Many students feel anxious when entering the exam room and are increasingly uneasy when the exam supervisor distributes the question sheets while explaining that the time available to answer questions is only 1.5 hours. If you want to know how to take the exam quietly, read on!
Part 1 of 3: Preparing for the Exam

Step 1. Prepare yourself as best you can
Many students feel ready to take the exam, even though they have not prepared well. Unfortunately, they only realized this at the last minute. If you often experience the same thing, start improving the way you study or study harder. Establish a new study routine and don't forget to schedule other activities. Take breaks every now and then because you will have a hard time focusing if you study for too long. Read the wikiHow to find out how to study well.

Step 2. Get enough sleep on the night before the test and consume it healthy food when you wake up in the morning
Don't stay up late because you want to study for the exam tomorrow morning. You'll have a hard time remembering the material you've "studyed" all night if you're too tired while working on the exam questions.

Step 3. Bring all the necessary equipment, such as spare stationery, ruler, calculator, etc., unless provided
Part 2 of 3: Ahead of the Exam

Step 1. Take the time to walk to the test site
Mild exercise keeps you calm when dealing with stressful situations. Before entering the exam room, set aside a few minutes for a brisk walk or jumping jack.

Step 2. Arrive at the exam venue early
In addition to having the opportunity to choose your favorite seat, you'll feel more relaxed if you arrive a few minutes before the exam and won't be late.
Part 3 of 3: Taking the Exam

Step 1. Breathe deeply
Before the test begins, take a deep breath slowly through your nose, hold your breath for 3-4 seconds and then exhale slowly and steadily through your mouth. Repeat a few breaths until you feel calmer. Practice this breathing technique if you panic during the exam.

Step 2. Tell yourself that this is just a test
Remind yourself that no matter what happens, everything will be fine.

Step 3. Cope with anxiety
Try to deal with nervousness during the exam so you can remember what you've learned and not panic. Behave positive. If you think: “I can't pass the exam”, you are sure to fail! You can pass the exam if you have confidence that you can answer the questions well!
- Find a comfortable place to set foot. Walking to the exam room sometimes makes the legs feel tired. Doing exam questions with your feet on the floor makes you feel more comfortable and relaxed.
- Contract the muscles and then relax them again. Firmly clench your palms and release them slowly while enjoying the flow of relaxation in your arms. The sensation of relief that you feel can give you enthusiasm and a sense of comfort.

Step 4. Read the questions carefully
Try to understand each question word for word and what you have to do by reading the questions slowly. Breathe deeply while singing a quiet song to yourself or mentally saying motivational words. Carefully consider each answer choice and then choose the most appropriate one or write an answer after you are sure. The chances of answering correctly will be greater if you work carefully and don't rush. This way, you will feel calmer because you have a greater chance of graduating.

Step 5. Skip the unanswered questions first
Don't waste time on just one exam question. If you're having trouble, answer the next question and don't feel pressured. Remember that test scores are not determined by a single question. Skip the question first to work on after you've answered the other questions. Sometimes, you can answer easily when you go back to working on the questions you skipped.

Step 6. Imagine that you are alone in the exam room
Don't panic if other students write very fast or have submitted their answer sheets early. Pay attention to how much time is available and do the best you can. Don't be in a hurry because you want to finish as soon as possible because the exam is not a competition.

Step 7. Take a break
If the teacher often reminds students to work quietly, it's a good idea to take some time to calm down. After answering the 5 questions, take a break of about 5 minutes, for example by taking deep breaths, massaging your shoulders, or some other way that makes you feel calmer.
- If there are questions that are difficult to answer, underline important words or numbers to make them easier to understand. Take notes as a tool. Write down the results of the addition or calculation that you get. Sometimes it is necessary to answer certain questions to answer other questions. If the value of each question is different, prioritize answering the question with the greater value. If the question is not answered, remember that an easier question with a lower score will still add value.
- Experiencing stress during exams is common and experienced by many! However, there is no point in panicking while taking the exam. Calm yourself down by taking a break. After that, continue working to get the best value.
- If you have to answer a multiple choice question and don't know the correct answer, just guess. Instead of being left blank and definitely wrong, your choice may be right. Think positively. After receiving the question sheet, read the questions carefully and answer the questions as best you can. When you're done, check your answers until the exam time is up. Do not submit answer sheets before checking!
- Breathe calmly and regularly. Taking deep breaths is a powerful way to deal with stress. Inhale deeply for a count of 4 then exhale for a count of 4. Do a few breaths until you feel calmer. All students experienced the same situation. Start studying a few days before the exam because you can't memorize if you just started studying the day before.
- Remind yourself to try to get the best grades. If you have studied diligently and prepared yourself as well as possible before the exam, it means that you have done your best. Don't think about the past. Instead, think about and focus on what you have to do when you take the exam. Remember that exams are held to test material you already understand, not what you don't know. So, learn to the best of your ability and don't push yourself. You just need to think and study as usual. Don't be too careful. Listen to your heart.
- Form a positive mindset. Before taking the exam, say to yourself: “I will definitely pass!” Visualize you will experience good and positive things. Do not be disappointed if the value you get is not satisfactory. Remind yourself to study harder before taking the next exam. Be a confident person. Whatever the outcome, remember that this is just a test. If you're feeling depressed, imagine things that make you smile or laugh. Don't overthink so you can stay focused. Answer the exam questions as best you can for your own sake, not for anyone else's.
- Don't forget to take a break when you study long enough to get your brain ready to store information. Don't drink coffee in the morning before the test. Caffeine is beneficial if taken before a test because it keeps you awake. However, caffeine also triggers feelings of restlessness and nervousness.
- Remember that you can always use a better way. Focus on the exam questions to show that you know what to do. That way, you will still get a score, even if your answer is wrong.
- Be positive by telling yourself: “I can do it!” When you tell yourself that you are capable, this is what will happen. Likewise if you believe that you are not capable. Don't think about things that trigger stress while taking the exam and work calmly. Ask your proctor if you can take the exam while listening to music that makes you feel like you've accomplished something.
- Ask the teacher if you can read the past test sheet. By reading the instructions provided, you can estimate how long the exam will take, the number of questions, the level of difficulty, and the order of the exam so that you can prepare as well as possible. However, be prepared if your request is rejected. Exams are not held so that all students get the highest score.
- Difficulty answering exam questions sometimes makes students want to cheat. Dishonesty when taking state exams or university final exams will result in students being given a 0 and subject to sanctions, such as expulsion from school.
- Severe anxiety is a medical problem and should be consulted with a doctor.