Does the term Overnight Speed System (SKS) sound familiar to you? If so, chances are you are one of the many students who often procrastinate learning activities until the last second. For fans of the Overnight Race System (or for those of you whose academic burden is very high), sleeping late or even staying up all night to study and do assignments is nothing new. Even though it is very dangerous for your health, sometimes the situation really cannot be avoided. For that, you need to apply the right strategy so that your body remains energized and your brain is still able to work optimally; As a result, the learning process can take place more effectively. Want to know more detailed information? Read on for this article!
Part 1 of 3: Study Effective Overnight

Step 1. Determine the material that needs to be studied
If you decide to stay up late, chances are you already have a specific idea of how much material to study. Collect all the materials so that you can develop an effective study plan and be able to accommodate these materials.
- Review your syllabus and read all the instructions or information you need to know. Also check the notes given by your teacher to make sure you know all the important information before starting to develop a study plan.
- Make a list of all the material you need to study that night. Prioritize the items that matter by placing them at the top of your list; on the other hand, you can put less important or relevant materials at the end.

Step 2. Prepare various study equipment needed
Generally, notebooks and materials provided by the teacher are the most important materials and should be on your desk. Before studying, make sure you have everything ready nearby so that afterward you can concentrate more on studying.
Make sure you have prepared a notebook, theory book, and other necessary equipment such as blank paper, pens, computer or laptop, as well as various foods and drinks. As much as possible, don't distract yourself from studying with unnecessary activities (like going to the kitchen to grab a snack)

Step 3. Make a schedule
Remember, you only have a few hours to study; therefore, make sure beforehand that you have prepared an effective study schedule (and also make sure you are willing to apply it!). Setting up a schedule is a powerful way to keep your brain focused all night.
- Create extra study time for important materials. This time can also be used to study material that is still difficult for you to understand. In your schedule, try to 'put' that extra time before a study session or after a break so that your brain can absorb information more easily.
- Make your schedule as specific as possible and make sure you also always include regular breaks. For example, you could write, “20.00-21.00: read a History book from pages 60-100; 21.00-21.15: break, 21.15-22.15: fill in the History Worksheet, 22.15; 22.30: rest”.

Step 4. Choose the best learning method for you
Remember, everyone has a different style and way of learning. Understanding the study methods that work best for you will help you absorb the information and spend the night more effectively.
If you've stayed up late to study before, try to remember the most effective study situation at that time. For example, you may find it easier to study in a very quiet setting; if that's the case, try studying in the library or your bedroom. On the other hand, if you need your voice to focus, try studying at a nearby cafe which is open 24 hours

Step 5. Write down the things that are important
Make sure you always have a notebook and pen on your desk; help yourself to gather as much important information as possible while studying. Remember, taking notes manually is much more effective than typing it; especially because doing so will help your brain to absorb and understand the material better.
- Make sure you only note down important things with a short explanation (3-6 words is enough). Taking material notes is also effective in keeping your body awake and alert all night long.
- Reread your notes just before an exam or before submitting an assignment.

Step 6. Push yourself to learn
In order to be able to study the material effectively, make sure you set a strategy to follow the study schedule that has been made without feeling tired.
- Reread your schedule before you remind yourself of what needs to be accomplished.
- Divide all the material into small groups. For example, if you have to study 40 pages of material in an hour, try setting a goal to read 10 pages in 15 minutes. If you are working on a math assignment, determine that you must be able to solve 15 problems in 30 minutes. Of course there are times when you have to compromise on your own targets; but as much as possible, stick to the targets that have been set so that you can study the material as effectively as possible.

Step 7. Learn with others
If there are several people who are required to study similar material, try inviting them to form study groups. Sometimes, group learning and brainstorming with lots of people will actually help you stay awake and understand the material more effectively.
- Try to divide the material equally among all members of your study group. After that, have each person explain his or her part to the other members. Remember, everyone has different abilities and ways of learning; there are times when material you don't understand can be better understood by someone else. When your friends explain the part, don't hesitate to ask if there is an explanation that you don't understand.
- Be careful, group learning is often not effective because the people in it tend to gossip when they get tired. Therefore, make sure you always stick to your respective schedules and responsibilities when studying. Trust me, their presence is enough to keep you from studying all night long.

Step 8. Stop studying
After 8-10 hours of study, your body will definitely feel tired. Therefore, get rid of the material that you need to study and take advantage of the time you have to take a nap. Believe me, even if you only sleep for 90 minutes, your body will come back refreshed and alert when you wake up.
Part 2 of 3: Stay Up All Night

Step 1. Turn on the light in your room
Bright lights can stimulate your body to stay awake. Therefore, make sure you always study with the light on so you don't get sleepy and it's easier to concentrate on the material being studied.
- Study in a bright place. If you study indoors, make sure your room lights are on (if necessary, try replacing them with brighter lights).
- Try buying a small study lamp to illuminate the material you are studying. This method will also help stimulate your brain to stay focused and awake.

Step 2. Avoid distractions
Temptations when staying up late generally come from cellphones or social media. Be careful, this kind of distraction can really reduce the quality and focus of your study, you know!
- If possible, turn off your phone or tablet. If that's not possible, try setting your phone on silent mode so you're not constantly tempted to check notifications that appear.
- Tell your friends and relatives that you have to study so they should only contact you in an emergency.

Step 3. Chew gum or suck on menthol gum
Keeping your mouth busy by chewing or sucking on something can help you stay awake. In addition, chewing gum or other types of candy can also improve your mood and alertness.
- Chew your favorite gum so you can stay up all night!
- Try putting a bottle of peppermint-scented aromatherapy oil near you while studying; its powerful aroma stimulates the brain and improves your memory!

Step 4. Draw
If your concentration is feeling low, try drawing or making random doodles on a piece of paper. Doing something creative like drawing or playing with clay can keep your body relaxed and alert.
Make sure you don't do it for more than 10 minutes. If you still haven't relaxed after 10 minutes, try playing something with your hands (or holding a small ball) while you study. This method is sure to calm you down and improve your focus

Step 5. Eat a healthy snack
Studying all night will completely drain your energy; therefore, make sure you eat healthy snacks to increase alertness and help relax your body. Choose a light, protein-rich snack such as a slice of cheese, fresh fruit, granola, or a pretzel. If you want a more 'heavy' but still healthy snack, try eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
While snacking, make sure you also consume a glass of water to keep your body hydrated

Step 6. Take time to rest
Concentrating too much can make your brain tired and you lose focus. Therefore, make sure you always take the time to rest for 10-15 minutes, at least after studying for 1-1, 5 hours. Take this opportunity to restore your energy and focus!
- Take a walk around your study, or do some light yoga stretches and moves. Believe me, any simple activity can bring blood and oxygen back to your brain, relax your body, and help you refocus.
- If necessary, take your time off to go to the toilet.
- Don't study without a break! Trust me, doing so will exhaust your body, worsen your mood, and significantly reduce your study effectiveness.
Part 3 of 3: Making Yourself Comfortable while Studying

Step 1. Pay for your lack of sleep in advance
Most likely, your decision to stay up late won't come suddenly, will it? Therefore, try to anticipate it by slightly changing your sleep pattern the night before (or a few days before) so that your body is better prepared when it's time to stay up late. But remember, doing it too often will actually mess with your stamina and body's ability to learn effectively.
On the day before you stay up late, go to bed earlier or wake up later. There's no need to change your sleep schedule significantly; enough to go to bed 1-2 hours earlier (or wake up 1-2 hours later) so that your body receives the signal that you are going to stay up late and is able to store 'energy reserves' that can be used the next day

Step 2. Take a nap
If on the previous day you have not prepared your body for staying up late, make sure you take a nap before staying up all night. This method is also known as a "prophylactic nap" or an action taken to anticipate the possibility of staying up late or not getting enough sleep afterward. In addition to increasing your alertness at night, napping is also effective in improving brain performance, creativity, mood, and memory.
- For optimal body performance, sleep between the hours of 1-3 noon for 90 minutes. If you decide to close your eyes for a while at night, taking a nap between the hours of 1-3 in the morning can also help improve your body and brain performance. By applying this method, sleeping for 90 minutes will be as effective as sleeping for three hours, you know!
- Be careful, the nap effect will only last for 8-10 hours. Therefore, it's a good idea to close your eyes for a moment before staying up late so that your body stores enough energy afterwards.

Step 3. Eat light, healthy meals, and keep yourself hydrated
Don't stay up late if your body doesn't have enough 'fuel'! Therefore, make sure you are diligent in consuming water which is useful for increasing alertness and keeping your body hydrated. Also make sure you also eat light and healthy foods so that your body feels energized but not full; Be careful, feeling too full will actually make your body even more lazy to move!
- Throughout the day (until you decide to sleep), make sure you drink at least 1 glass of water (250 ml.) every hour. Be careful, dehydration can reduce your alertness, make you tired, and cause dizziness that makes it difficult for you to learn the material effectively.
- Of course you can have coffee or tea; But remember, the caffeine content in coffee or tea won't necessarily keep you awake longer. In fact, if you consume too much caffeine or energy drinks, your body will constantly feel restless and as a result, you will not be able to study effectively.
- Avoid alcohol on the day you will stay up late; Alcohol can make you sleepy more quickly and have trouble concentrating.
- Don't eat too much if you plan on staying up late. Heavy meals can reduce blood flow to the brain and risk disrupting your digestive process. Instead, try eating healthy snacks such as soup or lettuce that contains animal protein such as chicken. This kind of snack will keep you energized and up all night.
- Don't eat too much sugar; Remember, sugar can reduce alertness as well as negatively affect your mood. Instead of consuming sugar, try going for a 10-minute walk; This method will make you more energized and relaxed while increasing your alertness.

Step 4. Wear comfortable clothes
Trust me, the combination of studying, staying up late, and clothes made from uncomfortable materials will really torture you! Therefore, wear clothes that will allow you to move freely throughout the night.
- Choose the right shirt and pants. For example, tight jeans are prone to make your legs tingle or even cramp; therefore, you should use sports pants or yoga pants that are made from more comfortable and flexible materials. Try wearing several layers of clothes to make it easier for your body to adjust to the temperature of your study room. For example, try wearing light T-shirts, sweaters, and light scarves. If the temperature in your study is very cold, wear all three. But if the temperature starts to warm up, you can take off your sweater and/or scarf.
- Wear comfortable footwear. Sitting too long can make your feet swell; As a result, the shoes that are attached to your feet no longer feel comfortable to wear. Therefore, make sure you wear comfortable footwear such as flip-flops, running shoes, or flat-soled shoes.

Step 5. Choose the right sitting posture
Sit as straight as possible to keep your body energized and awake; In addition, the correct sitting position will reduce the potential for neck and shoulder pain. Trust me, maintaining good posture helps you stay productive all night long.
- Make sure your chair has a backrest; Remember, your body needs support in order to sit up straight. Also, make sure your feet are on the ground to help maintain your posture when sitting.
- Keep your head in an upright position. Pull in your abdominal muscles, straighten your back, and push your shoulders back. All of these movements will help your body to receive oxygen; As a result, you will be more easily awake and not sleepy afterwards. As much as possible, do not sit in a slumped position or head down on a table; guaranteed you will definitely sleepy quickly!

Step 6. Stretch your leg muscles
Every hour, get out of bed or in your chair and do some light stretching. Apart from giving your body time to rest, stretching will also circulate blood throughout your body and keep you awake.
- Try a variety of stretching patterns, such as pushing your feet forward, tightening and stretching your toes, and twisting your ankles and hands.
- Make sure your stretches don't bother anyone around you.