Having a personal signature is like having a personality extension that other people can see. If you're interested in perfecting your handwritten signature, or creating an electronic signature for your blog or website, or adding your signature to emails, follow the steps below.
Method 1 of 3: Writing a Signature

Step 1. Define the contents of the signature
If you look at the signatures of thousands of different people, you may notice that they are not only very different in form, but also in different content. Some people wrote their full name, some only their first name, and some only wrote their initials. Start by deciding which parts you want to include in your signature.
- If you're concerned about the possibility of a forged signature, it might be a good idea to have your signature a bit longer and easier to read, include your first and last name, and write it clearly. It's a lot easier to fake a signature in scribble like scribbles than it is to copy every subtle difference from an easy-to-read signature.
- A signature containing only the initials of the name, with or without the initials of the middle name, is generally considered more formal and appropriate for business purposes than a signature with a full name.
- Sometimes, people who don't like their own first name will not write down the first name and sign with only the last name, or they may include the first name with the initials only.

Step 2. Write your signature
Before you start using the signature, try writing it down over and over again. In the process of remaking the signature, you may automatically add touches and details in certain parts. Writing down your signature will help you analyze where you want to add or subtract, and what could be improved.
- Determine the nature of the written signature. Do you like the slope, size, and shape of certain letters? Keep these things in mind so you can recreate them when you change your signature.
- Pay attention to handwriting size. Research shows that people who have very small signatures tend to be ignored, while people who have very large signatures are usually arrogant people. Try to keep the name on the signature an average size, according to the normal size of your writing.

Step 3. Determine the legibility of the desired signature
Before using a signature, it is recommended that you determine the legibility of the signature to a certain degree. Some people's signatures are as clear as their writing, while others' signatures look like scribbles or scribbles and are completely unreadable. While you want a signature that is difficult to imitate, which is also likely to be difficult to read, you also want to maintain personality and avoid a messy signature.
- To make your signature more difficult to read, you can increase the spacing between letters, or shorten the height of the letters and expand the text.
- If you don't want your signature to be easy to read, omit some letters or use poor handwriting. This kind of method is inappropriate and the result will also not make the signature look good.

Step 4. Start changing the signature
On a piece of paper, practice writing your signature in a variety of ways, experimenting with any changes you want to make. Start with small changes, and work your way up to making big changes in the way you write your signature, rather than writing a whole new signature right away. There are several change options, which include:
- Increase in the size of capital letters in names.
- The addition of touches at the end of the letters, especially the letters T, Y, E, and G.
- Changing the shape of round or oval letters, especially the letters O, U, C, R, B, and P.
- Incorporation of elements of calligraphy and traditional italics in the signature.
- Use of underscores in parts of names.
- The addition of additional forms and decorative elements.

Step 5. Perfect the signature
When you've determined everything you want to add to or remove from your current signature, start incorporating every aspect of it into your handwriting. Don't make major changes to your signature right away, as it will feel unnatural and you may forget some of the changes you had planned. Instead, slowly add and remove some elements of the signature over a few weeks until you have created a personal signature.
- Practice writing your signature every day to help smooth the process.
- Consistency is a key element in changing signatures. If you can't keep the signature relatively the same each time you write it, we recommend that you limit the number of changes you make.
- When in doubt, less is better. Even if you want a fairly complex signature, it probably won't happen for the first few months. Try to keep it simple, and add details over time.
Method 2 of 3: Creating a Signature for Email

Step 1. Define the contents of the signature
Unlike a written or blog signature, an email signature is not meant to mimic the appearance of your actual written signature, but rather to add a bit of personal information at the end of every email you send. Generally this signature includes the full name, contact information, and an address for the letter. Avoid writing personal information, slogans, or quote words in your email signature.

Step 2. Create a signature in Outlook
If you have Microsoft Outlook, you can easily create a signature for your email. To create a signature in Outlook, open the program and perform the following steps:
- Open the Tools menu, then select Options, then choose Mail Format.
- Click the Signatures button, which is about the bottom half of the dialog box.
- Fill in your signature information. When finished, click Ok, then Ok again in the previous box.

Step 3. Create a signature in Gmail
To create a signature on your Gmail account, open your email and follow these instructions:
- In the upper right corner of the screen, click the gear icon, then scroll and click Settings.
- Look for the Signature section in the settings section, and select it.
- Fill in the signature information, and click Save Changes at the bottom to save it.

Step 4. Create a signature on Hotmail
If you're interested in creating a signature for your Hotmail emails, open the account and follow these steps:
- Click the gear icon at the top left corner, and scroll down to select the More Mail Settings button.
- Look for the Message Font and Signature button, and select it.
- Fill in the signature the way you want it to appear in the email, then press Save.

Step 5. Create a signature in Yahoo Mail
Log into your Yahoo email account, and follow these instructions to create a personal signature:
- In the upper right corner, select the Options button, then find the Mail Options button and select it.
- Look for the Signature button on the left side of the page, and select it.
- Add a signature as you wish, and select the "Show a signature on all outgoing mail" button to have it automatically sent by email.
- Save the signature by selecting the Ok button.
Method 3 of 3: Creating a Signature for the Blog

Step 1. Use an online signature generator tool
With the recent surge in blogging, there has also been a surge in support for blogging, including the creation of personal blog signatures. If you don't want an actual signature to appear online or don't have any graphic design skills, you can visit a website that will generate dozens of signature options for you. Just visit a signature creation site like Signature Maker or Sign Now, and follow the step-by-step instructions for creating an electronic signature.

Step 2. Make the signature as an image
If you have a talent for graphic design, use your talent to use and create a personal signature for your blog in a photo editing program or graphic design program. Use the different typefaces available in the program, or try drawing a signature electronically. This signature can be saved as an image, and uploaded at the end of each blog post of a certain size.

Step 3. Scan a signature version of the handwriting
While you may not want your actual signature to circulate online, you can draw an interesting version of your signature on paper and scan it into your computer. This signature can then be downloaded to image editing software on a computer, edited for clarity, and then uploaded as an image to your blog.
Some mobile phones offer application programs that can take a scanner-like image for your blog or save it to a computer

Step 4. Add signature automatically to posts on blogs
If you don't want to manually add your signature at the end of every blog post, you can add code that will do it for you. Use the copy and paste method: in the writing template for your blog.
- Look at other people's signatures, and try to get an idea of their signatures. For example, Walt Disney has a very unique letter D. John Hancock or Queen Elizabeth has a decorative personal signature.
Under United States law, any sign you include in your signature, even if it's just an "X", is your legal signature. The signature can be anything, it doesn't even have to consist of Roman letters. However, to keep your signature from being disputed by bureaucratic officials who like to meddle in other people's business, it's best not to create a signature that is too complex, such as a three-part zigzag sign at the bottom of the signature.
- For example, if you apply for a new driver's license, and you use a zigzag or laughing face symbol, the service officer may tell you that the government does not recognize such a sign or symbol and you will be asked to change it.
- The government can make its own regulations as it deems necessary, so try to keep your signature simple, and try to avoid unnecessary additions.
- Changing your signature too drastically and too often can make it difficult for you to access things, such as bank accounts.
- Having a signature that is too complex and difficult to copy quickly may cause you to have a hard time ascertaining your identity.
- Make sure the personal signature matches the signature on your Identity Card.
- Using nicknames and gel pens can look attractive when used to sign personal things such as cards and yearbooks, but this is usually not allowed when used to sign legal matters, such as a contract..