Varial kickflip technique combines pop shove it and kickflip. That is, the back foot is still used to pop the board as in the pop shove it, with the difference that the board flips over instead of twisting before being caught. If you're good at pop shove it and kickflips, you shouldn't have too much trouble learning the kickflip. See Step 1 to get started.

Step 1. Gain momentum
You need speed, but not too much for a good landing. On the other hand, the trick is impossible if the speed is low (the board will go too far or the spin will not be enough). If it's your first time trying this trick, start from a standing position before moving on to the next steps.

Step 2. Position your feet correctly
Place the back foot on the tail topside of the board, as in a pop shove it. The front foot is placed on the heel of the board, near the front bolt. If you're a beginner and want a less wobbly position, you can move the front foot a little closer to the back foot. Before you do the trick, make sure you're comfortable enough on the board to pop shove it and kickflip. This trick is not for beginner skaters.
To get a faster turn, slide the front foot forward

Step 3. Bow down
Bend your knees and move your hands near them to lower your center of gravity. keep your shoulders in line with the plank so they can be controlled. Remember, you need to jump high enough and stay in the air long enough for the board to flip over completely. Therefore, bend your knees like springs to make your jump high.
Don't bend too much because you won't be tall enough to be on the board

Step 4. Pop the board with your left foot
Just like pop shove it, use your back foot to pop the board straight down, pushing it slightly so that the board rotates. Don't pop the tail like the ollie, because the board will go in a different direction.

Step 5. Tap the heelside of the board with the front foot
This will turn the board upside down. Remember, this part has to be done very quickly, almost as fast as a pop on the tail of the board. Let's just say you're kicking it lightly and slowly without kicking the board too hard. Try flicking the plank with your forefoot just as you would a kickflip.

Step 6. Maintain height above the board
You have to jump as high as possible to give the board enough time to flip over. Raise your arms along with your entire body so that you are still floating until the board is finished flipping over, and make sure to continue following the plank from above.
Keep an eye on your ankles. The spinning plank can hit the ankles if the jump isn't high enough

Step 7. Capture the board
Wait until the board finishes turning and is at peak height before being caught with your feet. Get your forefoot ready to catch the board like a pop shove it, placing it on the board when the spin is complete. Land both feet on the plank truck, with the back foot near the tail and the front foot near the nose of the board. Bend your knees to maintain balance and absorb the shock of landing. The movement is the same as the board catch on pop shove it.
Land on both feet evenly. If you land too hard on the tail, the board may flip over

Step 8. Continue gliding
Keep your balance on the plank, and your hands at your sides for a good glide after landing.

Step 9. Ala can because ordinary
If you're having a hard time learning this trick, perfect the kickflip and pop shove it tricks first, then combine the two. Choose an appropriate level of glide speed to be able to perform this trick easily. Don't be discouraged if you fail. Ssalkan practice continues, over time you will be able to.
If you think you're good at this trick, try doing a 360 shove it with this trick (the board rotates 360 degrees while it's upside down)
- This trick can be learned quickly and is quite simple to do. It is perfect to amaze the audience.
- If this trick doesn't work after days, study pop shove-it and kickflip separately.
- You don't need to know how to pop shove it and kickflip before putting the two together.
- Don't stoop too deep or lean too high, because the jump won't be high enough.
- Watch your ankles. a rotating board can hurt your lower leg.
- Like a pop shove-it, landing on one foot can throw the other foot off your board.
- If you land too hard on the tail of the board, the board may fly off and hit you in the face. Be careful!