3 Ways to Make Home Paint Tiner

3 Ways to Make Home Paint Tiner
3 Ways to Make Home Paint Tiner

Table of contents:


Traditional paint thinner may be too harsh, so you may want to look for a lighter option. If so, make a mixture of flaxseed and lemon to make a lighter paint thinner. If you need to thin the paint and don't have a thinner, try using acetone or mineral spirit instead, as long as the job is done in a well-ventilated area and following the right mix ratio. If you are dealing with acrylic or latex paint, you can also dilute the paint with water.


Method 1 of 3: Making Tiner for Oil Paints

Make Homemade Paint Thinner Step 1
Make Homemade Paint Thinner Step 1

Step 1. Prepare the materials needed

You will need lemon oil, linseed oil, and a bucket and mixing stick. You can buy it at a hardware store or paint store.


Step 2. Mix lemon and flaxseed oil

Combine 60 ml of lemon oil and a cup (237 ml) of flaxseed oil in a bucket, then stir gently with a stirring stick.


Step 3. Dilute the paint with a mixture of lemon and linseed oil

To do this, slowly add the lemon and flaxseed oil mixture while stirring with a stick. After adding half a cup (120 ml) of the lemon/flaxseed mixture, let the paint sit for a while.

Method 2 of 3: Diluting Oil Paints with Commercial Solvents

Make Homemade Paint Thinner Step 4
Make Homemade Paint Thinner Step 4

Step 1. Put on a mask, safety glasses and rubber gloves

Solvents used as paint thinners give off harsh and dangerous fumes. You need to wear safety gear to prevent irritation. Wear old clothes that can be stained with paint and thinner.

Make Homemade Paint Thinner Step 5
Make Homemade Paint Thinner Step 5

Step 2. Work in a well-ventilated area

The collection of vapors from solvents is very dangerous. Therefore, it is best to dilute the paint in a place with good airflow. If possible, work outdoors, or open all doors and windows if you have to work indoors.

You can increase airflow in a poorly ventilated room by turning on a fan in front of a door or window

Make Homemade Paint Thinner Step 6
Make Homemade Paint Thinner Step 6

Step 3. Select the solvent to be used

Acetone or mineral spirits are commonly used instead of traditional thinners, such as turpentine. Both of these materials can be used for oil-based paints. You can buy it at a paint, hardware, or home supply store.


Step 4. Measure the solvent to be used as a thinner

Mineral spirit or acetone must be used in the correct ratio to thin the paint. You must mix solvent with paint.

When the solvent is ready to use, mix half of it with the paint and mix well. After that, add the remaining solvent and stir again until evenly distributed

Method 3 of 3: Using Water to Thin Latex and Acrylic Paints

Make Homemade Paint Thinner Step 8
Make Homemade Paint Thinner Step 8

Step 1. Use a large bucket to dilute a large amount of paint

This method is done to obtain a more consistent quality. If you need several buckets of paint, try to keep the consistency of each batch as close as possible.


Step 2. Put the paint and water in the bucket and stir until evenly distributed

Use half a cup (118 ml) of room temperature water. Pour the paint into the bucket and continue with the water. Stir the mixture thoroughly using a stirring stick.


Step 3. Adjust the consistency of the paint as needed by adding a little water

If you want a thinner paint, keep adding water until you get the consistency you want. Otherwise, allow the paint to thicken slightly.
