When you like someone, you want to be closer to them. Unfortunately, liking someone can also make you feel self-conscious about every little thing, and it's easy to blush over something as small as a hug. But hugs are a good thing and shouldn't be a source of anxiety.
Method 1 of 3: Hugging to Say Hello and Goodbye

Step 1. Smile and look him in the eye first
Hugs don't just happen suddenly. Give him friendly physical cues to let him know that you care, and that you want to be around him.

Step 2. Place your arms around her body
Where to put your arms is up to you, and depends on your height, your height, and your taste in cuddling. You may want to try a relaxing hug, if that feels right.
- If your arms are around his neck, gently run your fingers through the hair at the base of his neck.
- If your arm is around her body, gently caress her back.
- A hug from behind can also be a great way to hug a guy as a greeting when they meet. A hug like this says, "you are mine", so it should be reserved for someone who is close to you. Tuck your hands behind his arms from behind, and work them up to squeeze his shoulders tightly, bringing your body against his. Lay your face on his back or shoulder and hug him tightly but gently (this is a hug, not a wrestling lock technique).

Step 3. Hold for a moment
An important part of what separates a friendly and romantic hug is the amount of time spent in each other's arms. Take the time to enjoy how her body feels when it's pressed against yours. Take a deep breath, and let it out with a slight sigh.

Step 4. Squeeze and release
Make eye contact and smile again as you let go of the hug. If you especially feel like you're in the mood to show affection, you can squeeze your fingers together as you disengage, and give her a seductive look as you swing your arm just before releasing her.
A common way to signal the end of a hug is to give someone a quick pat or pat on the back
Method 2 of 3: Hug tenderly

Step 1. Make eye contact first
If the two of you are having an intimate moment, your eyes will tell you a lot about how you feel. Smile at him, and get close to your body.

Step 2. Pull her body closer to your body
If you guys are holding hands, you can pull it that way. You can also place your hands on his waist, or gently tug on his shirt.

Step 3. Wait
Let the anticipation awaken for a moment, with your body slightly touching his. Look at his face to know how he feels. You can hold his hand, or place your hand on his waist.

Step 4. Wrap your arms around his body tightly
Breathe, and relax on his body. You can rest your head on his chest or shoulder, or move your hands down to hold his hand. Stay in that position for a few moments to enjoy the closeness. Feel how he breathes. Listen to his heartbeat. Relax feeling the moment. Don't feel any pressure to talk-your body will speak for you.
It is up to you whether or not to rub his back with your hand. A gentle pat on the back can be nice, but if you want to comfort someone or make them feel safe, sometimes it's better to just give them a hug

Step 5. Take a deep breath and exhale when you are ready to end the hug
Gently squeeze his body, and back your body. Hold her hand as she lets go, and give her a slight squeeze before releasing the hug. Look her in the eye, and give her the most affectionate and trusting smile.
Method 3 of 3: Hugging Passionately

Step 1. Build the atmosphere first
A passionate hug should not happen suddenly. Tease him first. Make it clear that you are attracted to him.

Step 2. Look into her eyes and pull her body towards you
You can do this by holding his hand, wrapping your arm around his waist, or tugging at the front of his shirt. Pull his hips toward yours, run your back with your hands, and give him a sexy smile.

Step 3. Bring your body so that it is attached to his
Wrap your arms around his body and pull him even closer. Pay attention to the physical sensations that come from being close together. Breathe in his scent. Feel his arms around your body. Enjoy being yourself.

Step 4. Show him that you enjoy being around him
Run your hands through her hair, or run down her back. Make a soft, “hmmm” sound. If you enjoy the hug, he will be able to feel it.
A quick swipe on the back isn't sensual. Move your hand slowly, along his body

Step 5. Do what feels right
Maybe a hug is enough to fulfill your desire right now, maybe not. Often times a passionate hug leads you to something more, but it doesn't have to be.
- If you want to turn a hug into a kiss, tilt your body back to keep your hips together, look him in the eye, and just do it.
- If you want to end the hug, gently squeeze her body, and tilt your body back. Hold her hand as she releases, and give her a slight squeeze before releasing the hug. Look him in the eye, and give him a mischievous smile when he breaks free.
- The drastic difference in height can make cuddling a daunting process, but you shouldn't think too much about it. If you and the guy you're hugging are similar in height, rest your head on his shoulder. If he's significantly taller than you, rest your head on his chest. If you're taller than him, lower your head so that it's closer to his head, any body position that increases the level of body-to-body contact is fine, but be sure to avoid making him feel small by placing your chin on the top of his head.
- Don't think too much about hugging, let it happen naturally and don't talk.