3 Ways to Tighten Your Stomach

3 Ways to Tighten Your Stomach
3 Ways to Tighten Your Stomach

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Many people want to have a flat stomach. If you are one of them, try to tone your abdominal muscles by exercising regularly and following a diet. However, you can't lose fat only in the abdominal area because when burning calories takes place, body fat is used evenly. By following a diet, exercising, and changing your lifestyle, a flat stomach will be yours.


Method 1 of 3: Changing Your Diet

Tighten Your Stomach Step 1
Tighten Your Stomach Step 1

Step 1. Calculate your daily calorie needs so you can lose weight

Everyone's calorie needs are different depending on weight, daily activity level, and metabolic processes. To lose weight, consume fewer calories than you need to maintain your weight. After getting the number, subtract 250-500. The result is the number of daily calories needed to lose weight.

  • For example, if you are underweight and have a low daily activity level, multiply your weight by 16 to calculate the number of calories needed to maintain your weight. If the daily activity level is moderate, multiply by 18. If the daily activity level is high, multiply by 22.
  • If your weight is normal, multiply your weight by 14, 16, and 18 for low, medium, and high daily activity levels, respectively. If your weight is above normal, multiply your weight by 11, 14, and 16.
  • Low activity levels mean rarely, if not never, exercise. Moderate activity levels mean aerobic exercise 3 times a week 30-60 minutes per training session. High activity levels mean aerobic exercise at least 3 times a week for more than 1 hour per training session.
Tighten Your Stomach Step 2
Tighten Your Stomach Step 2

Step 2. Don't eat sugar

Sugary foods and drinks, including drinks that seem healthy, cause fat to accumulate in the abdominal area. For example, many people think that fruit juice is good for health, but like soda, it contains a lot of sugar. In addition, you do not get fiber that is beneficial to the body because the flesh of the fruit is not eaten. If you want to enjoy a sweet meal, eat a piece of fruit flesh.

Tighten Your Stomach Step 3
Tighten Your Stomach Step 3

Step 3. Eat vegetables as the first menu at mealtime

Vegetables are the healthiest foodstuffs on your plate. If you eat vegetables when you start eating, the fiber in vegetables makes you feel full quickly, making you less in the mood to eat other dishes.

Tighten Your Stomach Step 4
Tighten Your Stomach Step 4

Step 4. Make sure that most of the food is plant-based

It's easier to reduce your daily calorie intake if you focus on plant-based foods, such as vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. The fat content of these foods is lower than other foods so you feel full without excess calorie intake.

Tighten Your Stomach Step 5
Tighten Your Stomach Step 5

Step 5. Know how big a serving of meat is

If you eat meat, limit it to 100 grams or as big as a card box. In addition, choose lean meats, such as chicken breast (skinless) and fish.

Tighten Your Stomach Step 6
Tighten Your Stomach Step 6

Step 6. Choose low-fat dairy products

If you eat dairy products, choose products that are low in fat, such as low-fat milk, low-fat yogurt, and low-fat cheese.

Method 2 of 3: Exercise to Reduce Body Fat

Tighten Your Stomach Step 7
Tighten Your Stomach Step 7

Step 1. Work all muscle groups

Even if you want to focus your workout on your abs, make sure you work all muscle groups so that you lose fat evenly, including belly fat. This step is also useful for strengthening the abdominal muscles.

For example, swimming, running, or walking are beneficial for overall muscle training

Tighten Your Stomach Step 8
Tighten Your Stomach Step 8

Step 2. Join a sports team

Find out about a sports team in your city or at work, such as a basketball or football team. Joining a team to exercise makes you train regularly even if you just want to have fun.

Tighten Your Stomach Step 9
Tighten Your Stomach Step 9

Step 3. Schedule abdominal exercises in your workout routine

Crunches and sit-ups to train the abdominal muscles are useful for nourishing the body, but do not tighten the abdominal muscles because these movements enlarge the muscles being trained and reduce body fat evenly. While crunches and sit ups can be very beneficial, don't rely solely on these exercises for a flat stomach.

You only need to practice aerobics regularly if your main goal is to lose belly fat. Time to practice aerobics at least 150 minutes a week. If you want to work your abs, take 10-20 minutes to do aerobics during your regular workout

Tighten Your Stomach Step 10
Tighten Your Stomach Step 10

Step 4. Overcome boredom with exercise

Many people relieve boredom by eating. Instead of looking for a snack, you better walk. The way to reduce body fat is to exercise, not eat.

Method 3 of 3: Changing Your Lifestyle

Tighten Your Stomach Step 11
Tighten Your Stomach Step 11

Step 1. Move the limbs

Maybe your mother often reminds you to stay calm, but movement of the limbs is beneficial for maintaining health. When moving, you still burn calories consumed throughout the day, although not as much as during exercise.

Tighten Your Stomach Step 12
Tighten Your Stomach Step 12

Step 2. Perform physical movement while doing daily activities

Even if you work sitting down, do things that keep you moving throughout the day, such as parking some distance from the entrance or using the stairs instead of the elevator.

  • Take the time off after lunch for a walk.
  • Suggest to your boss that you can work standing up using a slightly higher desk so you can move around more, instead of sitting all day.
Tighten Your Stomach Step 13
Tighten Your Stomach Step 13

Step 3. Put on the corset

If you just want to make your stomach look flat, wear a corset to flatten your stomach. However, the corset cannot tighten the abdominal muscles forever.

  • Wear loose-fitting tops, especially in the belly area.
  • Wear trousers or skirts with the right model. High-waisted pants are useful to support the stomach so it looks flat.
  • Choose dark clothes with unobtrusive motifs, such as balls or vertical stripes. Instead of hiding your tummy, brightly colored clothes with flashy prints will make other people notice your tummy.
Tighten Your Stomach Step 14
Tighten Your Stomach Step 14

Step 4. Accept your body as it is

Because genetic factors affect body shape, not everyone can have a flat stomach. Appreciate your body by being grateful for all the physical activities you can do, such as breathing, going to work, and enjoying the warm sun.


If the skin becomes loose after you have had weight loss surgery, the exercises in this article will not tighten the abdominal skin. Find out the best way to get rid of or reduce sagging skin apart from tightening your tummy with exercise
