3 Ways to Be Indie

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3 Ways to Be Indie
3 Ways to Be Indie

Video: 3 Ways to Be Indie

Video: 3 Ways to Be Indie
Video: What's The Best Way To Save For A New Car? 2024, September

“Being indie” means dressing up by highlighting your uniqueness. Being indie also means an independent mind that keeps you from following what other people say, but making decisions based on your own guidelines. Indie is a culture and a way of thinking, not just what you wear or what bands you listen to. If you want to embrace an indie culture, here are some useful tips.


Method 1 of 3: Have Indie Traits

Be Indie Step 1
Be Indie Step 1

Step 1. Don't care what other people say

Why should you listen to what other people have to say? You only live once, so do the things you love. Wear clothes that show who you are, listen to music that expresses who you are, and never mind people who don't like you. They're just sad that they can't enjoy life like you do.

Be Indie Step 2
Be Indie Step 2

Step 2. Appreciate the new or the forgotten

This is what being indie means, i.e. liking and appreciating the forgotten things that should deserve attention. From small musicians trying to survive, to well-made (not well-funded) films. Indie culture is all about finding diamonds in the rough.

Be Indie Step 3
Be Indie Step 3

Step 3. Be independent

Like the indie film directors and musicians you admire, make sure you live in an independent way. Do what makes you happy and don't be afraid to deviate from the norm. Paint your hair in the color you like. Wear clothes that don't match because you like messy patterns. Take up a hobby that you think is weird because you don't think it should be considered weird.

Be Indie Step 4
Be Indie Step 4

Step 4. Don't have a casual relationship if you really don't want to

It's up to you if you want to be single, date whoever you want (regardless of what society thinks), have more than one boyfriend (as long as your partner agrees), and maintain your independence in your relationship.

Be Indie Step 5
Be Indie Step 5

Step 5. Express yourself

Express opinions, let your appearance reveal your personality, and do things that show who you are and what you believe. If it's very important to you that workers get fair treatment, volunteer at an organization that emphasizes workers' rights. If you don't like something that's happening in your country, protest so that what you say will be taken into account in the next election.

Method 2 of 3: Entering Indie Culture

Be Indie Step 6
Be Indie Step 6

Step 1. You must have good taste

In mainstream culture, people like things because other people like them, not because they are good. In indie culture, people really care about quality, which means you should do that too. Of course everyone has different tastes, but you have to evaluate every new thing and think about whether it is really good quality or not. Have high standards for music, food, clothing, and everything in your life (especially consumer products).

Be Indie Step 7
Be Indie Step 7

Step 2. Look for the eternal, not the temporary

Mainstream culture tends to be trendy and many things that are considered popular don't last long. Look for things that exist now and in the past, which have a timeless quality. This is the reason why indie music is heavily influenced by regional music and indie fashion is influenced by fashion from the 40s – 70s.

Be Indie Step 8
Be Indie Step 8

Step 3. Love indie music

After all, indie music stands for independent music. We're not going to give you a list of indie bands that you should listen to, because new bands with new types of music are always popping up. By asking you to listen to certain bands, we have denied the concept of indie. Being indie in music means being open to new things.

  • Do some research. Many online services such as Pandora and Grooveshark provide a place to write down musicians you like, and these online services will provide recommendations for new musicians for you to listen to. Do something new and listen to new bands!
  • Go to the nearest music store, if it's still available. Picking up recordings for hours on end is how the predecessors discovered their music and there's a lot to be said about it. If there are still music stores near you, become a regular customer.
  • Talk about music with your friends. The best way to find out which musicians you will like is to talk to people who like music. Being indie is about exchanging ideas and sharing new things. When you find a band you like, tell your friends.
  • Get involved with your local music life. No matter where you are, there's bound to be musicians in your area. It's at the heart of indie music, and also a great way to get involved in a community. If you can play an instrument, find someone to create a new genre! There's no better way to participate in indie music culture than making and playing indie music yourself.

  • Don't care if your taste is good or "quite indie". Listen to what you love, because in the indie world there is no list of favorite indie songs to tell you which songs are good and which are not.
Be Indie Step 9
Be Indie Step 9

Step 4. Have the mentality to do everything yourself

To be an indie, you must be able to create and learn new things.

  • Take the next step for your interests and hobbies. do you like to eat? Learn to cook! Do you like scarves and knitwear? Learn to knit! Have an interest in smartphones? Learn to make apps! There's a lot of information out there for you to learn on your own, with unlimited potential.
  • Don't be afraid to be creative. Indie labels have always been known for new music that pushes boundaries. Go beyond the limits for your creative thinking endeavors too.
  • Invite your friends to be mentally independent. You can complete your ambitious projects if there is help! Build a community or volunteer for things you care about. Being indie is also about doing something together. In your area, there are definitely many communities or organizations that you can join.
Be Indie Step 10
Be Indie Step 10

Step 5. Be open to new things

A new film from a new director, a new book (or an old forgotten book), new music, even a new look. You should always be open to new things, even to new philosophies and thoughts. Indie culture is talking about finding something to like, that has been neglected, forgotten, or never appreciated by others.

Method 3 of 3: Dress Indie

Be Indie Step 11
Be Indie Step 11

Step 1. Express yourself with your clothes

Think of yourself as a white canvas and your style as an art. What would you like to say to other people? Indie is all about voicing your opinion and being proud to say it.

  • Look for old style clothes that you like. Old pattern clothes are sometimes lost with time, but some old styles are well worth re-wearing.
  • Don't be afraid to wear clothes that you might think are a little crazy. Being indie is being yourself. If you think it will look good, then give it a try!
Be Indie Step 12
Be Indie Step 12

Step 2. Stay away from branded shops and clothing

Go to the nearest distro. You'll save a lot of money, help the earth by recycling, and find clothes you'll never see at the mall.

Be Indie Step 13
Be Indie Step 13

Step 3. Make your own accessory treasure

Jewelry, clocks, hats, scarves: they are all forms of expression. Look for accessories on your travels, but don't forget that you can make your own! Your accessories should look like they mean something to you.

Be Indie Step 14
Be Indie Step 14

Step 4. Appear naturally

Indie culture tends to focus on natural appearance. Cut down on makeup, wear organically shaped clothes (flowing tops or sleek bottoms), and make sure your hair is neatly styled but also looks like you just woke up or just got back from the beach.


  • Recycling. This method is more economical, good for nature, and will make you look cool. Change or give old clothes to other people, make crafts from discarded objects, and think of new ways to use unused items.
  • Idol of a principled indie, but you still have to be yourself. You can't be an indie if you ridicule indie people.
  • Be a skilled person. A lot of income can be earned selling indie crafts on websites like Craiglist or Etsy.
  • Raise public awareness about the things you care about.
  • Think about where you bought something and where it came from. Spend your money at a local company or at a company that carries on a business practice that you enjoy.
