Want to eat delicious steaks on a limited budget? One option that is worth trying is the beef ham, which, apart from being cheap, is also known to be quite tough and lacks flavor. Fortunately, there are several ways you can enhance the flavor of the meat in this section, such as grilling it for a delicious plate of steak. However, of course, the preparatory steps that need to be done are far more than when you are grilling expensive cuts of meat. For example, meat needs to be tenderized and seasoned first, before roasting at a low temperature, so that the texture and taste are not inferior to expensive cuts of meat!
Will yield:about 100 grams of steak
- Salt
- Pepper
- Olive oil
- rosemary leaves
- Thyme leaves
- Oregano
- Onion Powder
- Garlic
- Pickled onions
- Slices of red onion
- A sprig of fresh herbs as a garnish
Part 1 of 3: Preparing the Meat

Step 1. Remove the fat that has accumulated on the edges of the meat, along with the thin white layer that has stuck to the surface of the meat
Removing both is effective in making the meat cook more evenly, while leaving no tough parts to chew. To do this, simply slide a small, very sharp knife behind the fat and white layer you want to remove, then move the blade horizontally to scrape off the layer. Be careful when doing this so that no part of the meat is wasted!
In fact, the more lines of intramuscular fat that are spread over the entire surface of the meat (marbling), the softer the texture of the meat after it is cooked. Therefore, remove the layer of fat that has built up on the edges and surface of the meat, but don't bother to gouge out the streaks of fat that are inside the meat. Don't worry, it's the fat lines that will melt during the roasting process, and make the meat texture soft when eaten

Step 2. Tenderize the meat to make it easier to chew when cooked
Since beef hams are a tough piece of meat, try tenderizing them to make it easier to chew when cooked. The trick, just lightly hit the meat with a special hammer to soften the meat until the meat fibers are crushed, but not scattered. Ideally, the meat should be tenderized until it reaches a thickness of about 1.3 cm.
This method is not mandatory, but it can make the steak taste more delicious when cooked

Step 3. Season the meat
In fact, there are many ways that can be used to enrich the taste of beef hamstrings. One of the simplest and most commonly used methods is to sprinkle each side of the meat with a pinch of kosher salt. Other seasoning options that are no less delicious are:
- To make the meat taste even more delicious, try mixing equal amounts of dried oregano and onion powder, then adding a pinch of salt and a clove of minced garlic to it. Basically, the amount of seasoning you use will depend on the amount of meat you're roasting, and the intensity of flavor you want. To find the most appropriate measure and mix of spices, don't hesitate to experiment, OK!
- Combine 60 ml of olive oil, a pinch of salt, a sprig of fresh rosemary, a sprig of fresh thyme, and 1 clove of garlic that has been halved in a plastic bag. This mixture will later become the marinade solution.

Step 4. Rest the meat in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour
Once seasoned, place the meat in a plastic clip bag, then remove as much air as possible from the bag. If you wish, the meat can also be packaged in vacuumed plastic, or wrapped in plastic wrap. Then, place the steak in the refrigerator and let it rest for at least 1 hour.
Although it really depends on the spices or marinade used, basically the meat can be left overnight in the refrigerator to enrich the taste. This method is best applied to meat that has been coated with a dry seasoning mixture
Part 2 of 3: Cooking Steak

Step 1. Set the grill to two temperature levels
In other words, make sure there is a warm side of the grill, as well as a cold side of the grill. If using a charcoal grill, move the entire portion of charcoal to one side of the grill. If using an electric grill, simply light one of the wicks over medium heat, and the part of the grill that isn't directly above the wick may be considered a cooler area. Once set on two temperature levels, warm up the grill completely, about 5-10 minutes.

Step 2. Remove the marinade residue from the surface of the meat
In particular, remove any large pieces of marinade, such as chopped garlic or herb stalks, from the surface of the steak that will be grilling. Be careful, the marinade that goes into the roast is very prone to scorching and can make the steak taste bitter when cooked. Therefore, remove any pieces of herbs or vegetables from the surface of the meat, and drain any excess liquid on the meat before grilling.
Do not apply the same marinade to the surface of the meat being grilled

Step 3. Bake each side of the meat for 60-90 minutes over high heat
Place the meat on a hot grill area, then roast each side for 60-90 seconds. After that, flip the meat with tongs, then roast the other side at the same time. Repeat the process until a crisp, brownish layer forms all over the surface of the meat.

Step 4. Transfer the steaks to a cool area of the grill to cook the insides
Once the surface of the meat is crisp and browned, immediately transfer it to a cooler area of the grill to cook the inside. Although it really depends on the thickness of the meat, this process will generally take 5-10 minutes. Check the condition of the meat periodically to make sure the steak doesn't end up burning or overcooking.
Flip the steak halfway through the roasting time, especially when the internal temperature has reached 37°C

Step 5. Bake the meat until the internal temperature reaches 49°C
Because the texture of the beef hamstrings is quite tough, you should not roast it with a level of maturity that exceeds "medium rare" so that the meat is easy to chew when cooked. If possible, use a kitchen thermometer to make sure the internal temperature of the meat is within 49-51°C before removing it from the grill.
- In fact, the ideal internal temperature of the meat is 54° C. However, since the steak will continue to cook while it is resting, it is best to remove the meat from the grill before the ideal temperature is reached.
- If you prefer a “medium” done steak, try grilling the meat until it reaches an internal temperature of 60°C. This temperature will produce meat with a maturity level of "medium" to "medium well". If you prefer a "well done" steak, feel free to grill the meat until it reaches an internal temperature of 70°C), but be aware that the texture of the meat may be tough or tough when chewed.

Step 6. Remove the steak from the grill and rest for 10 minutes
Once the steaks have reached the right temperature, immediately transfer them to a cutting board. Then, rest the steak for 7-10 minutes. To keep the temperature warm, cover the surface of the steak with aluminum foil while resting.
Part 3 of 3: Cutting and Serving the Steak

Step 1. Cut the steak into thin strips across the fibers
Observe the direction of the muscle fibers in the meat, then cut the meat across the fibers. Make sure the pieces of meat are not too thick so that the texture feels soft when eaten.
- That is, if the grain direction of the meat is from left to right, the meat must be cut vertically, that is, from top to bottom.
- The technique of transverse fiber cutting aims to shorten the meat fiber. As a result, the meat will not feel too tough when chewed.

Step 2. Serve the steak with various accompaniments and/or sauces
Once cut, the steak is ready to be placed on a serving plate. Basically, steaks can be served without any additions, or with a variety of your favorite sauces and/or fresh vegetables to complement. For example, steaks can be served with grilled or pickled onions and peppers, as well as chopped onions and herbs. In addition, steaks can also be served with various types of sauces, such as:
- Chimichurri
- Salsa sauce with mango mix
- Butter taste
- Wine fermentation reduction

Step 3. Serve the steak while it's warm
Do not let the meat sit for too long so that the texture and taste do not change. Instead, serve the steak immediately after resting to maximize serving and deliciousness.