3 Ways to Shape Your Abs

3 Ways to Shape Your Abs
3 Ways to Shape Your Abs

Table of contents:


Many theories of building abdominal muscles have changed in recent years. Instead of doing multiple crunches on the floor, trainers suggest combining proper diet, cardio and abdominal exercises. Learn more about how to work your abs by trying the exercises below.


Method 1 of 3: Abdominal Exercise Tips

Tone Your Abs Step 01
Tone Your Abs Step 01

Step 1. Make a plan to do 15 to 20 minutes of abdominal exercises plus other exercises 3 to 4 times a week

Tone Your Abs Step 02
Tone Your Abs Step 02

Step 2. Focus on the deep abs muscles, such as the transverse abdominis, rectus abdominis and internal/external oblique

Doing exercises that work the hip base is a good start to control the abdominal exercises that people often skip.

Tone Your Abs Step 03
Tone Your Abs Step 03

Step 3. Work your abs until they can't be trained anymore

Like strength training with weights, the best way to build muscle is to work it hard enough that it has to be rebuilt at rest.

Tone Your Abs Step 04
Tone Your Abs Step 04

Step 4. Choose standing abs exercises over supine exercises on the floor

If you have limited time to train, remember that standing exercises work your entire stomach, not just your upper muscles.

Tone Your Abs Step 05
Tone Your Abs Step 05

Step 5. Add weight to the crunch

When doing abs exercises on the floor, hold 2 to 5 kg of weight. Your body should try harder to keep your shoulders on the floor.

Tone Your Abs Step 06
Tone Your Abs Step 06

Step 6. Breathe properly

Inhale on the easy part, exhale on the heavy part. It will also keep your abs contracting.

Tone Your Abs Step 07
Tone Your Abs Step 07

Step 7. Lift your abs up

To build abs, you have to lift the inner and outer muscles of your stomach.

As you perform each exercise, imagine your abdominal muscles rising upwards. Check your abs once in a while and try to make your tummy look thinner when you do

Get Skinny Arms Step 04
Get Skinny Arms Step 04

Step 8. Warm up 5 minutes of cardio before practicing the abs

You need to loosen your lower back to minimize the stress. Back and abdominal muscles are closely related, and a good abs workout will strengthen your back as well.

Tone Your Abs Step 09
Tone Your Abs Step 09

Step 9. Keep the distance between your chin and chest

Don't look down all the time, or you'll strain your neck. Start with your abs, not your chin.

Tone Your Abs Step 10
Tone Your Abs Step 10

Step 10. Move slowly with each movement

Taking 2 to 5 seconds for each exercise will help you build your muscles. People mostly use a lot of momentum to complete abs exercises

Method 2 of 3: Best Abs Workout

Tone Your Abs Step 11
Tone Your Abs Step 11

Step 1. Do planks

Get into a push-up position, with your feet hip-width apart and your hands shoulder-width apart. Look slightly forward at the floor as you hold this position.

  • Set up a timer. Start by holding 15 seconds in 2 sets and resting between each set. Keep practicing until you can do 1 minute 2 sets. Don't hold your breath. Focus on controlled breathing as you do it.
  • The plank is one of the best abdominal exercises you can do, as it requires a lot of force on the stomach to stay still.
Tone Your Abs Step 12
Tone Your Abs Step 12

Step 2. Do a side plank

Do a push up position. Rotate your body until your body weight is held by your left hand and left foot.

Keep your form straight and hips up, just like when doing a plank. Hold 15 to 60 seconds. The side plank targets the obliques and abs very well

Tone Your Abs Step 13
Tone Your Abs Step 13

Step 3. Do squats

Hold light weights. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and sit like you would sit in a chair.

Make sure your knees don't move forward beyond your toes. Shut up and get back up. Squats work the pillar muscles such as the quads, hamstrings, buttocks, hips, back and abdominals

Tone Your Abs Step 14
Tone Your Abs Step 14

Step 4. Perform standing crunches

Do a squat position, with your hands behind your head and in a crunch position. Squats, and as you stand, bring your knees closer to your elbows.

Make sure your abs always feel tight when exercising. Keep your elbows next to your head and rotate them to approach your knees with your elbows. Your knees and elbows don't need to touch, but the main movement in this exercise comes from your stomach. Repeat 10 to 20 times

Tone Your Abs Step 15
Tone Your Abs Step 15

Step 5. Do bicycle crunches

Lie on the floor with your knees at 90 degrees up. Lift your abs until your shoulders don't touch the floor.

Keep your hands bent behind your head in a crunch position. Extend your right leg as you twist. Try to touch your right elbow with your left knee. Return to the starting position and extend your left leg as you rotate your left elbow to touch your right knee. Repeat 10 times on both sides

Tone Your Abs Step 16
Tone Your Abs Step 16

Step 6. Perform lower leg lifts

Position your hands behind your head as in a crunch position. Keep your legs straight, as if you were trying to walk on a ceiling.

Lower your legs as far as you can without straining your abs. Tighten your stomach to bring your legs back to their original position. When done correctly, this exercise works your transverse abdominis, the deep muscle that wraps around your stomach with your back. Repeat 12 to 20 times

Tone Your Abs Step 17
Tone Your Abs Step 17

Step 7. Try another variation of the exercise every 2 weeks

There are many variations on planks, squats, standing crunches and lower abdominal crunches that can build your muscles in different ways.

Tone Your Abs Step 18
Tone Your Abs Step 18

Step 8. Try a pilates class or a barre class

If you're bored with your abs workout and want to try new things, a Pilates class or barre class is a good way to find out. Since most of the exercises focus on the abs, these classes build abs quickly.

Method 3 of 3: Lifestyle Changes

Lose Love Handles Women Step 04
Lose Love Handles Women Step 04

Step 1. Do high intensity interval training

Cardio exercise 3 to 5 times per week for more than 30 minutes is very important to burn fat on your stomach. Your stomach will not look shaped without burning the fat that is in your body first.

Tone Your Abs Step 20
Tone Your Abs Step 20

Step 2. Do strength training 3 times a week

You will burn body fat faster if you do 30 minutes of exercise with free weights (barbells and dumbbells) or weight machines 3 times a week.

Make sure your abs are tightened during weight lifting sessions. In addition, strength training usually requires you to hold your stomach in a still position when you do it, so you'll build your abs even faster

Tone Your Abs Step 21
Tone Your Abs Step 21

Step 3. Take care of your food

Many trainers believe that “abs are made in the kitchen”. Make your meals with a combination of whole grains, and protein.

If you have a thick layer of fat between your abs and your outer skin, you may need to reduce the number of calories you eat plus exercise. Reduce your calories by 15 to 25 percent by 11 weeks. Then, go on a diet with the calories you need to maintain your new weight

Tone Your Abs Step 22
Tone Your Abs Step 22

Step 4. Get enough sleep

People who are sleep deprived usually have excess fat on their belly. This could be because your body is not resting and can't handle stress hormones.

Tone Your Abs Step 23
Tone Your Abs Step 23

Step 5. Reduce stress in your life

When you are stressed, your body releases hormones that make your body store fat in your belly.


Be aware that abdominal exercises can put pressure on your lower back. Stop exercising if there are signs of pain in your lower back. Focus on keeping your back strong. Take a pilates class to learn better ways to build your lower back muscles

What You Need

  • Warming up
  • standing abs workout
  • Free weights
  • Planks
  • Squats
  • Bicycle crunches
  • Pilates class
  • Cardio workout
  • Strength training
  • Sleep
  • Healthy diet
  • Stress reduction
