Acid reflux occurs when the stomach cannot close and acid flows back into the esophagus, which irritates its lining and, as a result, causes acid reflux. One of the best ways to prevent this from happening is to elevate the bed, either with a bed riser or a therapeutic pillow, both of which will be discussed here. Begin with Step 1 below to relieve pain from acid reflux.
Part 1 of 4: Raising the Bed Effectively

Step 1. Choose a material to elevate the bed
The material used to elevate the head of the bed must be chosen carefully. Instead, use a therapy pillow or bed riser (of any material). This tool can be used so that you can consistently apply the ideal bed height every day. The three main options you can choose from include:
- The easiest way is to place a block of cement, books, or bricks under the foot of the bed near your head.
- If that's not your thing, buy a wooden or plastic bed riser that is used to support the legs or the bed post. You can also purchase "mattress supports" that can be placed between the mattress and the crib, or on top of the mattress under the sheets.
- Alternatively, you can use a therapy pillow that resembles a raised bed. The shape is true to its name: a hard pillow that looks like a wedge. However, this pillow can cause neck pain.

Step 2. Raise your bed to the correct height
The height of the bed must be measured carefully. Most studies show that the ideal height for raising the head of the bed is at least 15 to 20 cm. This altitude has been medically proven to prevent acid reflux when you lie down.
- In fact, the higher the position, the better. However, you should still be able to sleep comfortably. The ideal bed height for most people is 15 to 20 cm.
- Using a prop pillow keeps you in a secure position when sleeping and can prevent your body from slipping down. Apart from the possibility of neck pain, using this pillow is really as effective as elevating the bed. People tend to slip down when they use regular pillows, and these cushions keep you elevated throughout the night.

Step 3. Elevate your shoulder blades too
The junction between the stomach and the esophagus is roughly at the bottom of the shoulder blade. Therefore, you should also elevate your shoulder blades to prevent acid reflux from occurring.
If you don't elevate your body, you may not only experience acid reflux, but your sleep will also be uncomfortable because your neck and back will hurt

Step 4. Never use multiple pillows to elevate the head of the bed
Pillows that are stacked can make the position of the head is in an angle that presses the stomach. This can worsen acid reflux and make the condition worse.
Do not use a regular pillow when sleeping because it can put additional pressure on the stomach, which will push the stomach contents up. You are also less likely to slip down, so that your goals are not met

Step 5. Understand why this action works
Acid reflux is more common when you're lying down, because gravity won't fight the reflux like when you're upright. This reduced effect of gravity also makes the acid content stay in the feeding tube and can easily flow into the mouth.
Elevating the head drastically reduces contact with the acid-containing lining of the feeding tube. Sleep disturbances in patients will also be reduced
Part 2 of 4: Preventing Acid Reflux

Step 1. Do not eat food before bed
If you keep doing it, all your efforts will be in vain! Go to bed with a dry or empty stomach. Do not eat food within 3 hours of bedtime and do not drink 2 hours before bedtime. If you do, acid reflux will most likely occur.
Also, don't lie down after eating. Wait at least 3 hours after eating before you lie down for the food to digest first. It also gives the body a chance to empty the stomach

Step 2. Don't eat fatty foods
Fatty foods, such as fried foods and fast food, stay in the stomach longer and are usually too heavy and difficult to digest. The longer the food stays and the more content there is at the junction between the stomach and the feeding tube, the more likely acid reflux occurs.
- Chocolate is high in caffeine and fat, and this also has a negative effect on acid reflux. Chocolate also contains a lot of cocoa which encourages the body to produce more acid in the stomach and acid reflux.
- Some ingredients that can trigger acid reflux include: tomato sauce, fried foods, garlic, alcohol, and onions.

Step 3. Chew gum
Saliva production can be increased by chewing gum, and this is nature's gift to acid reflux sufferers. If you know you're going to eat something you shouldn't eat, bring a pack of gum with you to offset any complications.
However, be careful not to go for the mint flavor. Mint promotes acid reflux by temporarily relaxing muscle valves and increasing acid production in the stomach

Step 4. Wear loose clothing
The stomach will be compressed if you wear tight clothes. This adds pressure to the stomach area which pushes stomach acid into the esophagus, resulting in acid reflux.
If you eat heavy meals or eat foods that are known to trigger acid reflux, make sure you don't wear tight clothing (including underwear) that could make your problem worse

Step 5. Avoid orange juice and coffee
Coffee keeps people energized because it introduces caffeine into the body's system. Caffeine will also stimulate the production of acid in the stomach. Excessive acid production makes it easy for stomach contents to flow back. You should avoid anything that can help produce acid (such as orange juice).
- Orange juice and other drinks derived from oranges are high in vitamin C or ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid can increase acid levels in the stomach and encourage acid reflux.
- Soda drinks and teas that contain caffeine should also be avoided so that acid production in the stomach is reduced.

Step 6. Do more physical activity
Physical activity will relieve the symptoms of acid reflux because it reduces the pressure on the stomach. The key is to do 30 minutes of physical activity a day. The amount of time 30 minutes can be divided into several sessions. For example, you can go for a 10-minute walk three times a day.
Walking for 30 minutes a day can help speed up fat loss. If you are bored with walking, you can do other activities such as gardening, walking with pets, swimming, and walking to the shopping center

Step 7. Watch your weight
People who are obese or overweight often complain about acid reflux because excess fat in the stomach puts pressure on the stomach. This can increase the pressure in the stomach and force the contents to flow back into the feeding tube. In order to reduce acid reflux, you should lose weight.
In addition to losing weight, not overeating will also reduce the chances of acid reflux. Eat more often but in small portions to maintain the desired weight and so that the stomach is not overloaded

Step 8. Quit smoking
Smoking is known to trigger acid reflux. Over time, this can cause severe injury and lead to esophageal cancer. Quit smoking now and feel the difference in your body.
There are many reasons why you should quit smoking, apart from reducing acid reflux. If you stop, you will also reduce your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other cancers. Your hair, nails, skin and teeth will also change for the better
Part 3 of 4: Treating It Medically

Step 1. Try taking an antacid
Like aluminum hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide (in liquid form), antacids neutralize the acid content in the feeding tube and stomach. You will feel a cooling and soothing sensation as this fluid passes through your esophagus.
- The daily dose you can take is usually 2 to 4 teaspoons (10 to 20 ml) taken 4 times a day. Should be taken 20 minutes to an hour after eating.
- Side effects that may arise from the use of antacids are constipation or diarrhea.

Step 2. Try taking a Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI)
PPIs are the best drugs for treating acid reflux. The way it works is by shutting down the pump that produces hydrogen, an important acid component in the stomach. The production of a little hydrogen will reduce the level of irritation in the esophagus. For maximum effect, you should take a PPI at least 30 minutes before breakfast.
Daily doses for some PPIs include:
Omeprazole 20 mg once a day
Lansoprazole 30 mg once a day
Pantoprazole 40 mg once a day
Esomeprazole 40 mg once a day
Rabeprazole 20 mg once a day
- PPIs can cause side effects such as stomach upset, headache, and the urge to vomit.

Step 3. Try taking an H2 receptor blocker
The only purpose of H2 receptors in the stomach is to produce acid. H2 receptor blockers act as antagonists to acid production. Here are some alternatives to PPIs that your doctor may suggest.
Daily doses for some types of H2 receptor blockers include:
Cimetidine 300 mg four times a day
Ranitidine 150 mg twice a day
Famotidine 20 mg twice a day
Nizatidine 150 mg twice a day
- H2 receptor blockers can cause side effects such as constipation, headache, and diarrhea.

Step 4. Go to the doctor if you want to get expert advice
Medical therapy is a useful addition to home remedies to reduce acid reflux. The drugs will work by neutralizing the acid and stopping the production of acid. In addition to antacids (you can find them at the grocery store or pharmacy), your doctor will know which drug option is best for you.
Acid is an important component that is useful for stomach immunity and is used in the digestive process. Medical therapy that is too long can interfere with the digestive system. Taking medicines for more than 4 weeks should always be under the supervision of a doctor
Part 4 of 4: Understanding Acid Reflux

Step 1. Understand that you are not alone
Acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a complaint that is often experienced by many people. Recent research in the US shows that 7% of the population complains about acid reflux on a daily basis. In fact, 15% of people experience these symptoms at least once a week.
There is still hope. The number of sufferers will be much reduced if given adequate treatment. Many people are willing to go to great lengths to take action. In fact, acid reflux sufferers are 50% higher in the past ten years

Step 2. Understand what's going on in your body
The esophagus is a feeding tube that connects the mouth to the stomach. In order for the body to absorb, the food will be mixed with acid in the stomach. This is where the term "acid" is used in "acid reflux".
- Under normal conditions, the contents of the stomach will descend into the intestine when it is ready to be digested. Two valves (made of muscle) at the top and bottom of the feeding tube prevent acid from flowing back from the stomach into the feeding tube and mouth.
- Acid reflux occurs due to the weakness of the muscular valve at the junction between the feeding tube and the stomach. The acid from the gastric juices and the food mixture irritates the feeding tube. Severe reflux causes acid to rise up into the mouth.

Step 3. Know the risk factors
Some things that happen in life can pose a risk or result in acid reflux. Some of these factors include:
- Pregnancy. The raised uterus will shift the stomach and other stomach contents up and back. As a result, this condition can trigger acid reflux.
- Smoking. Smoking increases acid levels in the stomach. In addition, smoking weakens the valve muscles that are used to prevent acid from reaching the feeding tube.
- Obesity. Excess fat in the stomach will press the stomach and increase the pressure in it. The acid content will find its way back into the feeding tube after the gastric pressure on the inside is too high.
- Tight clothes. The narrowed area of the stomach increases the pressure in the stomach and causes the stomach contents to flow back.
- Heavy meal. The upper stomach will stretch to accommodate large amounts of food. Therefore, a lot of acid content is at the junction between the stomach and the feeding tube.
- Lie on your back. Lying on your back, especially after eating, will shift the stomach contents closer to the junction between the stomach and the feeding tube.
- Diabetes. Untreated diabetes damages nerves, including the vagus nerve, which is the nerve responsible for the stomach and intestines.

Step 4. Know the nature of the symptoms
Some people are not even aware that they have acid reflux. Some of the symptoms are:
- Heartburn. Heartburn is a burning sensation in the center of the chest. The sensation often occurs in this area because the feeding tube is below the heart.
- Excessive saliva production. The body reacts to acid reflux by encouraging the salivary glands to increase production. Saliva is a natural defense against acid.
- Frequent clearing of the throat. Clearing the throat will strengthen the closure of the muscular valve in the feeding tube. As a result, the mouth and feeding tube are protected from the backflow of acid.
- Mouth tastes bitter. If the condition is serious, acid reflux can reach the mouth. This can be a very traumatic experience due to the bitter taste in the mouth.
- Difficulty swallowing When acid reflux is severe enough to cause sores in the lining of the feeding tube, the sufferer will have difficulty swallowing. The wound will cause pain when food flows through the feeding tube.
- Tooth decay. Severe acid reflux that has reached the mouth on a more consistent basis can also damage teeth.
Acid reflux triggers are not just one food. It is recommended that patients have a food diary to serve as a reference on what foods can make this disorder worse
- The rapid development of a person having difficulty swallowing related to unintentional weight loss should seek immediate medical attention. There is a possibility This is a symptom of cancer.
- In those who are elderly, seek medical attention immediately if you have a heartburn attack. Heart attacks can take the form of heartburn in older people.