Generally, people's faces turn red when they feel stressed or embarrassed, mainly because these two conditions encourage the sympathetic nervous system to dilate the blood vessels in the face. As a result, the blood flow in the face will increase and make the color look redder than usual. For some, unfortunately, the situation will only exacerbate their embarrassment. Do you feel that way too? Come on, read this article to find tips to overcome it!
Method 1 of 3: Prevent Red Face

Step 1. Prepare yourself
In fact, a person's face can turn red at inopportune times, such as when the person is having a very important presentation or chat. To prevent this from happening, increase your preparedness and confidence. This way, your chances of stuttering, which will automatically make you blush, will drastically decrease. Prepare yourself well before participating in an important event so that you are prepared for all possible scenarios.
For example, if tomorrow you have to make an important presentation, do the various things necessary to prepare well. One of them is improving your management skills! In other words, make sure you have prepared all the materials needed for the presentation, such as notes, visual aids, etc. In addition, make sure you also practice the things that will be presented as much as needed so you can feel confident with the material that will be presented. Practice in front of the people closest to you, and don't forget to show good posture

Step 2. Boost your confidence
In fact, important moments don't just exist in your professional life. In other words, your personal and social life is filled with awkward moments that might make you blush! That's why, your confidence in various social situations should be increased to reduce the awkwardness that may occur. Love how you look before you step out of the house and say positive words to your reflection in the mirror! If you believe that your appearance and feelings on that day are positive, then others will notice the same aura. That confidence is the perfect method of preventing embarrassment in any situation!
Dating is an example of a social situation that commonly makes the faces of the parties in it turn red. To reduce the risk, try to relax before a date. For example, call your friends for support, listen to relaxing music, and think of interesting topics just in case the conversation gets boring. Once you've prepared yourself and know that you can handle all possible situations well, move on with confidence

Step 3. Relax your body
Managing stress levels is a very useful step to reduce the tendency to blush. The more anxious you feel, the redder your face will be. Therefore, try to stay relaxed, especially when faced with situations that require you not to blush. For example, apply this method when you're asking your boss for a raise to make your posture appear more confident.
There are many ways you can relax your body and mind, such as taking deep breaths, meditating, or simply thinking about positive things. All of which can help you feel calmer and more confident! Therefore, do not hesitate to practice these various relaxation techniques to maximize the results

Step 4. Cool your body
One of the most common causes of facial flushing is an increase in body temperature. This means that your facial skin may turn red if your internal body temperature is too warm. That's why you should always take time to "cool down" your body and mind by sipping a few sips of cold water or standing in front of a fan.

Step 5. Control your thoughts
Often times, a flushed face is caused by excessive nervousness. Not infrequently, this nervousness is rooted in the fear of blushing in public. To break this vicious chain, try doing simple self-hypnosis to change the way you think. When the state of the body and mind are relaxed, try to imagine a situation when your face is red. Then, accept the picture gracefully. Practice this technique until you can accept the reddening of your face easily and sincerely. You should soon notice that the frequency of blushing will decrease!
If you're avidly practicing yoga or doing other meditative practices, take advantage of these activities to hypnotize yourself

Step 6. Avoid the trigger
When the face turns red again, try to observe the situation that is surrounding you. Are you under stress? Does the temperature around you feel too warm? Understand your personal triggers to find out how to avoid them! For some, stress is the most obvious trigger. However, for others, the trigger for their blushing is actually sunlight or too spicy food.

Step 7. Embrace your condition
Instead of avoiding blushing, why not try to view it as a positive thing? In fact, many people view blushing as an adorable reaction, you know! Some people even claim to find it easier to trust people who blush quickly. Also, people are less likely to confront someone who is blushing. As a result, these conditions can save you from an unpleasant argument, right?
Method 2 of 3: Overcome a Reddened Face

Step 1. Put on makeup
Be happy because this condition can actually be used as an excuse to add to your makeup collection! In fact, using cosmetics is one of the easiest ways to disguise a red face. First of all, use a primer to make sure the rest of the makeup sticks well to the skin. Then, put on a foundation that matches your skin tone. Don't wear products that are too heavy so you don't look bad! Instead, choose products that are light but have good pigmentation for a smoother and more natural result.
This is the perfect time to seek help from the experts in the cosmetic world! Visit the nearest convenience store and visit the area that sells cosmetics. Then, ask the seller to help you try several makeup options until you find a foundation or concealer that matches your skin tone

Step 2. Consult the various treatment options you have
If your condition is caused by social anxiety disorder, your doctor will likely be able to help with it. For example, your doctor may prescribe medication to relieve a mild anxiety disorder, which will automatically reduce the tendency for your face to turn red. Often, these drugs are from the beta blocker or SSRI class. Try consulting these options with your doctor!

Step 3. Consider therapy
Seeing a therapist is the perfect way to deal with an anxiety disorder that's weighing you down! If you notice that your flushed face is caused by stress, try therapy to manage the underlying cause. A professional therapist can help identify triggers and recommend effective methods to avoid them and even more confidently respond to them.
Drugs are only able to disguise the symptoms, not eliminate them. That's why, sometimes a therapeutic process is needed to get to the root of the problem

Step 4. Treat yourself well
Treating a flushed face may be a long process for you. As the process goes on, try to let go of the pressure that is weighing you down little by little. Remember, blushing is a common reaction and, as such, is experienced by many people. The less you worry about it, the lower the chances of it happening!

Step 5. Consider having an operative procedure
Remember, surgery is the last step that should only be done in very extreme cases. Today, surgical procedures are proven to be able to help reduce a person's tendency to drastically redden, you know. Generally, the type of surgery recommended by doctors is endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy. In this procedure, the doctor will cut the nerves that trigger the dilation of blood vessels in the face and make it easy to blush. However, as with any surgical procedure, there are some risks or side effects that you should discuss with the office first.
Method 3 of 3: Understanding the Cause

Step 1. Learn to deal with unwanted attention
In fact, understanding the reason behind blushing will help you to find the most effective countermeasures. For many people, the most common reason for blushing is when they are the center of attention when they don't want to. This situation can make even the most confident people feel embarrassed, you know!

Step 2. Try not to react nervously to a flushed face
The bigger your worry, the redder your face will be. In fact, this condition is the biggest cause of someone's face turning red, you know! Therefore, try to focus on things beyond your fear of blushing. The more you ignore the thought, the less likely it is to materialize.

Step 3. Overcome the anxiety you are experiencing
Generally, anxiety is the biggest reason a person's face turns red, especially since it can trigger a variety of negative physical and mental reactions. In other words, your blushing may actually be a symptom of a larger psychological problem, such as an anxiety disorder, social phobia, or an unfounded fear of blushing. Make sure you seek psychological treatment for this problem.

Step 4. Address the underlying medical condition for your flushing
In some cases, a flushed face can also be caused by a physical disorder, rather than a psychological one. One of the causes that is widely known is rosacea, which is a disease that makes the skin red and inflamed. Don't worry, your doctor can recommend the right treatment method if you experience this condition! In addition, another medical condition that may be the cause is menopause.

Step 5. Realize that this reaction is completely normal
As you try to understand the reason behind your blushing, keep in mind that you are not alone. In fact, some people must have felt so embarrassed that their faces turned red! Therefore, it is very likely that the people around you will not judge a condition that is actually common to most humans.
- Understand that blushing is a very natural reaction to make in many situations.
- Continue to drink water if your facial skin condition is not normal. Believe me, hydrating the body properly is effective in controlling your body's internal temperature
- Try to deal with a flushed face calmly. If necessary, lower your head, close your eyes, and take a deep breath. Try to focus your mind on things beyond your shyness! Remember, a flushed face is actually a subconscious human reaction to stress. In other words, one of the triggers is "uncertainty" about the end of the situation that is happening to you.