transfer of bacteria from raw meat to cooked meat through unclean kitchen utensils. If ingested, these bacteria can make you very sick

Step 2. Wrap the meat in aluminum foil and leave it for 10 to 15 minutes
When transferring the scallops from the grill to a cutting board, plate, or other serving surface, don't cut them right away. However, let the meat sit for about 10 to 15 minutes. If you cut it right away, the liquid in the meat will drain out, which makes it less juicy and flavorful. On the other hand, if left for the recommended amount of time, the muscle fibers of the meat will have time to absorb the moisture. This makes the coconut milk softer and moister.
- Since coconut milk is inherently tougher, it's important to let it sit for a while so that the meat becomes tender before you eat it.
- To keep the meat warm when you leave it, wrap it in aluminum foil in a tent-like shape. The aluminum foil will retain the heat on the inside of the meat, which will keep the steak warm even after removing it from the grill and letting it sit.

Step 3. Cut the meat against the grain
Once left in the foil, place the baked beans on a cutting board. Check the scan for the direction of the muscle fibers. The fibers are in the form of thin lines that extend in one direction on the surface of the scanned. Use a sharp knife to cut the scallion diagonally into thin slices against the grain. In other words, cut the scallops at right angles to the lines on the surface of the meat.
This action makes the meat more tender. The main reason that makes coconut milk naturally clayey is that the muscle fibers are often used and strong. Cutting the meat against the grain will cut the muscle fibers, which will release their grip on the meat and make it more tender

Step 4. Season the coconut milk with salt and pepper, and enjoy
Congratulations, your delicious sancan is ready to be enjoyed. At this point, you may want to season it with salt and pepper, or garnish it with whatever ingredients you want, although the coconut milk is still delicious when eaten as is. Enjoy your roast!