Hindi (मानक) is the official language of India other than English, and is used as a unified language in the Indian subcontinent and by Indians abroad. Hindi has common roots with other Indo-Aryan languages such as Sanskrit, Urdu, and Punjabi, as well as Indo-Iranian and Indo-European which includes Tajik, Pashto, Serbian-Croatian, and English. By knowing the basics of Hindi, whether it's based on heredity, business or curiosity, you can communicate with the 1 billion Indians and their descendants around the world and immerse themselves in a rich language and culture.
Part 1 of 4: Learning the Hindi Alphabet

Step 1. Study the Dewanagari script
Dewanagari is the abugida alphabet of India and Nepal, and is the main alphabet used for writing in Hindi, Marathi, and Nepali. The Hindi alphabet is written from left to right, with no upper and lower case letters, and is marked with horizontal lines connecting the letters.
The schema of the Dewanagari alphabet can be seen here:

Step 2. Know the vowels in Hindi
There are 11 vowels in total, some of which use diacritical marks, or symbols added to letters to indicate different pronunciations. There are two forms of vowels. The first form to be used alone and the second form to combine consonants in one word.
a and aa
- does not change consonants. So, if you see a single consonant letter without the modified symbol, the resulting sound is a vowel.
- When is added to a consonant, it means that the symbol is added at the end of the consonant (for example, na becomes naa when added with).
i and ee
- When is added to a consonant, add the symbol to the left side of the consonant (before the consonant).
- When is added to a consonant, add the symbol to the right side of the consonant (after the consonant).
u and oo
- When is added to a consonant, add the symbol below the consonant.
- When is added to a consonant, add the symbol below the consonant.
e and ai
- When is added to a consonant, add the symbol above the consonant.
- When is added to a consonant, add the symbol above the consonant.
o and au
- When is added to a consonant, add the symbol to the right side of the consonant (after the consonant).
- When is added to a consonant, add the symbol to the right side of the consonant (after the consonant).
- When is added to a consonant, add the symbol below the consonant.
- This vowel is not commonly used and is found only in Hindi words of Sanskrit origin.
- For a detailed pronunciation guide, please access this page:

Step 3. Know the consonants in Hindi
Hindi has 33 consonants. The arrangement in the alphabet is based on the way you use your mouth and throat when pronouncing it. Since there are more consonants used in Hindi, some have no equivalent in our language. The "a" next to some consonants indicates that the letter was pronounced with an exhale (that is, pronounced firmly, like the p in "man" or "cheek").
- Velar consonants are pronounced using the back of the tongue or the roof of the mouth (e.g., k or j): k, k (a), g, g (a), n
- Palatal consonants are pronounced by placing the front of the tongue behind the gums. (for example, j in "finger"): ch, ch (a), j, j (a), n
- Retroflex consonants are pronounced by bending the tongue back and touching the roof of the mouth behind the gums (for example, the Javanese t-sound thuthuk): t, t (a), d, d (a), n
- Touch consonants (flap consonants) are pronounced by "touching" the tip of the tongue against the roof of the upper front teeth (for example, the use of t in the very subtle English word butter): d and d (a)
- Dental consonants pronounced by touching the tip of the tongue behind the front teeth (e.g., th in English thin): t, t (a), d, d (a), n
- Labial consonants pronounced by closing the upper and lower lips (for example, the b in "baby"): p, p (a), b, भ b (a), m
- Semi-vowel consonants or consonants that also have vowel characteristics (for example, w in "dwi"): y (as in "sure"), r, l, w or v
- A sibilant consonant pronounced by pushing air with the tip of the tongue and producing a hissing sound.: sh, sh, s
- Glottal consonants are pronounced using the glottis at the back of the throat, like the Arabic hamzah sound.: h

Step 4. Distinguish between voiced and voiceless consonants
There are two basic ways to pronounce Hindi consonants, voiced and muted. The explanations may seem a bit complicated, but once you start practicing, you'll be able to feel the difference.
- Voiced consonants are pronounced by vibrating the vocal cords. For example, z in "substance" and g in "girl".
- Voiceless consonants are pronounced without vibrating the vocal cords. For example, the s in "darling" and the k in "cat".

Step 5. Distinguish exhaled and non-exhaled consonants
Hindi consonants are also divided into two basic subcategories, namely blown and unblown. Sometimes, you will find voiceless exhaled consonants, voiceless exhaled consonants, and so on.
- Blow here means the expulsion of air through the mouth.
- To understand its application in Hindi, you must listen to recordings of Hindi speakers.

Step 6. Listen to the recorded Hindi alphabet recitation and try to imitate
The Hindi alphabet may seem foreign, especially if you're familiar with the Latin alphabet, but with practice, you'll be able to figure out how to pronounce it yourself. Please view the following video footage:
After listening to the recording a few times, turn it off, and try to imitate the pronunciation. Don't rush, learn slowly

Step 7. Learn how to write Hindi alphabet
Dewanagari might be easier to learn if you can see how it's written. There are several tutorials on the internet, but the most recommended is hindibhasha.com.
Part 2 of 4: Learning Hindi Grammar

Step 1. Know the nouns in Hindi
Nouns are used for objects, places, emotions, animals, and people. In Hindi, all nouns have a gender, either masculine (M) or feminine (F). Noun gender is very important in grammar and communication. So when learning Hindi nouns, you should also learn their gender so that you can use them properly.
- The general rule for determining the gender of nouns is that words ending in the vowel aa are usually masculine and words ending in the vowel ee are usually feminine. However, this rule also has many exceptions. So you still have to learn the gender of each noun through rote and practice.
- For example, the noun for boys is larkaa (M) and the noun for girls is larkee (F). So, the general rule applies here.
- On the other hand, nouns like banana kelaa (M) and table mez (F) or house ghar (M) are exceptions to the general rule.

Step 2. Recognize pronouns in Hindi
Simple pronouns like “he, I, we, they” are key to communicating in any language, including Hindi. Here are the pronouns in Hindi:
- First person singular is main: me
- The first person plural is ham: we
- Second person singular is too: you (familiar)
The second person plural is tum: you guys (informal), aap: you guys (formal)
- Note for informal and formal pronouns: use of pronouns is based on the level of politeness in conversation. Use the formal aap in a first meeting, speaking to an older person, or to show respect to the other person.
- Use the informal tum when chatting with close friends or relatives. Use too in very informal or intimate conversations, such as with a spouse or small child. Using too with strangers or people you don't know well is considered very rude.
- The third person singular is yah: he/she/this
The third person plural is vah: he/she/it
- There are differences in the pronunciation of words in everyday Hindi, namely is pronounced yeh and is pronounced voh. Use yeh when talking about someone or something close. So, if the person is standing next to you, use yeh.
- Use voh when talking about people or things that are far away. So, if the person is standing across the street, use voh.
- If unsure, use voh.
- The third person plural is ye: they/this (more than one close object)
The third person plural is ve: they/it (much more than one thing)
- ve is often pronounced as the singular form of voh. The rules for pronouncing third person pronouns remain the same, namely ye for people/things that are close (in terms of distance) and vo for people/things that are far away.
- Note that yeh or voh can mean either a male or a female denoting word. So, there is no gender difference in personal pronouns as there is in English. You must consider the context to determine whether it is a boy or a girl.

Step 3. Recognize Hindi verbs
Verbs describe actions, events, or circumstances. Learn Hindi verbs in the basic form first because in their use the verb is changed by removing the base form ending and adding suffixes (affixes behind). Basic Hindi verbs always end in naa.
Examples of basic Hindi verbs are honaa (to be), pahrnaa (to read or study), bolnaa (to speak), seekhnaa (to study), jaanaa (to go)

Step 4. Learn the basics of changing verbs
Like nouns, verbs must also be changed to reflect different grammatical categories such as number, gender, tense, and mood.
For example, the root word honaa (to be), in relation to the number changes to::
- main hoon: me
- ham hain: us
- too hai: you (familiar)
- tum ho: you (informal)
- aap hain: you (formal)
- yah hi: he/this
- voh hi: he/it
- ye hain: they/this (more than one
- ve hain: they/that (more than one)
There are three changes to gender in terms of time:
- For singular masculine subjects, remove the naa ending and add taa.
- For plural masculine subjects, remove the ending naa and add te.
- For singular or plural feminine subjects, remove the ending naa and add tee.
- Since there are many tenses in Hindi verbs, you will need to use a Hindi textbook or other reference material to learn about verb changes other than the present tense. A reference dictionary will be very helpful.

Step 5. Practice the conversation using longer phrases and sentences
Once you're familiar with nouns, pronouns, and verbs, you can learn the other elements.
Part 3 of 4: Practice Words and Phrases in Hindi

Step 1. Purchase a good Hindi-Indonesian (India-Indonesian) dictionary
Small pocket dictionaries are useful if you want to look up the meaning of a word or two, but it's a good idea to buy an academic dictionary if you're serious about formally learning Hindi.
You can also try an online Hindi dictionary

Step 2. Learn the names of the days
Start with a root word that helps you get used to combining vowels and consonants to create words or phrases. Focus on recognizing Hindi and Dewanagari words. The names of the days in Hindi are:
- Sunday, Hindi word: Raveevaa, Dewanagari: R
- Monday, Hindi word: somvaa, Dewanagari: R
- Tuesday, Hindi words: mangalvaa, Dewanagari: R
- Wednesday, Hindi words: budvaa, Dewanagari: R
- Thursday, Hindi word: guRoovaa, councilagari: Rगुरुवार
- Friday, Hindi word: shukRavaa, Dewanagari: R
- Saturday, Hindi words: shaneevaa, Dewanagari: R

Step 3. Learn the root words for time and place
After the names of the days, learn other Hindi words complete with their writing in the Dewanagari alphabet.
- Yesterday, Hindi words: kal, Dewanagari:
- Today, Hindi words: aaj, Dewanagari:
- Tomorrow, Hindi words: kal, Dewanagari:
- Afternoon, Hindi words: din, councilagari:
- Evening, Hindi word: Raat, councilagari:
- Sunday, Hindi words: haftaa, councilagari:
- Moon, Hindi words: maheenaa, councilagari:
- Year, Hindi words: aal, Dewanagari:
- Seconds, Hindi word: doosRaa
- Minute, Hindi words: mint, councilagari:
- Clock, Hindi words: gantaa, councilagari:
- Morning, Hindi word: saveRey, councilagari:
- Evening, Hindi word: shaam, script:
- Midday, Hindi words: dopeheR, councilagari:
- Midnight, Hindi word: aadeeRaat, councilagari:
- Now, Hindi words: ab, councilagari:
- Later, Hindi words: baad mey, councilagari:

Step 4. Try practicing using phrases or sentences with a speaking partner or recording device
One of the best ways to memorize the alphabet and prepare for basic grammar lessons is to converse in Hindi. Speech practice is the most important way to learn any language.
- Find a classmate in Hindi lessons or someone on an online language forum who wants to practice conversational Hindi. You can also use the basic phrase recording as a reference.
For starters, focus on the following phrases:
- Hi!, Hindi: Namastey!, councilagari:
- Good morning!, Hindi: Suprabhaat, Dewanagari:
- Good evening!, Hindi: Shubh sundhyaa, Dewanagari:
- Welcome! (greeting someone), Hindi: Aapka swaagat hi!, councilagari:
- How are you?, Hindi: Aap kaisey hain?, Dewanagari: ?
- I'm fine, thanks!, Hindi: Mein theek hoon, shukriya!, Dewanagari:
- you?, Hindi: Aur aap?, Dewanagari: ?
- Fine/Mediocre, Hindi: Accha/Theek-thaak, Dewanagari: / -ठाक
- Thank you (much)!, Hindi: Shukriyaa (Bahut dhanyavaad), Dewanagari: (बहुत)
- For reference, use this link to hear the pronunciation of the phrase and the details:
- Don't be afraid to speak even if you only know basic vocabulary and grammar. The sooner you start, the sooner you will understand the basics. To learn Hindi, you need practice and determination.
Part 4 of 4: Developing Knowledge

Step 1. Practice using online lessons
There are several universities that offer free online lessons. Look for audio and video lessons so you can hear the conversation and the story at the same time.
- For reference, North Carolina State University offers a series of 24 study videos that include instruction on the Arabic alphabet, vocabulary, grammar, and culture, as well as exercises and quizzes, with an introduction to English of course.
- Still in English, the University of Pennsylvania provides a series of 20 audio lessons covering the basics of Hindi grammar.

Step 2. Find a good textbook
Once you're familiar with basic vocabulary and grammar, you'll need an in-depth resource to learn more complex elements. If possible, look for textbooks that provide audio elements. Here's a good reference book, but with an English introduction:
- Books and courses that include Rupert Snell's Teach Yourself Hindi audio are highly recommended for beginners.
- Elementary Hindi by Richard Delacy and Sudha Joshi consists of a textbook and an exercise book with an audio CD.
- Sonia Taneja's Practice Makes Perfect Basic Hindi is a practice book to build on your current knowledge and practice concepts like word change.

Step 3. Read a lot of material in Hindi
Fortunately, There are many online resources available in Hindi, including newspapers, blogs and social media. In addition, there are works of Hindi literature dating back to AD 760, from many poets, philosophers and religious writers.
- The most popular Hindi newspaper in India is Dainik Jagaran. Other newspapers that are not less important are Hindustan, Dainik Bhaskar, and Rajasthan Patrika. In addition, there is also a BBC India website from the BBC.
- The Parikalpana Award is an annual award given to Indian blogs, much like the Bloggie Awards in English blogs.
- Like many other countries, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter are popular social media in India. By visiting Hindi-language social media pages, you will be able to access this language and popular culture topics.
- Among some of the foremost writers in Hindi literature are Chanda Bardai, author of Prathviraj Rasau (12th century); Kabir (14th century), religious writer; the poet Ganga Das (1823-1913); novelist Munshi Premchand (19th century); Dharmavir Bharati (20th century); and novelist Jainendra Kumar (20th century).
- You can also start with children's books as they are written very simply and usually include pictures. Visit Learning-Hindi.com for a collection of online children's books in Hindi.

Step 4. Watch Hindi movies
The Indian film industry is huge, known as “Bollywood”. Bollywood is the most prolific film industry in the world, releasing more than 1,000 films every year. Indians love to watch movies, as evidenced by 2.7 billion tickets sold annually, and that's far more than any other country. Thanks to online streaming services like Netflix and content providers like iTunes, you can watch a lot of Indian movies at home. Watch the film in the original language (without dubbing) with Indonesian subtitles to practice listening skills.
- Some of the notable films in Hindi cinema are Mughal-e-Azam (often the greatest Bollywood film in history), the comedy Golmaal, and the drama Kahaani.
- If you like superhero movies, India has one too. Some of them are Krrish and Ra. One.

Step 5. Attend an Indian cultural event
If you live on campus, there are usually various cultural events organized by international students. In addition, cities with high Indian populations also often host festivals and other cultural events, and this is your chance to make friends and learn about Indian culture. If there is an Indian or Hindu cultural center near you, check the calendar of events or contact the organizers.
If there are no cultural events near where you live, look online

Step 6. Find a friend who speaks Hindi
Since there are so many Indians in the world, chances are you know someone who can speak Hindi. They will love to be able to speak their native language, especially if they live far from their home country.
- Sites like meetup.com are a great way to meet groups of people interested in learning about Hindi and Indian culture. Currently, the meetup has 103 groups in 70 countries, but if you don't have one in your area, why not create your own?
- Try chatting with people in Indian restaurants or shops. You can not only practice, but also try and learn delicious Indian dishes.
- When learning any language, it's a good idea to immerse yourself in the culture. Attend Indian festivals, try to meet Indians, go to Indian restaurants, and try ordering food in Hindi. The more you practice in your daily life, the better your skills will be.
- Another way to learn everyday Hindi is to read labels, signs and children's books. Hindi and Sanskrit have rich literary traditions. So, if your understanding of Hindi is better, try reading poetry and short novels or books in Hindi.