You need a pregnant belly that is not too expensive and can be made quickly? Read this article, which is also useful if you want to look like you're pregnant.
Method 1 of 3: Using a Helmet

Step 1. Choose a helmet that can function as a big belly
Don't wear a helmet with a face mask that will make your stomach look lumpy and weird. A bicycle helmet is probably best used for this. Helmets come in a variety of shapes and forms which can work well as a fake maternity belly - but try different shapes, if you have a choice, to see which helmet you find convincing as a big belly.

Step 2. Attach adhesive tape to the top of the helmet to hide the rising part
You don't want your tummy to look lumpy, so be sure to apply as many layers of adhesive tape as needed to make the helmet look really smooth. When you're done, don't let any signs of soaring be visible.

Step 3. Fasten or remove any straps that are still hanging from the helmet
If you're not going to use the helmet for any other purpose, you can simply cut the straps with sharp scissors. But that can waste a good helmet. You can also tuck the strap into the helmet, then use a little bit of adhesive tape to attach it to the curved part, making sure the strap is tight and doesn't hang from the bottom of your fake pregnant belly.

Step 4. Put the helmet on your body part
There are a few different ways you can try to keep your helmet tight, and you can even try a combination of these ideas. You don't want your stomach to shift and fall!
- Wrap the elastic athletic bandage tightly around your helmet and back. Use as many layers of adhesive as needed to secure the helmet and make the rising part look smooth when your t-shirt is pulled over it.
- Secure the helmet with a small amount of adhesive tape from step 2.
- Cover the helmet with several layers of braid to secure it.

Step 5. Wear a t-shirt that supports the fake pregnant belly look
If your t-shirt is too tight, it may be obvious that your tummy is a bit odd. It is better to choose a shirt that is looser and flowing.
Method 2 of 3: Using Two Blankets

Step 1. Choose two blankets of medium thickness and size
The duvet should be the same size and weight as a sofa duvet - not as big as a bed sheet, not as thin as a bed sheet, and not as thick as a duvet or blanket. These two blankets will give your pregnant tummy a heap.
Avoid tufted sofa covers, as they will make your tummy look weird

Step 2. Fold the first blanket into a diamond shape
This will be the outer layer of the belly, and you'll use it to make the shape of the belly look smooth and add dimension.
- Lay the blanket flat on the floor or a wide surface such as a bed or kitchen counter.
- Fold the four corners towards the center carefully so that all the corners touch each other. Do you remember making origami fortune paper as a child? Imagine that you are working on the first fold stage with this blanket.
- The result will look like an unbalanced diamond or square, depending on the original shape of your quilt. Don't worry if the square isn't perfect - it doesn't matter.

Step 3. Form the second blanket into a ball as a bundle from your fake belly
The shape will not look like a perfect circle, but slightly wider, to more closely resemble the shape of a pregnancy. As you form the ball, make sure one side stays flat and smooth while the other side covers the edges. You need to turn the smooth side out so people don't notice that your belly is actually a blanket!

Step 4. Fold the first blanket over the second blanket
By combining the two blankets, you will add dimension to your tummy, but you need to make sure your tummy looks convincing. Do this step being careful that your tummy doesn't look like it will come off after a few minutes of wearing it.
- Place the second blanket in the middle of the first blanket.
- Grab the four outer corners of the first blanket (not the four corners that are touching each other in the middle) and fold them over the second blanket, slightly covering the perimeter.
- Secure all the ends with enough adhesive tape to secure all the ends so they don't fall off.

Step 5. Place the blanket on your body
You can follow the same basic method as attaching a helmet to your body in the previous method.
- Wrap the elastic athletic bandage several times tightly around the blanket and your back, in as many layers as you need to secure your tummy and make it look smooth.
- Secure the blanket with a small amount of adhesive tape.
- Cover the blanket with some tight knots to keep it together.

Step 6. Put on the fake tummy t-shirt, and you're done
While the blanket won't have the sharp ridges of a helmet, the belly can still look a little lumpy if you can't make it as smooth as you'd like, so it's probably best to wear a looser t-shirt.
Method 3 of 3: Using a Beach Ball

Step 1. Choose a beach ball that is the right size
Beach balls come in various sizes, so you need to have a ball that is neither too small nor too big. A “standard” beach ball size is probably best for this project.

Step 2. Pump the beach ball to about half its size
Fill air through the nozzle of the pump, making sure no air escapes, until about half to three-quarters of the ball is filled. You can adjust this to how big you want your belly to look.
If you want a big belly, feel free to fill the ball completely. It will look too big for a pregnancy size, but maybe that's the look you want to get with your costume

Step 3. Secure the beach ball to your body
Again, you can use athletic bandages, thongs, or tank tops to do this. Since a beach ball doesn't weigh as much as a helmet or two blankets, you don't have to go to great lengths to keep it tucked in - a tight thong or tank top will do.
Be sure to point the end of the air duct down. If it's forward or up, it will show through your shirt, and if it's towards your body, it will irritate your skin and start to hurt after a while

Step 4. Put on a loose t-shirt to cover the beach ball, and you're good to go
With this method, you may even be able to wear a tighter shirt. Try on a few different t-shirts and see which one works best with your fake belly.
- Pay attention to the way a pregnant woman walks, sits and bends.
- Rub your belly and smile. (Don't do this only while people are watching as it will be obvious that you are faking it).
- Be careful how you sit and bend down.
- Walk with heavy feet and keep your feet wide. When you sit down, spread your legs apart.
- If you're really trying to get someone to believe you're pregnant, print out an ultrasound from a website and visit a maternity and baby clothing store (Maybe she'll meet you there).
- Dab a little blush on your face (dark copper red). You may also need to add a little more to your arms as some people who become pregnant experience changes in their skin.
- For a little detail, add a belly button sticking out. This will make it look realistic.
- Keep your hands on your stomach.