The “perfect couple” are two people who learn to accept each other's differences and work together to create something special every day. A beautiful relationship requires effort and care to survive and thrive so that both parties are always happy. The happiest and healthiest relationships also require hard work and commitment, but the benefits of lasting love make it all worth the effort!
Part 1 of 2: Be the Best Couple

Step 1. Earn your partner's trust and keep it
For your partner to feel like they can depend on you, you need to be reliable and trustworthy. You have to show that you always keep your word and can be a reliable partner for him. Being trustworthy and dependable are two of the best ways to show that you are committed to the relationship and are serious about it. Some tips to earn your partner's trust are:
- Always keep what you say. When you say you will do something, do it.
- Keep your promises to him, and also keep your promises to other people to show your partner that you always keep your word to everyone in your life.
- Don't lie or exaggerate the truth. He needs to believe what you say and what you do.

Step 2. Tell everything to each other
Talking about things that you usually keep to yourself is one way to strengthen relationships. Sharing a secret, like your biggest fear, will show that you trust him or her. Opening up also helps promote open communication between you and your partner, and that's very important. This may mean you're discussing something your partner doesn't want to hear, however, honesty and openness will help build trust and emotional closeness in the relationship, which will go a long way in keeping the relationship going for a long time.

Step 3. Be open to compromise
Differences of opinion always exist in relationships, even the most beautiful ones, and they must be resolved maturely. Don't have a "win" and "lose" mentality, instead try to find a middle point. Also, be aware that our needs change over time, so both of you should be able to compromise on anything along the way. Here are some tips that can help:
- Always listen attentively to what your partner has to say before answering.
- When listening to your partner, don't just listen to answer, but listen to understand.
- Don't be judgmental, and try to always see things from your partner's point of view.

Step 4. Practice patience and forgiveness
When you say “I'm sorry” or “I forgive you”, you have to mean it. Sincerity, especially in apologies, is essential in a healthy relationship. There will be times when the two of you will fight, and here patience will help you survive a difficult situation, and forgiveness will help you both get through it. Patience and forgiveness are the two most powerful forms of support.
- Try to realize that the emotions your partner is feeling are as real to him as they are to your disturbed feelings.
- Communicate with your partner using “I” statements, such as “I'm trying to be patient, but I'm frustrated because…”
- Discuss the upsetting situation with your partner, and try to identify what exactly is triggering your impatience. If you can, avoid these situations when you're with your partner. If it's unavoidable, be prepared to be patient and try to stay calm.

Step 5. Enjoy time apart
When love is hot, it's natural for you to always want to be alone, however, spending time apart is also an important component of a happy relationship. Develop and pursue different interests and activities so you can both enjoy some alone time. Try taking painting lessons or joining an amateur sports league. Having different interests will help you develop as an individual and provide an experience you can share with your partner when you meet again. Plus, feeling homesick when you're apart can help remind her that she's really important to you.

Step 6. Encourage your partner
You know he's great, but as the relationship progresses, that recognition can sometimes be masked by work, responsibilities, and life. The most successful lovers in a relationship always try to encourage each other and celebrate every achievement. Talk about your hopes and dreams, and help your partner achieve their goals by encouraging and supporting them. Some tips to help cheer up your partner are:
- Help her prepare for a job interview by printing out her CV and pasting a “good luck” message in her portfolio.
- When he reaches a goal, even a small one, acknowledge it and celebrate it with dinner, a greeting card, or a big hug when he gets home.
- Find some courses he can take or seminars he can attend to help bring him closer to his goals.

Step 7. Respect each other
It's important to remember that even if you think your partner or your relationship is perfect, it's not. No one is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes. Respecting your partner means acknowledging him or her as irreplaceable and always communicating during the most difficult times.
- Never raise your voice to each other or insult your partner with harsh words.
- Never try to manipulate your partner or use their secrets to your advantage.
- Never betray his trust.
- Always remember what you value in your partner, and never underestimate him.
Part 2 of 2: Keeping Love

Step 1. Cultivate an ongoing relationship
Long-term relationships are bound to have their ups and downs, and a healthy relationship takes a lot of effort. As relationships go from new and exciting to established and closer, partners must still feel special, valued, and loved. You should try to actively cultivate the relationship, and resolve any issues that arise, don't just ignore them or expect them to resolve on their own. The key is communication!
- Enjoy being with your partner, and actively listen to what he or she has to say.
- Try to always be open and honest with your partner, and immediately discuss the problems you have with him
- Avoid communicating when you feel emotions are high. It's best to have the discussion when you are calm and emotionally neutral.
- Tell your partner often that you appreciate him, let him know that you never underestimate what he means.

Step 2. Show affection
You should always show how much you love your partner through your actions and words. Romance is very reassuring and entertaining, and it also helps maintain a physical connection between each other. However, intimacy is not just a physical touch such as a hug or a kiss, but also any gesture that lets your partner know and feel that he or she is loved. As an example:
- Do something you know your partner will appreciate. For example, folding freshly washed clothes because you know she doesn't like doing it, or baking her favorite cake.
- Give affectionate treatment outside the normal routine. If you always kiss him before you leave, try giving him a tight hug first. Or, if you usually sit huddled together on the couch while watching TV, get into a position that allows you to massage his legs.
- Do something unexpected. As you walk holding hands, try turning your body once, then keep walking without letting go of your hand. It's an unexpected move but not too eccentric, and one he's sure to love.

Step 3. Make time for each other
Life is busy and responsibilities are sometimes too tiring. However, try to relax and enjoy being with your partner. Sometimes in relationships, comfort and routine trumps quality time. Start dating again and do something special at least once a month. Dating can be planned together and will be an event to look forward to, as well as keep the spark of love. You could also try reading the same book and discussing it, or watching a cuddle TV show that the two of you can enjoy every week at the same time.

Step 4. Have fun and laugh together
Eternal love does not always have to be serious long time. Make sure you are always happy, both at the beginning of the relationship and after a long marriage. Laughter is very entertaining because it can release stress and strengthen closeness. Teasing each other within reasonable limits can also strengthen relationships and make love last. Keep trying new things and getting out of your comfort zone together. Save up for an adventure you've never been to, or plan a city getaway on your own and explore the great outdoors in a neighboring town.

Step 5. Discuss dreams often
A healthy relationship means facing the world hand in hand with a partner. This means that you have to help each other to become better human beings and work towards your goals. In order to provide the best possible support and support each other's interests, talk about your expectations frequently. This discussion will strengthen the intimacy and bring you both closer, and also help make dreams come true together.
- Talk about your childhood and share your hopes for the family you want in the future.
- Tell me about your dream job, such as your dream of owning your own restaurant.
- Say that you dream of going on vacation to Europe, and make plans to save up so you can go together.